Maher proves, yet again, the real racists are on the left

Someone is having problems with their TPS reports.

I guess they didn't get the memo. :)
I don't consider Maher's comedy routine racist. Bad taste - yes. Racist - no. He's an entertainer trying to be funny. Just the same as Rush and the "Magic Negro" routine, and Glenn Beck riffing on Obama's daughter's "plug the hole" comment.

It's a sad state for our society when we can't make fun of someone or something without being accused of racism or bigotry - and I would hope the lefties would quit flinging the R word ad nauseam.

You are forgetting one thing.

Rush didn't make up the "Magic Negro." Comment. That was Ehrenstein of the LA Times:

Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.

By David Ehrenstein L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.

Obama the 'Magic Negro' -

Rush's parody, was pointing out the racism that comprises the left, as this article clearly displays. As usual, the left couldn't defend themselves, so they did what they always do. They lied and claimed it was Rush called Obama the Magic Negro.

Thus, it is NOT an example of a conservative doing the same thing as Maher did.

As for Beck. I don't have the opportunity to listen to him, so I cannot comment.
I know he didn't originate the term. Maher's comment is just a failed attempt at humor, imo. My only familiarity with Beck's comment is from the threads here about it. I don't watch him, his style is annoying.

If you want to find real racism on the left, look no further than Biden's comment:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That's real racism.
With a video yet to back up, the fact that not only is Maher an idiot (which conservatives always knew. This again proves the stupidity of many liberals that, they still can't figure that one out), but that he is another racist on the left.

Liberals have to make up out of whole cloth examples of "racism" by conservatives. Like the fraudulent quotes by Rush Limbaugh that supposedly proved he was a racist and shouldn't own an NFL team.

Or how about the idiots in here that post supposed racist signs by tea party members that turn out to be eight years old, or by someone who was asked to LEAVE by the Tea Party.

Or the supposed racist epitaphs thrown at black Congressmen by the Tea Party.

Funny, they STILL haven't produced the video that shows all this racism by the tea party.

But, conservatives don't have to lie about liberal racism. And they don't have to claim there is a video and then never produce it.

Here's Maher now:

HBO's Bill Maher: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Now, the responses by the liberals will come in four camps.

A) Maher isn't being a racist, he's just a comedian and you don't have a sense of humor.

B) Maher is actually being supportive of the president and you redneck conservatives just can't understand his "nuance."

C) Maher is just an idiot and a racist. He isn't indicative of all liberals. How dare you paint all liberals as racist because of one example (as IF this is the only example:lol:)

D) They can't defend Maher so they will try to deflect by posting ludicrous fraudulent examples of tea party/republican/conservative/libertarian/martian/area51/etc.etc.etc. racism and try to hijack the thread and put conservatives on the defensive.

Oh and on the subject of tactic "D," can I say just one thing :eusa_shhh::

I could strangle the conservatives/libertarians/etc who fall for this tactic time after time, let them derail another thread and put conservatives on the defensive. You know who you are. Haven't you figured out this dumb ploy, yet?????? All you do is help them when you play this game. Stop falling for it!!!!!!! Simply point out they are playing this lame tactic and stay on subject. That is HOW you defeat a liberal. You will never defeat them, by allowing them to avoid the real substance of the debate.

Okay, Okay. Sorry, I shouted that one. (calm down now) Sorry about that. Just had to get that out of my system.



You do know he's a "comic", right?

Example A)

And if he had been a conservative?????????
Only one way to save this thread:

Example A)

And if he had been a conservative?????????

Then you wouldn't have started this thread and you'd be arguing the other side.

And to whichever wingtard liberal from the flip side of your coin that started this thread, I'd be saying the exact same thing I'm saying to you.
I know he didn't originate the term. Maher's comment is just a failed attempt at humor, imo. My only familiarity with Beck's comment is from the threads here about it. I don't watch him, his style is annoying.

If you want to find real racism on the left, look no further than Biden's comment:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That's real racism.

Look, you know full well, if ANY conservative, comedian, or otherwise, had said ANYTHING close to what Maher said, liberals would be spewing it everywhere as examples of how conservatives are all "racists."

Item: The dragging death of a black man that supposedly proved Bush was a racism because he was Gov of Texas at the time.

