Maher goes from being a Lefty to Cons new Hero with one video

you would never see anyone on Fox tell the other side too

You would never see Rush tell the other side either. But they all pretend Rush and Maher are the same.

They aren't even close to the same. Maher is funny. And Rush is incorrect.

Yes, Rush stating that a woman who goes in front of Congress to testify that she has a right to force a Catholic institution to provide her free contraception is a slut is the same as Maher accusing Palin of having a child out of incest, and it is funny. are classless.
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wake up moron.

The right is heralding the video and what it says.

Has nothing to do with Maher.

You are a fucking child.

Nothing to do with Maher? Its called Real Time with Bill Maher :confused:


that is your response?

News Flash...

Well...2 news flashes...

1) It has nothing to do with Bill Maher. It has to do with the video. It could have been my grandmother who aired the video and the reaction would have been the same.

2) You are a fucking child with the brain of an ameoba. Go back to jerking off while watching Maddow.
Both videos were done by Nancy Pelosi's daughter.
Maher refers to hgimself as a liberal.

But you say he is not some lefty?

What the parents try so hard with you, but you insisted on taking those drugs anyway...ruining your life and theirs as well.

Liberal and lefty are a bit different.


There is middle, left and right.

Derived from the side of the aisle.

He is by no means a moderate.

So he is left.

He actually is also strongly Libertarian.
Nothing to do with Maher? Its called Real Time with Bill Maher :confused:


that is your response?

News Flash...

Well...2 news flashes...

1) It has nothing to do with Bill Maher. It has to do with the video. It could have been my grandmother who aired the video and the reaction would have been the same.

2) You are a fucking child with the brain of an ameoba. Go back to jerking off while watching Maddow.
Both videos were done by Nancy Pelosi's daughter.

What conservatives are praising Maher anyway? The entire premise of this thread is horse shot. The real story is the reaction from Maher's audience at the video, silence and nervous laughter. It's hilarious when it is backwoods hillbillies that are being insulted, god forbid minorities exploiting the welfare system be ridiculed too.
I considered Maher a idiot two weeks I still do Today and I will two weeks from now a leopard can't change it's spots.

Whoa there buddy, Idiot wasnt the discussion. The righties called him the Rush Limbaugh of the left. :eusa_boohoo:
He is as much of liberal partisan as Rush is a conservative one the only real difference between them is the direction from which there views come.

No, the difference is that when Maher makes a statement of fact, it's actually a fact.
Liberal and lefty are a bit different.


There is middle, left and right.

Derived from the side of the aisle.

He is by no means a moderate.

So he is left.

He actually is also strongly Libertarian.

Libertarian by what standards? The libertarian party is strongly opposed to Obama care. What libertarian position, besides drugs and the war, does Maher agree with?

You can't possibly be this naive.
Maher had nothing to do with Ms Pelosi's video beyond airing it and then making excuses for the inexcusable. I do have a little more respect for Alexandra Pelosi after viewing it....

Maher is still a useless ugly troll with an enormous nose, a whore problem, and drug issues.....

Yeah, pretty vile guy indeed. What a pig.

This from the idiot who defends Limbaugh. :lol:
you would never see anyone on Fox tell the other side too

You would never see Rush tell the other side either. But they all pretend Rush and Maher are the same.

They aren't even close to the same. Maher is funny. And Rush is incorrect.
Good Gaea's garters, no wonder you think Vanelli is a good musician. Your judgement is seriously screwed.

Maher's bitter and hateful. I suppose that's what passes for funny to the far left.
I don't have unfunny comedians as heroes.


Maher is no comedian, he's a leftist pundit. On his best day he isn't 1/100th as funny as Limbaugh.
No comedian? Good -- because he's REALLY not funny.

It was proven that this screen capture came from one of his bits the last time you posted it.

You just can't control your dishonesty, can you? Must be the values you were taught.
Whoa there buddy, Idiot wasnt the discussion. The righties called him the Rush Limbaugh of the left. :eusa_boohoo:
He is as much of liberal partisan as Rush is a conservative one the only real difference between them is the direction from which there views come.

