Make your case for Impeaching Trump

Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election, I’ll wait for the Mueller Report to divulge factually and truthfully—for those who know there is only one version of the truth (unilke Guliana)—if there was conspiracy and how involved the principal was in that conspiracy. Likewise with OOJ

That should be enough.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

So unless there is a factual conspiracy charge/OOJ leveled by the special counsel’s office, I don’t think there is a case for impeachment.
Candyass, post your clear evidence.

Dumb bitch.

Stone had meetings with hackers
His son had meetings with Russians
His AG Nominee had meetings with Russians.
The last 2 lied about it.

Fuck off.
Dumb bitch opens mouth and inserts foot. Who purchased info from the Kremlin to throw an election? Your whore.
History will look at us and ask-“They were looking for a book Trump never wrote and Hillary had hers in her hand?”
Wrong on several counts.

"But Sessions did have contact with Russia on two occasions, including a meeting in his office with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in September that was listed on his public schedule.

Oh excuse me. SENATORS can't meet with ambassadors in their office? Is this a Senate rule or Fed statute? And what do you think was plotted in there -- you conspiracy nut...
As long as they don't lie to the Senate during confirmation hearings....
Nobody forced Trump's kids to meet with the Russians; much less lie about it.

Of course. Rookie error. Because no one in the Trump Campaign had ever held clearances and were sensitive to Russian espionage tactics Should have had a "security coordinator" in the campaign. And what WAS this "lie" that DJT Jr told?

Rookie mistake? Sure...whatever you say. LOL

Not disclosing the nature of it...remember back when it was about adoptions? His old man now says it was about getting dirt on HRC.

Who is lying?
Not disclosing the nature of it...remember back when it was about adoptions? His old man now says it was about getting dirt on HRC.

Turns out the entrapment meeting WAS about Russian orphans. Because Beaver Lawyer was here to LOBBY to drop Russian sanctions. And the orphan deal was a COUNTER sanction put on the US by Russia. That was the FOCUS of this phony as shit meeting. The Beaver Lawyer THEN went BACK to Fusion GPS the next day to get congratulations and report the details.

"His old man" KNOWS it was a set-up. A prank by Fusion GPS. Egged on by the "resistance" in general to dirty up the Trump campaign. Not buying it. What else you selling off your little wagon?

As long as they don't lie to the Senate during confirmation hearings....

If you're referring to the Al Franken questioning, the question Franken posed was about "members of the Trump campaign". Not directed solely to Sessions' all inclusive, every room he was in with a Russian present --- contacts. It's meaningless. Not an official investigation.

Is Sessions confirmed? Are there indictments pending? Is there any follow-up to this non-crime of talking to Russians as a Senator?

In fact -- ARE THERE ANY INDICTMENTS or evidence against ANY MEMBER of the Trump campaign for even questionable "dealing with Russians"? No --- there is not. It's a big distraction to keep talking about meaningless crap so that YOUR Fake Media sources don't have to cover the REAL collusion with Russians and INTERNAL Govt inference in that 2016 election and its aftermath..
Witness tampering
Wire fraud
Bank fraud
Money laundering
Acting as an agent for a foreign country
Campaign finance violations

Perhaps bribery.

These are all things that can be proven, through time-lines, paper trails, bank trails, text messages, email messages, the shit they got from the Cohen raid, the corroborating paperwork for people who have cooperated with Mueller, that validate and verify dates, meetings, phone logs, etc.

Trump is panicking bigly!
Oh, and tax evasion. A big one!
The only reason to impeach Trump is out of compassion

NOPE. The reason to impeach Trump is he couldn't help his impulsive little self from breaking the law.

Which Law, Numb-Skull, and what is the proof that it was broken?

this one dumbass:

Now is your chance!

Umm very simple - When Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case and then fired him over "Russia thing", he commited the crime called Obstruction of Justice, for which Congress can impeach him.

18 U.S.C. § 1503 - whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).

All you have actually provided is evidence of an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I notice you dodged any reference to Evidence. And don't try to tell me it was in the firing of that Ass Comey. He is the one who violated the above Statute by intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation, plus a number of others, including leaking classified documents and perjury. It was Trumps right and DUTY to fire that Seditious Bastard.