Item: The Gov of SC (A Democrat) raises again the Confederate flag over SC and this supposedly made Bush a racist because he wouldn't comment. I mean that one was really stupid.

Item: Making UP racist quotes from Rush Limbaugh that never happened.

Item: The constant examples of nooses and swastikas found on campuses that turned out to be have been done by black liberals trying to "raise consciousness" about racism.

Item: One word: MACACA

Item: The Tea Partiers supposedly calling a black Congressman the N word, yet that video STILL hasn't surfaced.

I could go on and on and on.

But when liberals do it, we get this crap about "it's a joke, can't you take a joke, he didn't really mean it," blah blah blah.

We are always supposed to give them a free pass, while they jump on ANYONE who so much as says Macaca.

Stop giving them the free pass. If they are going to play hardball on this crap, TEACH THEM THE RULES. And rule number one is, it goes BOTH WAYS. If they are going to make up fraudulent crap about conservatives, DON'T LET THEM HAVE AN OUT WITH REAL EXAMPLES OF RACISM FROM THEIR SIDE.

Don't give them an out. You might think it makes you look "reasonable" to the left. Don't deceive yourself. The minute the even think they have something on you, they won't give YOU the same out.

Don't play their game. Turn their game on them.
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I know he didn't originate the term. Maher's comment is just a failed attempt at humor, imo. My only familiarity with Beck's comment is from the threads here about it. I don't watch him, his style is annoying.

If you want to find real racism on the left, look no further than Biden's comment:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That's real racism.

Look, you know full well, if ANY conservative, comedian, or otherwise, had said ANYTHING close to what Maher said, liberals would be spewing it everywhere as examples of how conservatives are all "racists."

Item: The dragging death of a black man that supposedly proved Bush was a racism because he was Gov of Texas at the time.

Item: The Gov of SC (A Democrat) raises again the Confederate flag over SC and this supposedly made Bush a racist because he wouldn't comment. I mean that one was really stupid.

Item: Making UP racist quotes from Rush Limbaugh that never happened.

Item: The constant examples of nooses and swastikas found on campuses that turned out to be have been done by black liberals trying to "raise consciousness" about racism.

Item: One word: MACACA

Item: The Tea Partiers supposedly calling a black Congressman the N word, yet that video STILL hasn't surfaced.

I could go on and on and on.

But when liberals do it, we get this crap about "it's a joke, can't you take a joke, he didn't really mean it," blah blah blah.

We are always supposed to give them a free pass, while they jump on ANYONE who so much as says Macaca.

Stop giving them the free pass. If they are going to play hardball on this crap, TEACH THEM THE RULES. And rule number one is, it goes BOTH WAYS. If they are going to make up fraudulent crap about conservatives, DON'T LET THEM HAVE AN OUT WITH REAL EXAMPLES OF RACISM FROM THEIR SIDE.

Don't give them an out. You might think it makes you look "reasonable" to the left. Don't deceive yourself. The minute the even think they have something on you, they won't give YOU the same out.

Don't play their game. Turn their game on them.

I know exactly what would happen if someone on the right had done Maher's routine - the accusations of RACISM would break the sound barrier.

I'm not willing to play that game. Sometimes a bad joke is just a bad joke.

There is real racism on the left, especially as regards those who shriek Racism at every critique of Obama's policies. I'll use my powder on them instead.
I know he didn't originate the term. Maher's comment is just a failed attempt at humor, imo. My only familiarity with Beck's comment is from the threads here about it. I don't watch him, his style is annoying.

If you want to find real racism on the left, look no further than Biden's comment:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That's real racism.

Look, you know full well, if ANY conservative, comedian, or otherwise, had said ANYTHING close to what Maher said, liberals would be spewing it everywhere as examples of how conservatives are all "racists."

Item: The dragging death of a black man that supposedly proved Bush was a racism because he was Gov of Texas at the time.

Item: The Gov of SC (A Democrat) raises again the Confederate flag over SC and this supposedly made Bush a racist because he wouldn't comment. I mean that one was really stupid.

Item: Making UP racist quotes from Rush Limbaugh that never happened.

