Majority Say US Government is Corrupt and 1/3 Say an Armed Revolution May Be Neccessary

How about just fixing the voting system... First Past the Post is the major root of all the problems..

The US is getting more and more unrepresented... 40 senators representing about 15% of the population can stop the wishes of the 85%...
Technically, 85% of the legislation they vote on is unconstitutional.
Our country is diverse from state to state. Thats why the states are SUPPOSED to have all the power. But alas.
How about just fixing the voting system... First Past the Post is the major root of all the problems..

The US is getting more and more unrepresented... 40 senators representing about 15% of the population can stop the wishes of the 85%...
2 Senators per State. I read that somewhere.
Conservs don't watch DWTS, only middle aged fat hateful libturd women do

You lazy fooks can't even get your fat asses off the couch to vote....lolololol
It was a metaphor. Fill in the blank with any of a number of things. Faux Noise, NASCAR, Duck Dynasty, whatever happens to be the current idiocy of choice by you knuckle draggers.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

That 1/3 will quickly grow if history is any indicator.

Are we getting the excuses for electoral failure already?!?!
We need to look no further than you to see part of the problem with the current state of our democracy. Too many feckless morons who believe in baseless conspiracy theories. Always looking to whine about deficiencies, never willing to do the work it takes to correct them.
Baseless conspiracy theories?
Like the mystery substance the government forced people to get injected with doesn’t prevent infection nor spread of the virus and can lead to severe medical complications?
Are we getting the excuses for electoral failure already?!?!
Electoral college causes corruption?
Used to be people served a couple of terms and went home. Now they work 55 years in DC, don’t accomplish one thing and become multi millionaires.
The "Tyranny of the Minority".

Nuts who think that they have all the answers.
Related. These 4 active Senators are older than the chocolate chip cookie which first appeared in a cookbook in 1938:
It was a metaphor. Fill in the blank with any of a number of things. Faux Noise, NASCAR, Duck Dynasty, whatever happens to be the current idiocy of choice by you knuckle draggers.
You need to only use public transportation and live in a tiny home while your rulers take their limos to their private jets.
You have an incestuous pedophile drooling all the over the WH and you say nothing. A family so corrupt and beholden to China it made us weaker
Are you sane? Do you really believe the bullshit you post is believable? Or are you hoping to get some applaud by other biddable fools who make shit up?
Are you sane? Do you really believe the bullshit you post is believable? Or are you hoping to get some applaud by other biddable fools who make shit up?
IDIOT-GRAM: lacks substance, not thoughtful or thought provoking.
Are you sane? Do you really believe the bullshit you post is believable? Or are you hoping to get some applaud by other biddable fools who make shit up?
What’s wrong with what he said. Biden has demonstrated numerous times an abnormal attraction to children, and he knew, at the minimum, that his family was enriching itself by peddling influence while he was VP. Even worse, it is becoming likely that the Big Guy was Joe.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

That 1/3 will quickly grow if history is any indicator.

The federal government is far too powerful now for any organic movement to arise that could change things. Even a covert movement would be quickly identified, since the government spies on us all in clear violation of the constitution.

Plus we still have large numbers of Americans brainwashed into supporting this criminal government and anyone who vocally opposes it is immediately slandered a traitor. The perpetual union crowd is still hanging around.
Perhaps it's incumbent on the 1/3 to get off their lazy asses, stop watching Dancing With the Stars, and get involved with the issues they care about. Work to change the system. Vote. Participate in local politics. Encourage others to vote. Instead of relying on the childish notion, fomented by gun owning violent morons, that the only way to change things is by shooting someone.
You're so cute when you're angry.
Are you sane? Do you really believe the bullshit you post is believable? Or are you hoping to get some applaud by other biddable fools who make shit up?
He is much like those on the left who STILL think Putin controlled Trump.

Do see how similar you duopoly types are?

All for the benefit of the oligarchs and the MIC.
What’s wrong with what he said. Biden has demonstrated numerous times an abnormal attraction to children, and he knew, at the minimum, that his family was enriching itself by peddling influence while he was VP. Even worse, it is becoming likely that the Big Guy was Joe.
What's wrong with what he said? Several things, and the worst one of many is echoing a BIG LIE. There is no evidence to attack the character of the President of the United States committing an evil act. It's scum bags that echo this horrific allegation who deserve to be banned.

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