Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

you sure sherlock? will they be paying off their own loans? No! Who did? We did!

They got free money cuckfk
No, dope.
Their federal student loans were forgiven. Only after paying on them for at least 20 years.
The govt pays nothing and the forgivee receives nothing.

Most people have paid more than the original loan amount in 20 years. The govt loses nothing.
No, dope.
Their federal student loans were forgiven. Only after paying on them for at least 20 years.
The govt pays nothing and the forgivee receives nothing.

Most people have paid more than the original loan amount in 20 years. The govt loses nothing.
Dude, you need a brain! Who gave her the money to go to school? If she doesn’t pay it back it’s fking free money you fking ignorant cuck
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Here’s the GDP increase by quarter.

Three quarters negative in 2020

None after that

No recession after Biden became President in spite of Covid


These threads bashing poor Americans because they just "don't understand" how good the economy is are a disgrace. Why do Democrats always assume poor people are TOO STUPID to understand how great Biden is for them? Who exactly are the STUPID PEOPLE here? Hmmmmmm???
I, Woodznutz, will tell the truth.

Our economy will quickly bleed that inflationary money through trade deficits, drug money to cartels, and remittances by resident foreigners. It's all good. :)

Trade deficit, 2023: $773 Billion
Spent on drugs,
sent to Cartels: $150 Billion (2017 figures).
Remittances: $60 Billion

So, in four years things should be back to normal.

Trade deficits, per se, do not cause inflation.

See if you can follow:

Say I have $1000 worth of widgets in my inventory, and $2000 in cash, I represent country A. Total asset value on the books $3000.

You have $5000 worth of Wodgets in your inventory, and $10k cash. you represent country B. total asset value on your books, $15k.

My country, being smaller, purchases $500 worth of your wodgets, depleting my cash by $500, but increasing my inventory by $500. See? Nothing has changed on the balance sheet.

Your country, being bigger, purchases $900 worth of widgets from my country, depleting your cash by $900, but increasing your inventory by $900., you balance sheet is the same at the bottom line.

Since you purchased $900 worth of widgets from my country, my inventory is down by $900, but my cash is up by $900, my bottom line remains the same.

In both of our countries, the balance sheet remains the same.

Is there a 'trade deficit'. Yes, but is that bad? No, because big people eat more than little people and attempts to make them equal is really impossible, and a false economic goal. But balance sheets will alway remain the same.

now, of course, this is reductive, but in producing countries, these values are always changing, but the principle is the same. The idea that trade deficits are bad is essentially a myth. They could be bad in some strategic respects, but not the primary one which is being implied, that, according to Trump, a deficit means 'China is ripping us off', that sort of thing. If they are paying for the merch, they are not ripping anyone off.

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