Item: The constant examples of nooses and swastikas found on campuses that turned out to be have been done by black liberals trying to "raise consciousness" about racism.

Item: One word: MACACA

Item: The Tea Partiers supposedly calling a black Congressman the N word, yet that video STILL hasn't surfaced.

I could go on and on and on.

But when liberals do it, we get this crap about "it's a joke, can't you take a joke, he didn't really mean it," blah blah blah.

We are always supposed to give them a free pass, while they jump on ANYONE who so much as says Macaca.

Stop giving them the free pass. If they are going to play hardball on this crap, TEACH THEM THE RULES. And rule number one is, it goes BOTH WAYS. If they are going to make up fraudulent crap about conservatives, DON'T LET THEM HAVE AN OUT WITH REAL EXAMPLES OF RACISM FROM THEIR SIDE.

Don't give them an out. You might think it makes you look "reasonable" to the left. Don't deceive yourself. The minute the even think they have something on you, they won't give YOU the same out.

Don't play their game. Turn their game on them.

I know exactly what would happen if someone on the right had done Maher's routine - the accusations of RACISM would break the sound barrier.

I'm not willing to play that game. Sometimes a bad joke is just a bad joke.

There is real racism on the left, especially as regards those who shriek Racism at every critique of Obama's policies. I'll use my powder on them instead.

And you don't think Maher has done that on conservatives?

Like I said, don't give them the free pass.
Example A)

And if he had been a conservative?????????

Then you wouldn't have started this thread and you'd be arguing the other side.

And to whichever wingtard liberal from the flip side of your coin that started this thread, I'd be saying the exact same thing I'm saying to you.

I wouldn't have started the thread, because you can't give me an example of a conservative MAKING THAT KIND OF JOKE about the president.

That's the point!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!

Liberals have to fabricate supposed "racism" from conservatives. Like parsing the word Macaca.

You don't see this kind of blatant racism on the right, you see if from the left and there are always the "useful" that give them a free pass.

With a video yet to back up, the fact that not only is Maher an idiot (which conservatives always knew. This again proves the stupidity of many liberals that, they still can't figure that one out), but that he is another racist on the left.

Liberals have to make up out of whole cloth examples of "racism" by conservatives. Like the fraudulent quotes by Rush Limbaugh that supposedly proved he was a racist and shouldn't own an NFL team.

Or how about the idiots in here that post supposed racist signs by tea party members that turn out to be eight years old, or by someone who was asked to LEAVE by the Tea Party.

Or the supposed racist epitaphs thrown at black Congressmen by the Tea Party.

Funny, they STILL haven't produced the video that shows all this racism by the tea party.

But, conservatives don't have to lie about liberal racism. And they don't have to claim there is a video and then never produce it.

Here's Maher now:

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Now, the responses by the liberals will come in four camps.

A) Maher isn't being a racist, he's just a comedian and you don't have a sense of humor.

B) Maher is actually being supportive of the president and you redneck conservatives just can't understand his "nuance."

C) Maher is just an idiot and a racist. He isn't indicative of all liberals. How dare you paint all liberals as racist because of one example (as IF this is the only example:lol:)

D) They can't defend Maher so they will try to deflect by posting ludicrous fraudulent examples of tea party/republican/conservative/libertarian/martian/area51/etc.etc.etc. racism and try to hijack the thread and put conservatives on the defensive.

Oh and on the subject of tactic "D," can I say just one thing :eusa_shhh::

I could strangle the conservatives/libertarians/etc who fall for this tactic time after time, let them derail another thread and put conservatives on the defensive. You know who you are. Haven't you figured out this dumb ploy, yet?????? All you do is help them when you play this game. Stop falling for it!!!!!!! Simply point out they are playing this lame tactic and stay on subject. That is HOW you defeat a liberal. You will never defeat them, by allowing them to avoid the real substance of the debate.

Okay, Okay. Sorry, I shouted that one. (calm down now) Sorry about that. Just had to get that out of my system.



You do know he's a "comic", right?

Example A)

And if he had been a conservative?????????

The problem is the Conservatives see their comics as their "leaders".

Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sarah (I can see Russia) Palin
The entire cast of "Fox News".
John (erectile dysfunction is a "medical condition") McCain
Andre (feed the poor and they'll "breed") Bauer
Bob (Happy Confederate Day!) McDonnell

Democrats are laughing "with" them, not "at" them.
You do know he's a "comic", right?

Example A)

And if he had been a conservative?????????

The problem is the Conservatives see their comics as their "leaders".

Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sarah (I can see Russia) Palin
The entire cast of "Fox News".
John (erectile dysfunction is a "medical condition") McCain
Andre (feed the poor and they'll "breed") Bauer
Bob (Happy Confederate Day!) McDonnell

Democrats are laughing "with" them, not "at" them.

While liberals make them VP's like Al Gore and Joe Biden.

Stand up Chuck! Oh God Bless you, what am I saying. Let's stand up for Chuck! :lol::lol: Moron.

And let's not forget that Al Gore took the initiative to create the internet!!!!!

With a video yet to back up, the fact that not only is Maher an idiot (which conservatives always knew. This again proves the stupidity of many liberals that, they still can't figure that one out), but that he is another racist on the left.

Liberals have to make up out of whole cloth examples of "racism" by conservatives. Like the fraudulent quotes by Rush Limbaugh that supposedly proved he was a racist and shouldn't own an NFL team.

Or how about the idiots in here that post supposed racist signs by tea party members that turn out to be eight years old, or by someone who was asked to LEAVE by the Tea Party.

Or the supposed racist epitaphs thrown at black Congressmen by the Tea Party.

Funny, they STILL haven't produced the video that shows all this racism by the tea party.

But, conservatives don't have to lie about liberal racism. And they don't have to claim there is a video and then never produce it.

Here's Maher now:

HBO's Bill Maher: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Now, the responses by the liberals will come in four camps.

A) Maher isn't being a racist, he's just a comedian and you don't have a sense of humor.

B) Maher is actually being supportive of the president and you redneck conservatives just can't understand his "nuance."

C) Maher is just an idiot and a racist. He isn't indicative of all liberals. How dare you paint all liberals as racist because of one example (as IF this is the only example:lol:)

D) They can't defend Maher so they will try to deflect by posting ludicrous fraudulent examples of tea party/republican/conservative/libertarian/martian/area51/etc.etc.etc. racism and try to hijack the thread and put conservatives on the defensive.

Oh and on the subject of tactic "D," can I say just one thing :eusa_shhh::

I could strangle the conservatives/libertarians/etc who fall for this tactic time after time, let them derail another thread and put conservatives on the defensive. You know who you are. Haven't you figured out this dumb ploy, yet?????? All you do is help them when you play this game. Stop falling for it!!!!!!! Simply point out they are playing this lame tactic and stay on subject. That is HOW you defeat a liberal. You will never defeat them, by allowing them to avoid the real substance of the debate.

Okay, Okay. Sorry, I shouted that one. (calm down now) Sorry about that. Just had to get that out of my system.



teapartysamurai, I don't think you are quite clear on what racism is and is not.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Tell me, how is what Bill Maher said "racist"? It was meant to poke fun at racial stereotypes, to get a laugh. It got a laugh. Mebbe I'm dense, but I don't see the problem. Is it somehow racist to say the word "black"?
With a video yet to back up, the fact that not only is Maher an idiot (which conservatives always knew. This again proves the stupidity of many liberals that, they still can't figure that one out), but that he is another racist on the left.

Liberals have to make up out of whole cloth examples of "racism" by conservatives. Like the fraudulent quotes by Rush Limbaugh that supposedly proved he was a racist and shouldn't own an NFL team.

Or how about the idiots in here that post supposed racist signs by tea party members that turn out to be eight years old, or by someone who was asked to LEAVE by the Tea Party.

Or the supposed racist epitaphs thrown at black Congressmen by the Tea Party.

Funny, they STILL haven't produced the video that shows all this racism by the tea party.

But, conservatives don't have to lie about liberal racism. And they don't have to claim there is a video and then never produce it.

Here's Maher now:

HBO's Bill Maher: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Now, the responses by the liberals will come in four camps.

A) Maher isn't being a racist, he's just a comedian and you don't have a sense of humor.

B) Maher is actually being supportive of the president and you redneck conservatives just can't understand his "nuance."

