Majority Say US Government is Corrupt and 1/3 Say an Armed Revolution May Be Neccessary

What's wrong with what he said? Several things, and the worst one of many is echoing a BIG LIE. There is no evidence to attack the character of the President of the United States committing an evil act. It's scum bags that echo this horrific allegation who deserve to be banned.
You sure didn’t take that attitude when your side created a defamatory hoax claiming Trump conspired with the Russians. Now THAT was something with no evidence - unless you call the fabricated evidence “proof.”

It is surreal how hypocritical you libs are. After a year and a half of tormenting the President of the United States by fabricating a malicious hoax, you’re all put upon because more and more evidence is showing that Biden was aware of his son’s enriching the Biden family by influencing peddling - and with the Communists yet.
We have a right to over turn the government. It’s in the constitution
True. And sadly the Trumpanzees violated the peaceful transition by storming our nations capitol building; incited by trump to violate the Constitution on January 6, 2021!

This ^^^ is a sad truth that will last for generations.
True. And sadly the Trumpanzees violated the peaceful transition by storming our nations capitol building; incited by trump to violate the Constitution on January 6, 2021!

This ^^^ is a sad truth that will last for generations.
Lol you’re funny
You sure didn’t take that attitude when your side created a defamatory hoax claiming Trump conspired with the Russians. Now THAT was something with no evidence - unless you call the fabricated evidence “proof.”

It is surreal how hypocritical you libs are. After a year and a half of tormenting the President of the United States by fabricating a malicious hoax, you’re all put upon because more and more evidence is showing that Biden was aware of his son’s enriching the Biden family by influencing peddling - and with the Communists yet.
There was no hoax.

In fact the Russians DID help get Trump elected.

That in itself is alarming ...and there was a lot of evidence that the Trump campaign knew they were getting help from Russia...used that help ...and possibly coordinated with the Russians so.. Not hoax
What's wrong with what he said? Several things, and the worst one of many is echoing a BIG LIE. There is no evidence to attack the character of the President of the United States committing an evil act. It's scum bags that echo this horrific allegation who deserve to be banned.

Just like a Trumper!
Electoral college causes corruption?
Used to be people served a couple of terms and went home. Now they work 55 years in DC, don’t accomplish one thing and become multi millionaires.
Electoral college? How does that fit the topic?
Are you sane? Do you really believe the bullshit you post is believable? Or are you hoping to get some applaud by other biddable fools who make shit up?
The Biden links are well known and well established. To deny them is to deny water is wet.
''Two-thirds of Republicans and independents say the government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me,” according to the poll, compared to 51 percent of liberal voters.'' Our public servants have a lot of work to do to change the publics opinion of government or if this information is true we as a nation are in for some dangerous times.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

That 1/3 will quickly grow if history is any indicator.

If Trump wins in 2024, along with having the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, the left will think insurrection 24/7. The will of those damned voters must be overridden because we live in a democracy but the democracy is only for those on the left and is inclusive of everyone on the left. The right are against democracy, even if they were voted in by the voters in elections.

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