Majority of Americans think Biden is a failure. (From NPR)

From NPR no less..

Rising inflation, a continuing pandemic, a foreign policy misstep in Afghanistan and Democratic infighting all marred President Biden's first year, and now a majority of respondents to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll say his first year was a "failure."

In all, 56% said Biden's first year in office was a failure, versus just 39% who said it was a success.

What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it, despite uniting the country being a pillar of Biden's 2020 presidential run.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist survey : NPR
A majority says Biden's first year was a failure, a new poll finds
I'd be interested in knowing exactly what those 39% feel are Biden's successes. The right can't list any and the left can't list any either. Those 39% have got to just be blind loyalists.

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