C) Maher is just an idiot and a racist. He isn't indicative of all liberals. How dare you paint all liberals as racist because of one example (as IF this is the only example:lol:)

D) They can't defend Maher so they will try to deflect by posting ludicrous fraudulent examples of tea party/republican/conservative/libertarian/martian/area51/etc.etc.etc. racism and try to hijack the thread and put conservatives on the defensive.

Oh and on the subject of tactic "D," can I say just one thing :eusa_shhh::

I could strangle the conservatives/libertarians/etc who fall for this tactic time after time, let them derail another thread and put conservatives on the defensive. You know who you are. Haven't you figured out this dumb ploy, yet?????? All you do is help them when you play this game. Stop falling for it!!!!!!! Simply point out they are playing this lame tactic and stay on subject. That is HOW you defeat a liberal. You will never defeat them, by allowing them to avoid the real substance of the debate.

Okay, Okay. Sorry, I shouted that one. (calm down now) Sorry about that. Just had to get that out of my system.



teapartysamurai, I don't think you are quite clear on what racism is and is not.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Tell me, how is what Bill Maher said "racist"? It was meant to poke fun at racial stereotypes, to get a laugh. It got a laugh. Mebbe I'm dense, but I don't see the problem. Is it somehow racist to say the word "black"?

He wasn't poking fun of the stereotype, he was exploiting the stereotype for a joke.

The joke is racist. But so what? We're never going to achieve any sort of racial harmony until we can all laugh at one another and not be ostricized for it.
Seems to me that TPS wants to overreact and his doppelgangers want to sugarcoat it.

The joke was funny because it's racist. The fantasyland some of you live in really blows my mind.
With a video yet to back up, the fact that not only is Maher an idiot (which conservatives always knew. This again proves the stupidity of many liberals that, they still can't figure that one out), but that he is another racist on the left.

Liberals have to make up out of whole cloth examples of "racism" by conservatives. Like the fraudulent quotes by Rush Limbaugh that supposedly proved he was a racist and shouldn't own an NFL team.

Or how about the idiots in here that post supposed racist signs by tea party members that turn out to be eight years old, or by someone who was asked to LEAVE by the Tea Party.

Or the supposed racist epitaphs thrown at black Congressmen by the Tea Party.

Funny, they STILL haven't produced the video that shows all this racism by the tea party.

But, conservatives don't have to lie about liberal racism. And they don't have to claim there is a video and then never produce it.

Here's Maher now:

HBO's Bill Maher: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Now, the responses by the liberals will come in four camps.

A) Maher isn't being a racist, he's just a comedian and you don't have a sense of humor.

B) Maher is actually being supportive of the president and you redneck conservatives just can't understand his "nuance."

C) Maher is just an idiot and a racist. He isn't indicative of all liberals. How dare you paint all liberals as racist because of one example (as IF this is the only example:lol:)

D) They can't defend Maher so they will try to deflect by posting ludicrous fraudulent examples of tea party/republican/conservative/libertarian/martian/area51/etc.etc.etc. racism and try to hijack the thread and put conservatives on the defensive.

Oh and on the subject of tactic "D," can I say just one thing :eusa_shhh::

I could strangle the conservatives/libertarians/etc who fall for this tactic time after time, let them derail another thread and put conservatives on the defensive. You know who you are. Haven't you figured out this dumb ploy, yet?????? All you do is help them when you play this game. Stop falling for it!!!!!!! Simply point out they are playing this lame tactic and stay on subject. That is HOW you defeat a liberal. You will never defeat them, by allowing them to avoid the real substance of the debate.

Okay, Okay. Sorry, I shouted that one. (calm down now) Sorry about that. Just had to get that out of my system.



teapartysamurai, I don't think you are quite clear on what racism is and is not.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Tell me, how is what Bill Maher said "racist"? It was meant to poke fun at racial stereotypes, to get a laugh. It got a laugh. Mebbe I'm dense, but I don't see the problem. Is it somehow racist to say the word "black"?

He/she is doing both A) and B) at the same time.

Maher is just being humorous and we conservatives are just too stupid to understand the nuance.

Don't we know by the dictionary that only conservatives are racist?????

It gets better by the minute.


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