Majority of Americans think Biden is a failure. (From NPR)

80% of Democrats say he is a success, according to the chart in your link.

Republicans are traitors and insurrectionists, nobody cares about their opinion on any matter of government.

Misleading topic, but nice try.

You're such a whiny simpleton.

A year and a month into Trump's Presidency gas was $2.39 a gallon (it was $2.32 when he took office).

A year and a month into Biden's Presidency gas is $3.53 a gallon (it was $2.53 when he took office)..

When Obama took office a gallon of gas was $1.84. When he left office, it was $2.32 a gallon.

People vote with their wallets...
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Nearly all the Neo-GOP are on board with the visceral hatred of all Democrats, combine with environmentalist who are very disappointed in the massive oil lease in the Gulf they approved, take it with a grain of salt. Still a better choice than Benedict Donald.
Nearly all the Neo-GOP are on board with the visceral hatred of all Democrats, combine with environmentalist who are very disappointed in the massive oil lease in the Gulf they approved, take it with a grain of salt. Still a better choice than Benedict Donald.
Do you blame us.....

How would you feel if your daughter cane home with him?

Nearly all the Neo-GOP are on board with the visceral hatred of all Democrats, combine with environmentalist who are very disappointed in the massive oil lease in the Gulf they approved, take it with a grain of salt. Still a better choice than Benedict Donald.
I think you can look around this forum and on the streets and you will see that same hatred from the democrats. And people wonder why independents just shake their heads.
I voted for Biden FOR my country. Having that other guy in there telling people to inject bleach and calling democracy a fraud was bad for all of us.
Ok this is the third time in 2 days I've called you out for posting frivolous, juvenile nonsense. I don't know if a different person is using this account lately, but I foresee a lot of ignore lists being updated, including mine.
From NPR no less..

Rising inflation, a continuing pandemic, a foreign policy misstep in Afghanistan and Democratic infighting all marred President Biden's first year, and now a majority of respondents to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll say his first year was a "failure."

In all, 56% said Biden's first year in office was a failure, versus just 39% who said it was a success.

What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it, despite uniting the country being a pillar of Biden's 2020 presidential run.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist survey : NPR
A majority says Biden's first year was a failure, a new poll finds
I don't believe it---there can't be 39% of the population so stupid that they think Biden is a success..No way. If so, these people would be so stupid that they need to be sterilized.
From NPR no less..

Rising inflation, a continuing pandemic, a foreign policy misstep in Afghanistan and Democratic infighting all marred President Biden's first year, and now a majority of respondents to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll say his first year was a "failure."

In all, 56% said Biden's first year in office was a failure, versus just 39% who said it was a success.

What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it, despite uniting the country being a pillar of Biden's 2020 presidential run.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist survey : NPR
A majority says Biden's first year was a failure, a new poll finds
So what. People want immediate results, and will not get immediate results as long as the other party holds up his programs. Biden inherited a mess and the fallout from unintended consequences is prohibitive. It will take time for us to reach the right place.
So what. People want immediate results, and will not get immediate results as long as the other party holds up his programs. Biden inherited a mess and the fallout from unintended consequences is prohibitive. It will take time for us to reach the right place.
What mess?
80% of Democrats say he is a success, according to the chart in your link.

Republicans are traitors and insurrectionists, nobody cares about their opinion on any matter of government.

Misleading topic, but nice try.
You do realize that that leaves 20 % of democrats that don’t think he is doing a good job and the other half of voters are not just republicans there are still Independents,libertarians etc…
From NPR no less..

Rising inflation, a continuing pandemic, a foreign policy misstep in Afghanistan and Democratic infighting all marred President Biden's first year, and now a majority of respondents to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll say his first year was a "failure."

In all, 56% said Biden's first year in office was a failure, versus just 39% who said it was a success.

What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it, despite uniting the country being a pillar of Biden's 2020 presidential run.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist survey : NPR
A majority says Biden's first year was a failure, a new poll finds
The disturbing thing here is the 39% that rate him as successful in his first year.

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