No, the difference is that when Maher makes a statement of fact, it's actually a fact.

Yes, when Maher accused Trig Palin of actually being the son of her daughter that was a fact.

You are a complete f-ing moron.
Maher had nothing to do with Ms Pelosi's video beyond airing it and then making excuses for the inexcusable. I do have a little more respect for Alexandra Pelosi after viewing it....

Maher is still a useless ugly troll with an enormous nose, a whore problem, and drug issues.....

Yeah, pretty vile guy indeed. What a pig.

This from the idiot who defends Limbaugh. :lol:

you defend this:

[ame=]Bill Maher Appeals to His Lower-Intellect Audience: Attacks Sarah Palin's Son Trig - YouTube[/ame]

You are a hypocrite piece of classless SHIT.

Wow, some random cartoonist, and a link to a video about supposed "radio talkers" that doesn't lead anywhere...

Shall I post transcripts and manifestos of all the right-wing militia-types whackos that are out there?

You can't take nut-job individuals who don't speak for anyone, and then claim that since they happen to lean to one side of the line, they represent "the left".

There's crazy assholes of every stroke calling for "civil war", many of them are on this very board.

But none of them represent the mainstream "left" or "right".
This is typical weakness from daveman.

He's the type who always posts Obama's one misspeak, about the 57 states, anytime someone points out the almost daily gaffes from Shrub.

It's as intellectually valid as... well ... daveman.
Whoa there buddy, Idiot wasnt the discussion. The righties called him the Rush Limbaugh of the left. :eusa_boohoo:
He is as much of liberal partisan as Rush is a conservative one the only real difference between them is the direction from which there views come.

No, the difference is that when Maher makes a statement of fact, it's actually a fact.
Yeah, not really.

American Power: The Lies of Bill Maher — And the Epic Struggle Between Good and Evil in the Aftermath of Tucson, 1/8/11

Bill Maher Lies About 9/11 Comment That Cost Him ABC Job |

Bill Maher Lies About Sarah Palin to Attack American Patriots | NewsReal Blog

Politik Ditto: Stupid Man Bill Maher Lies And Says Senate 'Never Used To Have' The Filibuster

SharpElbows.Net: Bill Maher Lies Through His Smug Face.

Just because you like the taste of his bullshit doesn't mean it's not bullshit.

Maher is a huge idiot. I am guessing he's making remarks to make it appear he utters vulgar insults at both sides, but he is clearly a leftie through and through.

To some others no.

I think he's fun. He has people from all sides of the politcal spectrum on his show.

And he knows what Rush is going through. He got booted from "Politically Incorrect" for one comment.

well i will give Maher this......he has gone on Hannities show....but Hannity would not go on his....this may have changed.....but 5-6 years ago he would not go on....
Maher will go on anyone's show. He has the courage of his convictions and can back up his statements.

When has Hannity or Rush or Levin ever gone on a hostile show?

There is middle, left and right.

Derived from the side of the aisle.

He is by no means a moderate.

So he is left.

He actually is also strongly Libertarian.

Libertarian by what standards? The libertarian party is strongly opposed to Obama care. What libertarian position, besides drugs and the war, does Maher agree with?

You can't possibly be this naive.

Drugs, and the war. Why does he need more than that for my statement to be correct?

Also add in assisted suicide and personal privacy. There - that's four off the top of my head.
You would never see Rush tell the other side either. But they all pretend Rush and Maher are the same.

They aren't even close to the same. Maher is funny. And Rush is incorrect.
Good Gaea's garters, no wonder you think Vanelli is a good musician. Your judgement is seriously screwed.

Maher's bitter and hateful. I suppose that's what passes for funny to the far left.

Only through your anti-Democrat, "I'll vote for any Republican" narrow viewpoint.
It was proven that this screen capture came from one of his bits the last time you posted it.

You just can't control your dishonesty, can you? Must be the values you were taught.
You never proved it. You just said it. You NEVER provided a link or a video. And since it's a video capture, you shouldn't have any trouble finding it, should you?

But you won't. Just like last time.

So who's lying now, punk?

Hint: You.

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