Making America great again

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Mr Trump has made this his battle cry.

What does it actually mean ?

What would America look like and what would the world look like ?

Would there be more bombs and war or less ?
I dotn really have a problem with his foreign policy. And I completely support his economic standards. However, his home defense makes me cringe.. But that's why we have a congress... Oh wait..
LOL. Yes, that is pretty much what it means.

After WW2, the US really had very little damage. And the rest of the world had taken a very serious beating, requiring a generation to repair. We were the big dog, had the highest standard of living, and no competition at all as the place where the living was best.

However, that was yesterday. Europe recovered, evolved politically, and today many places boast a living standard that exceeds that in the US. But all too many of our 'Conservatives' are still mentally in the '50's, and cannot admit that other peoples have exceeded us in many ways. Nor can they admit that we should be learning from what they are doing better than we are. So they mouth nonsense like 'Making America Great Again'. Well, we never ceased being great. It is simply that much of the rest of the world is also a great place to be now. And they simply cannot accept that.

For the rest of us, that is a good thing. And after I retire, I intend to see much of the rest of the world, especially Great Britain, where most my roots are.
My opinion has not mattered for the past 76 years, why should I express it now?
And if God punishes me with another 76 years years it won't matter then! Dumb question, ask another!
LOL. Yes, that is pretty much what it means.

After WW2, the US really had very little damage. And the rest of the world had taken a very serious beating, requiring a generation to repair. We were the big dog, had the highest standard of living, and no competition at all as the place where the living was best.

However, that was yesterday. Europe recovered, evolved politically, and today many places boast a living standard that exceeds that in the US. But all too many of our 'Conservatives' are still mentally in the '50's, and cannot admit that other peoples have exceeded us in many ways. Nor can they admit that we should be learning from what they are doing better than we are. So they mouth nonsense like 'Making America Great Again'. Well, we never ceased being great. It is simply that much of the rest of the world is also a great place to be now. And they simply cannot accept that.

For the rest of us, that is a good thing. And after I retire, I intend to see much of the rest of the world, especially Great Britain, where most my roots are.

My life plan was the opposite of yours. My first real job was the United States Army. I enlisted on my seventeenth birthday and went on to see much of the world in that capacity for right at 21 years. I then came back to the States and started my second career and have been here since, off and on. I also have roots in Great Britain and have been there. I feel your personal assessment is pretty much spot on. It is too bad there is not another unexplored continent on this earth where we could start all over only to screw up again. "To the moon Alice, to the moon". The American Dream died when George Herbert Walker Bush declared "The New World Order" was in order.At that point everyone world wide expected a "chicken in every pot" and that the United States would pay for them. As a paratrooper with the United States Army I experienced a parachute malfunction and emerged unscathed. Too bad Mr. Bush did not have one. "Read my lips" he said. Yea, right, read em and weep. Trump is a day late and a dollar short! And stick around for a while, you will have your chance to see Europe right here in the good old USA. Socialized Amerika will be soo wonderful. Horsepuckey!
I don't think anyone who comes from a country of Pisslam's rape-enabling, cowardly human condom (England) has any right to lecture other countries on what constitutes "greatness." By wallowing in Islam and covering up their brutality against women, you English males are the ULTIMATE coward filth of my race & gender. I respect the opinions of REAL MEN, who protect young females -- not a culture of Islam-loving PC castrati who feeds their girl to the Islam fuck machine.
I don't think anyone who comes from a country of Pisslam's rape-enabling, cowardly human condom (England) has any right to lecture other countries on what constitutes "greatness." By wallowing in Islam and covering up their brutality against women, you English males are the ULTIMATE coward filth of my race & gender. I respect the opinions of REAL MEN, who protect young females -- not a culture of Islam-loving PC castrati who feeds their girl to the Islam fuck machine.

Damn Will, lighten up. You have not been a member for a month yet, in fact only seven days. Keep that up and you will have a stroke before months end. Also, say what you mean, don't beat around the bush so much.

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