Maher goes from being a Lefty to Cons new Hero with one video

They also have many prostitutes and trannys

You are an idiot.

Oh I see you refuse to condem Rush.

do you think he was after trannys?

I will not either, because I dont give a fuck if the left is offended. It is more then time they deal with what they dish out, and I have no problem promoting that either douche.

only your side matters huh?

divide and concur is your plan for this country .

Party over country from you turds everytime
Go get one lie of mine on this site.

they have been pointed out to you over and over... you simply deny them.

you're a waste of skin here.


you cant find one so you just lie about it

here's a whole thread where you continuously lied and said there were bombs, when there were homemade fireworks.
bombings in eight cities in iraq 45 killed and cnn didn't report it in the headlines.
they didn't cover the paul ryan budget.

but they covered michelle obama on letterman... no discussion of anyones 14 year old daughters being knocked up.... for laughs...

think bill maher the default spokesman for the democrat party is happy ??
Oh I see you refuse to condem Rush.

do you think he was after trannys?

I will not either, because I dont give a fuck if the left is offended. It is more then time they deal with what they dish out, and I have no problem promoting that either douche.

only your side matters huh?

divide and concur is your plan for this country .

Party over country from you turds everytime

Only my side, you dont know my side.

I side with liberty, even if you dont have the comprehension to understand the term liberty.

The repubs will get theres when it is time.

I learned as a boy, you attack the biggest threat first, and that would be democrats.
Oh I see you refuse to condem Rush.

do you think he was after trannys?

I will not either, because I dont give a fuck if the left is offended. It is more then time they deal with what they dish out, and I have no problem promoting that either douche.

only your side matters huh?

divide and concur is your plan for this country .

Party over country from you turds everytime

i like that.... divide and concur..... new obama bumper sticker slogan ??

cause i don't think hope and change will work again... and i agree..... fuck the left, they're looking for civil war.
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and i agree..... fuck the left, they're looking for civil war.

i like that.... divide and concur..... new obama bumper sticker slogan ??

cause i don't think hope and change will work again...


She won't grasp it though...

I can see Dear Leader now "We concur that we must be divided.."
Go get one lie of mine on this site.

they have been pointed out to you over and over... you simply deny them.

you're a waste of skin here.


you cant find one so you just lie about it

and of course you leaved the thread as soon as I post proof of your lies.
Go get one lie of mine
How about every other post you make. Of course you will never admit to them because you are a pathological liar .. You say them over and over again so you start to believe your own lies

You cant prove what you claimed about yourself saying you condemed Rush.

You also can not provide proof of me lying either

you infer and use alinsky bullshit like the rush almost allegation in the square above.

i'd say half truth is a better description for what you do... the picture of the dog fools everyone at first... people should go back and read your posts...
I don't have unfunny comedians as heroes.


Maher is no comedian, he's a leftist pundit. On his best day he isn't 1/100th as funny as Limbaugh.
No comedian? Good -- because he's REALLY not funny.

Bill Maher is just as big of a fungus as any of the "entertainers" on the right.

With any of them, their purpose in life is to break society up into it's component parts, and then feed on the part that sustains them. Thus "fungi".

Olbermann, Limbaugh, Hannity, Maher, Coulter... They're all the same.

The irony is that none of them actually want to see what they preach realized, because then they'd be out of a job.
i like that.... divide and concur..... new obama bumper sticker slogan ??

cause i don't think hope and change will work again... and i agree..... fuck the left, they're looking for civil war.

The left are not, in any way, looking for civil war.

That's the fungi talking. You should stop listening to the fungi.
Rush isn't an entertainer. He's never been an entertainer. Rush is a political pundit, a commentator, a journalist.

He has never worked in comedy, he has never tried to make it in Hollywood, he has never cut a music album.

His entire professional life has been writing and talking about politics..and a lot more intelligently, truthfully, and knowledgeably than any journalist or commentator.

And that drives the left nuts..they have nobody at all like him. The closest they have are Howard Stern and Maher, and obviously they don't cut the mustard.
i like that.... divide and concur..... new obama bumper sticker slogan ??

cause i don't think hope and change will work again... and i agree..... fuck the left, they're looking for civil war.

The left are not, in any way, looking for civil war.

That's the fungi talking. You should stop listening to the fungi.

Liberals Openly Call For 'Violence' And 'Revolution' On MSNBC | MRCTV

Liberal Radio Talkers Call for Americans to Rise Up In Revolution Just Like in Egypt | Video |
Rush isn't an entertainer. He's never been an entertainer. Rush is a political pundit, a commentator, a journalist.

He has never worked in comedy, he has never tried to make it in Hollywood, he has never cut a music album.

His entire professional life has been writing and talking about politics..and a lot more intelligently, truthfully, and knowledgeably than any journalist or commentator.

And that drives the left nuts..they have nobody at all like him. The closest they have are Howard Stern and Maher, and obviously they don't cut the mustard.

Obviously. It's definitely Rush's cogent journalistic integrity that pisses people off.


Seriously, the fact that Rush isn't a comedian doesn't make him less offensive. It makes him more offensive.

It means that he actually expects people to take the hateful garbage he states seriously.

Wow, some random cartoonist, and a link to a video about supposed "radio talkers" that doesn't lead anywhere...

Shall I post transcripts and manifestos of all the right-wing militia-types whackos that are out there?

You can't take nut-job individuals who don't speak for anyone, and then claim that since they happen to lean to one side of the line, they represent "the left".

There's crazy assholes of every stroke calling for "civil war", many of them are on this very board.

But none of them represent the mainstream "left" or "right".

Wow, some random cartoonist, and a link to a video about supposed "radio talkers" that doesn't lead anywhere...

Shall I post transcripts and manifestos of all the right-wing militia-types whackos that are out there?

You can't take nut-job individuals who don't speak for anyone, and then claim that since they happen to lean to one side of the line, they represent "the left".

There's crazy assholes of every stroke calling for "civil war", many of them are on this very board.

But none of them represent the mainstream "left" or "right".
Way to move the goalposts.

You said:
The left are not, in any way, looking for civil war.​
I showed you that some are.
Way to move the goalposts.

You said:
The left are not, in any way, looking for civil war.​
I showed you that some are.

"The Left", being a group term for the majority of people that represent the Left-Wing side of the fence.

Just because an individual that identifies themselves as "left" is a crazy jackass, doesn't mean one can say "The left is looking for civil war"...

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