1. “I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey

2. I have asked this of the Leftists on numerous occasions, and they won't answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.
The only reason to impeach Trump is out of compassion

NOPE. The reason to impeach Trump is he couldn't help his impulsive little self from breaking the law.

Which Law, Numb-Skull, and what is the proof that it was broken?

this one dumbass:

Now is your chance!

Umm very simple - When Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case and then fired him over "Russia thing", he commited the crime called Obstruction of Justice, for which Congress can impeach him.

18 U.S.C. § 1503 - whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).

All you have actually provided is evidence of an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I notice you dodged any reference to Evidence. And don't try to tell me it was in the firing of that Ass Comey. He is the one who violated the above Statute by intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation, plus a number of others, including leaking classified documents and perjury. It was Trumps right and DUTY to fire that Seditious Bastard.


1. “I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey

No one said Trump couldn't fire Comey.

What Trump could not legally do was try to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, it matters not if he had or not the power to fire.

Firing was just a follow-through on Trump's corrupt pressuring of Comey to pledge loyalty and drop Flynn's case.
The law changed so a President can now be impeached over a serious case of "butt-hurt"?
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election, I’ll wait for the Mueller Report to divulge factually and truthfully—for those who know there is only one version of the truth (unilke Guliana)—if there was conspiracy and how involved the principal was in that conspiracy. Likewise with OOJ

That should be enough.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

So unless there is a factual conspiracy charge/OOJ leveled by the special counsel’s office, I don’t think there is a case for impeachment.

Lets start slowly. Define clear.
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election, I’ll wait for the Mueller Report to divulge factually and truthfully—for those who know there is only one version of the truth (unilke Guliana)—if there was conspiracy and how involved the principal was in that conspiracy. Likewise with OOJ

That should be enough.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

So unless there is a factual conspiracy charge/OOJ leveled by the special counsel’s office, I don’t think there is a case for impeachment.

Lets start slowly. Define clear.

Taking a meeting to "get dirt" on political opponent
Having an advisor with ties to hackers
Numerous lies about ties to Russia during the election

Three 100% factual data points coupled with repeatedly proclaiming his innocence without such a response being solicited, his personal attorney's ties to Russia, etc...

More than any of this is the "win at all costs" posture of his campaign, his repeated ignoring of social norms, repeated trashing of America (put another way, he thinks that our nation is as sleazy as he actually is), etc...
Now is your chance! Tell us why people should vote D in November in order to get Trump impeached.

Start with what it proven and then what is not.

While I think it is clear he conspired with the Russians to win an election, I’ll wait for the Mueller Report to divulge factually and truthfully—for those who know there is only one version of the truth (unilke Guliana)—if there was conspiracy and how involved the principal was in that conspiracy. Likewise with OOJ

That should be enough.

Aside from that, Trump is a terrible President who is clearly out of his depth both on the domestic and international stage but It isn’t enough to rise to impeachment.

So unless there is a factual conspiracy charge/OOJ leveled by the special counsel’s office, I don’t think there is a case for impeachment.

Lets start slowly. Define clear.

Taking a meeting to "get dirt" on political opponent
Having an advisor with ties to hackers
Numerous lies about ties to Russia during the election

Three 100% factual data points coupled with repeatedly proclaiming his innocence without such a response being solicited, his personal attorney's ties to Russia, etc...

More than any of this is the "win at all costs" posture of his campaign, his repeated ignoring of social norms, repeated trashing of America (put another way, he thinks that our nation is as sleazy as he actually is), etc...

"Taking a meeting to "get dirt" on political opponent"

Like the Hildebeast financing Fusion GPS to find someone to "get dirt" on a political opponent???

"Having an advisor with ties to hackers"

Seth Rich downloaded the was an inside job. Why didn't the DNC turn their server over to one of the three letter alphabet agencies????

"Numerous lies about ties to Russia during the election"

Like selling uranium to the Rooskies where Mueller delivered a sample to Moscow???

As I have stated many times before....I wouldn't support a leftard even at gunpoint. Shills like you shun the truth like those of your ilk shun soap and water.

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