Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

Awe you poor thing, it isn't going as planned eh ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
A coup attempt against a government has the potential to eventually succeed if the leader of the coup and his lieutenants aren't dealt with on the spot with finality..

As was Cuba's coup necessary and just, was a change of government needed to end corruption and bad government in America?

Roughly half of Americans are convinced that Biden stole the election. Right or wrong, is still not decided.
Please finish your coma.
Finally establishing that the right to bear arms was necessary, but also establishing that no patriot with a gun would stand up to uphold his government and Constitution by eliminating the domestic threat!
The key, as always, is independents.

And it hasn't even been 72 hours since the surrender.

LOL. Now that's funny. He's being treated fairly but the same people who claim he's being treated fairly have already decided Trump is guilty.
That one call, along with the call(s) to Governor Kemp and Raffensperger are legally admissible under Georgia Law, Georgia allows for third party taping of telephone calls. Also, those calls are a matter of public record.

The kook sites and MSM have you brainwashed yet again.
It’s fun to watch.
That has nothing to do with why they were rioting in Portland.

As for January 6th, they were literally all wearing Trump gear and beating police with Trump flags while chanting “fight for Trump”. You’d have to be a moron to say they weren’t rioting for Trump.

Of course they were rioting for Trump. There’s absolutely zero evidence Trump made them do it.
You’re being brainwashed yet again by the dems and the MSM.
And how is that anything remotely similar?

It's entirely similar. More to the point, Hillary Clinton would go on to pay for a falsified dossier that the Dems / Socialists used to perpetrate a fraud that would interfere with the 2020 election.
Of course they were rioting for Trump. There’s absolutely zero evidence Trump made them do it.
You’re being brainwashed yet again by the dems and the MSM.
Trump’s pretty good at manipulating people to get them to do what he wants.

He called them to DC. He made them angry. He sent them to the Capitol.

The outcome is so predictable, Trump almost certainly knew what was going to happen.
It's entirely similar. More to the point, Hillary Clinton would go on to pay for a falsified dossier that the Dems / Socialists used to perpetrate a fraud that would interfere with the 2020 election.
The dossier has a absolutely nothing to do with the point.

When did Clinton try to have electors removed?
MAGA MAGGOTS do not live outside their narrow minded bubble. Their Orange Furher is all they know.

Their so fucking deeply involved the big lie, they do not see or hear or read anything that does not conform to their preconceived ideas.

Even after over 60+lawsuits being dismissed for lack of evidence they still believe the lie of their Mango Mussolini.

After their failed Insurrection, there was now failed attempt to shove flase electors into the mix, which has resulted in RICO Charges being filed against P-1135909. Each charge carries a mandatory 5-Year Prison sentence. Which means he faces 65-Years in Prison on each count if convicted. RICO is serious shit. Just ask Ghouli, he put a shit load of people on those charges.

P-01135909 is spending what remain of his money on lawyers and you suckers dumb to buy his Chinese made merch are just giving money to bunch shysters.

P-01135909 created his own shit storm, a majority Americans, those of us who know better than to believe the lies P-01135909 know he being treated fairly and yes he is fucking guilty!

You gottem this time! You really really do! There’s no way your masters would lie to you for the thirteenth time and smash all your hopes and dreams yet again!
The dossier has a absolutely nothing to do with the point.

When did Clinton try to have electors removed?
Actually, it did. The election denying, election interfering Dems / Socialists whining about Trump is comical given their lurid history of criminal conduct.
Ipos polls are consistently fairly accurate.....

They all suffer from very limited sample sizes. They are all way too far out at this point, too. We don’t know shut about the construction of the IPSOS sample, either. Etc.
It's entirely similar. More to the point, Hillary Clinton would go on to pay for a falsified dossier that the Dems / Socialists used to perpetrate a fraud that would interfere with the 2020 election.

There was an attempted Self Coup by Trump and his 18 other conspirator criminal minions charged.


A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from the Spanish: autogolpe), or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means.
Did he communicate through telepathy? Brain washed much?

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