Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

I can only speak for myself but I used to say "I want the best person to be president". But after 2021 I changed it to "I want anyone that isn't a democrat to be president".

After last year and this year so far if the Hamburglar ran for president as a republican I'd vote for him.
And when these brainwashed Canadian assholes "blunder into a discussion on health care", they can't admit that truth, even though their leaders come down here for the prompt, cutting edge medical care.
You must have missed the part that compared a million Americans against 52,000 Canadians. And the Americans have to pay for our health care while the Canadians are compensated by guvernnnnmmentttt!
Cause we're all just commies and we need free stuff.
You must have missed the part that compared a million Americans against 52,000 Canadians. And the Americans have to pay for our health care while the Canadians are compensated by guvernnnnmmentttt!
Cause we're all just commies and we need free stuff.
You're a useful idiot, kid. The "guvernnnnmmentttt" doesn't pay for shit, the taxpayers do.
You know what's truly telling? The fact that Americans don't start threads bitching about Canada's shitty healthcare system, but you idiots with your inferiority complex feel the need to whine about our healthcare system. Virtue signaling retards, the lot of you.
You're a useful idiot, kid. The "guvernnnnmmentttt" doesn't pay for shit, the taxpayers do.
The taxpayers pay the guvurnmunt and then the guvurnmunt pays out to the people. This is how health care can be provided to all of my Canadian people through socialist policy.

It works the same in Cuba through communist social policy and their health care is rated about equal to America's overall!
The taxpayers pay the guvurnmunt and then the guvurnmunt pays out to the people. This is how health care can be provided to all of my Canadian people through socialist policy.

It works the same in Cuba through communist social policy and their health care is rated about equal to America's overall!
Stop it. Now you just sound silly. We have the best healthcare and innovation in the world. Is it the cheapest and most efficient? Far from it.
The taxpayers pay the guvurnmunt and then the guvurnmunt pays out to the people. This is how health care can be provided to all of my Canadian people through socialist policy.
It works the same in Cuba through communist social policy and their health care is rated about equal to America's overall!
Yeah, we really want Cuban healthcare in the US. Lol.
So why do you care what type of healthcare system another country has?
Just another virtue signaling useful idiot promoting global mediocrity?
I don't give a shit what you wannabe communists have in Canada or Cuba, tbh.
Yeah, we really want Cuban healthcare in the US. Lol.
So why do you care what type of healthcare system another country has?
Just another virtue signaling useful idiot promoting global mediocrity?
I don't give a shit what you wannabe communists have in Canada or Cuba, tbh.
I'm o.k. with us reaching a mutually agreeable position. Just be forewarned the nest time you decide to talk health care with a Canadian.
You don't give a shit because we're wannabe commies!s!
I'm o.k. with us reaching a mutually agreeable position. Just be forewarned the nest time you decide to talk health care with a Canadian.
I don't care what you consider a mutually agreeable position. You're a Canadian, I'm a US citizen. Butt your nosey ass out of our healthcare system, it's got nothing to do with you or yours.
Just be forewarned that your opinion doesn't mean shit the "nest" time you decide to talk health care with an American.
Documentary exposes Critical Race Theory indoctrination in public schools | National Report
Producers Rebecca Friedrichs and Deborah Flora talked about their upcoming documentary, "Whose Children Are They?", exposing "Critical Race Theory indoctrination" and "highly sexualized curriculum" in public schools, on Monday's "National Report."

Stop it. Now you just sound silly. We have the best healthcare and innovation in the world. Is it the cheapest and most efficient? Far from it.
Then why does the country have essentially the highest rate of obesity if the healthcare is so great?

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

A one-man op-ed InfoTainment Show is hardly a credible gauge of public opinion on the subject...

We'll see what happens at the
REAL poll in November 2022...
Then why does the country have essentially the highest rate of obesity if the healthcare is so great?
Because we have a ton of fast food restaurants, Chinese, Mexican, etc. Tastes great but terrible for you. You really didn’t know that? Wow
A one-man op-ed InfoTainment Show is hardly a credible gauge of public opinion on the subject...

We'll see what happens at the
REAL poll in November 2022...
When that one man rips on his own party and has a big audience of Democrats it means something.
Because we have a ton of fast food restaurants, Chinese, Mexican, etc. Tastes great but terrible for you. You really didn’t know that? Wow
But wait, good doctors don’t have obese patients. Any doctor who has any obese patients is incompetent. That’s what you told me.
When that one man rips on his own party and has a big audience of Democrats it means something.
Yeah... it means one man ripped on his party in front of a left-leaning audience... I wouldnt' bet the farm on that particular indicator, old boy... :badgrin:
Yeah... it means one man ripped on his party in front of a left-leaning audience... I wouldnt' bet the farm on that particular indicator, old boy... :badgrin:
There is a bigger conversation regarding utility restrictions among the left.

It’s just that Maher is a comedian so his monologue is intended to titillate rather than legislate.
But wait, good doctors don’t have obese patients. Any doctor who has any obese patients is incompetent. That’s what you told me.
Find where I said that. LOL

I said if your patient has underlying conditions tell ‘em to lose weight Vs putting them on continuous meds. Durr
Yeah... it means one man ripped on his party in front of a left-leaning audience... I wouldnt' bet the farm on that particular indicator, old boy... :badgrin:
That one man has a big audience, yes or no? Stop trolling

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