Make your case for Impeaching Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

The markets are at all time highs, black unemployment is at all time lows, Peace is breaking out all over.

The Democrats have to get the Trumpster out of there or they will be in the minority for a hundred generations. Impeachment is the only constitutional was to do it.
I will make a case or lack thereof after Mueller’s report.
I am not for impeaching Trump unless he’s found to have committed a crime such as obstruction of justice.

According to Dims, they are ready to impeach now.

You do realize that they don't need to prove anything to impeach him, right?
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

The markets are at all time highs, black unemployment is at all time lows, Peace is breaking out all over.

The Democrats have to get the Trumpster out of there or they will be in the minority for a hundred generations. Impeachment is the only constitutional was to do it.

It will be interesting to see this election cycle if all the 24/7 press to bring down Trump will pay off for the DNC.
I think he should be impeached on the sure fact that he doesn't have cankles like Hillary Clinton, and over the mere fact that he can actually walk unassisted to a van or a plane.

Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election, I’ll wait for the Mueller Report to divulge factually and truthfully—for those who know there is only one version of the truth (unilke Guliana)—if there was conspiracy and how involved the principal was in that conspiracy. Likewise with OOJ

That should be enough.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

So unless there is a factual conspiracy charge/OOJ leveled by the special counsel’s office, I don’t think there is a case for impeachment.
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.
Isn't the point to wait for the Mueller investigation to conclude? The understanding at this point is that even if Mueller finds wrong doing by Trump or his campaign, Republicans will not hold him accountable. If there were a majority of Democrats, Trump could be impeached if it were warranted.
No one at this point has enough to impeach a President. Unless you can impeach a Pres for being an inappropriate jerk.
I think it's pretty clear Trump colluded with The Russians:

I mean: I don't have any proof, but Hillary Clinton assures me this is the case.

In fact, there have so far been 7 idependent investigations in to this and none of them have found any collusion.......but we can't trust can we.

That is what I am told I must believe by Hillary Clinton.

Only the Democrat party and Clinton's friends and political allies know the truth.

The Russians must be pretty powerful to be able to overcome Hillary Clinton's $1.5 Billion in advertising and political ads. where she saturated even conservative talk radio stations with a non stop barrage of her overwhelming greatness. The Russian like I said are masters of political propaganda because they apparently overwhelmed the voting public with a mere $100k spent on Twitter and Facebook on Pro Clinton and Pro Trump Ads. and Silly Memes.

If The DNC Communists tell me anything at all, it must be true, right?
I will make a case or lack thereof after Mueller’s report.
I am not for impeaching Trump unless he’s found to have committed a crime such as obstruction of justice.

According to Dims, they are ready to impeach now.

You do realize that they don't need to prove anything to impeach him, right?
Not me.
What percentage of Democrats want Trump impeached right now? any surveys you’re quoting?
I will make a case or lack thereof after Mueller’s report.
I am not for impeaching Trump unless he’s found to have committed a crime such as obstruction of justice.

According to Dims, they are ready to impeach now.

You do realize that they don't need to prove anything to impeach him, right?
Not me.
What percentage of Democrats want Trump impeached right now? any surveys you’re quoting?

It's all I've heard Dims say on the news since Trump took office.

Just know that if the Dims take the House, this will be the end result for the next 2 years.
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election

Please expound upon your clarity.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

Too funny. In less than two years, he already ranks with the most accomplished.
Make you case for Impeaching Trump

1. He beat Hillary Clinton for President.


2. He made snowflakes cry.


3. He made Hillary Cry


4. The Strongest Economy in DECADES

5. Manufacturing Jobs Obama Said Would NEVER Come Back Are Back

6. Lowest Unemployment in DECADES

7. Lowest Black / Asian Unemployment in Recorded History

8. More Jobs

9. More Full-Time Jobs

10. Raises

11. Bonuses

12. Less Americans Dependent Upon Social Program-Pushing Democrats (Welfare/Food Stamps/Unemployment)

13. More Americans Working EVER

14. No more financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting aiding, and abetting terrorists

15. No more Un-Constitutional Wars the US gets dragged into to help terrorists

16. No more arming Mexican Drug Cartels

17. No More Protecting Human Traffickers, MS13, and Violent Illegals

18 Strongest Market in decades

19. No more Constitution / Law-Violating Administration illegally Spying on Citizens/US Senators/USSJ Justices

20. No ore administration using a weaponized IRS against citizens legally opposing re-elections

21. No more Administration betraying allies, giving Russians our uranium, and knowing about Interference & letting it continue

22. No more ability to hire Al Qaeda to protect Americans from Al Qaeda, to abandon Americans to needlessly die, and no more opportunity to blame an insignificant video afterwards.


The Democratic Socialist Party

The only reason to impeach Trump is out of compassion---to give relief to half-wit liberal cocksuckers who are suffering greatly from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

However, that act of compassion would provide only a day or so of relief for these Sickos---for the first thing Mike Pence did would set off a new Epidemic of Pence Derangement Syndrome.

The only thing to do that would cure these Asshole Whackjobs is too let them have CONTROL---it is their passion; it is the only cure for their Psychopathology---and we cannot let it happen---it would destroy America.

So, Fuck Em.
Now is your chance!

Umm very simple - When Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case and then fired him over "Russia thing", he commited the crime called Obstruction of Justice, for which Congress can impeach him.

18 U.S.C. § 1503 - whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).
No you make you case or you’re opening statement of “ its evident he colluded” which is refuted by The Very Ones who are witch hunting him will look as ignorant as you illiterate, hasty thread title and you opening sentence

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