Making America Great Again: Florida Mayoral Candidate Tells Black Crowd To "Go Back To Africa"

If the religious fundies would join their brothers in the middle east America would be far better off.
If you walk like a duck and talk like a duck and look like a are certainly not a white person. hehheh

You can judge what a person's skin color is based on they post on a forum? :lmao:

You are literally in the dumbass posters hall of fame. The only thing you haven't done yet was say that the Holocaust was fake, and I'm sure you'll say that soon...

Race runs much deeper than mere skin color.

See there is a huge logical fallacy in your argument, and that's the one where you think you speak for all White people, and since I disagree with you. I must be Black. Not only are you wrong once, but twice... and always an idiot.

I did not claim to speak for all White are a liar. If you walk like a duck, talk like a duck and act like a not blame me for thinking you are a duck. If ya git mah drift boyo hehheh One thing for sure you have no idea what a logical fallacy is.

Ok I'm not going to argue with you any longer, you obviously have some kind of mental handicap and I don't want it to look like I'm picking on someone that is too stupid to defend themselves.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you can run but you cannot hide.
If the religious fundies would join their brothers in the middle east America would be far better off.

If the muslim apoligists in America would immigrate to mooslim nations America would be much better off. Anyone who cannot see the difference between Christianity and Islam is either ignorant, stupid, a muslim apologist or some combination go ahead boyo...tell us who you really are.
If the muslim apoligists in America would immigrate to mooslim nations America would be much better off. Anyone who cannot see the difference between Christianity and Islam is either ignorant, stupid, a muslim apologist or some combination go ahead boyo...tell us who you really are.
It wouldn't survive a day in a muslim nation.
Finally someone with cojones to stick it to these people. Can you imagine what cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia would be like without the massive crime and murders being committed by them? They would be nice tranquil places to visit without the fear of being killed. This guy obvious understands who the specific people the founders had in mind to create this country for by reading the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. The Trumpenfuhrer should offer him a position in his administration.

"Mr. Nevel, you and your people talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations," Congemi said. "Your reparations, your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama. My advice to you, if you don't like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!"

Florida Mayoral Candidate Tells Black People To ‘Go Back To Africa’

And once again, Republicans demonstrate the reason minorities vote for Democrats.
They got their reparations during Reconstruction. The wonderful 'abolitionists' and black politicians pocketed it, just as they pocket the bulk of set-asides and grants to this day.

If they're unhappy, they should move back to Africa, where 'racism isn't a problem' .... oh ... wait ... it's far worse there ... never mind.

I'm white, but blacks go back to the beginning of the 13 colonies, my family does not. They probably have more right to the USA than most white folk.

Wake up have been brainwashed. Let me give you some truth...something you obviously are a stranger to.

Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. They believed people of different races had different temperaments and abilities, and built markedly different societies. They believed that only people of European stock could maintain a society in which they would wish to live, and they strongly opposed miscegenation. For more than 300 years, therefore, American policy reflected a consensus on race that was the very opposite of what prevails today.

What the Founders Really Thought About Race

I don't give a shit what the founders thought, they should of never allowed slavery then.

If not for slavery your ancestors would have perished in Africa and you would never have been born. Think about it.

Yep so true, there is not a single person alive on the continent of Africa.
How many Whites living outside Africa are trying to immigrate to countries in Africa?
How many negroes living in countries in Africa would do literally anything to leave Africa and live anywhere else?
Point made!
Africa was a stone age shit hole before the native chiefs started selling their negro slaves to the europeans and it's still a fucking shithole being run by essentially negro 'royal families'.
The only difference is now the Chinese have purchased EVERY fucking gram of Africa's mineral wealth for broken pieces of mirror and glass beads.

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