Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

Aha, all is revealed;

How safe are Boeing 777 planes following the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? |

It has emerged that last September, authorities issued a global warning regarding the structural integrity of 777 aircraft following reports of cracks and corrosion appearing in the fuselage skin, resulting in a “weak spot”.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that a 40 centimetre-crack was found underneath the satellite antennae on one of the planes, which could cause “rapid decompression and a loss of structural integrity of the aeroplane.”

They have had problems since the very first one. This is not news.

I think you're confusing the 777 with the 787. The 787 has had so many problems that it's called "The Flying Work Order".

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
terrorists would claimed responsibly and made demands long before now

Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.


That would make sense if it was a US airplane. But who did the Malaysians piss off?!?!?!


I never said the future intent was against Malaysians. :D Perhaps a Malaysian airplane was an easier target to acquire.
terrorists would claimed responsibly and made demands long before now

Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner!
terrorists would claimed responsibly and made demands long before now

Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

They keep expanding the search area. It would seem that they could calculate approximately how far the plane could have traveled in all directions in the time it had before it went missing and exhaust searches in that area before they go out farther. Perhaps they have done that, but it seems the early part of the disappearance was more a question of 'which way did they go' rather than, 'where did they come to rest.' I think it is clear at this point that the plane did come to rest somewhere, somehow. I also can't accept that there would be no floating debris in the ocean or that satellite technology couldn't locate it, particularly since aircraft are equipped with flotation devices. I have trouble even believing that satellite technology can't find a downed aircraft on land. Hell, they can read your house number from a satellite. But they can't find a plane on the ground? Go figure!

Everything within a six-seven hour flight time (fuel available on the plane) is a massive area to search. New York to San Francisco is under seven hours of flight time, imagine trying to to search for a plane leaving New York for seven hours of flight time in all directions. Granted, they do know the first hour of the flight direction, but the remaining possibilities are still huge.
terrorists would claimed responsibly and made demands long before now

Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed

wrong order

passengers killed

plane stolen

landed somewhere

not one person tried to call out from the plane
terrorists would claimed responsibly and made demands long before now

Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed

wrong order

passengers killed

plane stolen

landed somewhere

not one person tried to call out from the plane

Did you miss this part of my post??

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.
The one sentence you put in bold wasn't a timeline, it was a conspiracy culmination.
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Missing Malaysian Plane: Search Team Find What They Believe Is Part Of Plane Door And Tail (PHOTO) - The Trent that looks like the picture they thought was the door and wasn't, scroll down at link to see it
the very latest ...... something has happened this it?

(CNN) -- A Chinese satellite looking into the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said -- a potentially pivotal lead into what has been a frustrating search for the Boeing 777.

Satellite eyeing missing Malaysia flight detects 'suspected crash area' -

that was taken by the Chinese back on the 9th. why the long wait??
Too many cell phones rang

And your evidence for this rather remarkable claim would be ... what?
Oh, I don't know, maybe a variety of various news sources, pick one that pleases you.

That's not an answer. That's an evasion. You need to define what "too many" is, and explain how you arrived at such a number, based on knowledge of how cell phones work.

For example, based on my sample size of one, the percentage of cell phone numbers that will return a ring to a caller if the phone is suddenly destroyed is ... 100%. Hence, having many of the 200 or so numbers from the cell phones on board display such behavior is exactly what would be expected if the plane went into the ocean.

But then again, maybe a giant 777 is being hidden in an area with great cellphone reception by terrorist masterminds who aren't smart enough to shut off the cellphones that could track them.
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And your evidence for this rather remarkable claim would be ... what?
Oh, I don't know, maybe a variety of various news sources, pick one that pleases you.

That's not an answer. That's an evasion. You need to define what "too many" is, and explain how you arrived at such a number, based on knowledge of how cell phones work.

For example, based on my sample size of one, the percentage of cell phone numbers that will return a ring to a caller if the phone is suddenly destroyed is ... 100%. Hence, having many of the 200 or so numbers from the cell phones on board display such behavior is exactly what would be expected if the plane went into the ocean.

But then again, maybe a giant 777 is being hidden in an area with great cellphone reception by terrorist masterminds who aren't smart enough to shut off the cellphones that could track them.

Thank you for moving the goalposts based upon your sample size of one.
Carry on.
That sample size of one is notably larger than the sample size of any of the conspiracy theorists.

And speaking of moving goalposts, you might want to set your goalposts down for the first time by defining for us what criteria you used to conclude "too many" callers were getting rings back.
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Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed

wrong order

passengers killed

plane stolen

landed somewhere

not one person tried to call out from the plane

Did you miss this part of my post??

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.
The one sentence you put in bold wasn't a timeline, it was a conspiracy culmination.

if you are stealing an airplane why go through all that mess

introduce kolokol-1 (any number of former Soviet states would have it)

into the planes atmosphere any problems with passengers

or pilots is almost instantly resolved certainly before anyone realizes it

then the plane is free for the taking
That sample size of one is notably larger than the sample size of any of the conspiracy theorists.

And speaking of moving goalposts, you might want to set your goalposts down for the first time by defining for us what criteria you used to conclude "too many" callers were getting rings back.

Haha, I explicitly stated that what I posted was conspiracy, not fact nor proof, nor even that I believed it. You are the fool wanting me to prove that what I already stated as a conspiracy is some how factual in my mind. Do you really want to travel that path? Had I claimed it to be something other than a conspiracy, you might have a point. I didn't do that. Your attempt to steer it in that direction isn't wise. Which would explain why I called you a fool.
I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed

wrong order

passengers killed

plane stolen

landed somewhere

not one person tried to call out from the plane

Did you miss this part of my post??

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.
The one sentence you put in bold wasn't a timeline, it was a conspiracy culmination.

if you are stealing an airplane why go through all that mess

introduce kolokol-1 (any number of former Soviet states would have it)

into the planes atmosphere any problems with passengers

or pilots is almost instantly resolved certainly before anyone realizes it

then the plane is free for the taking

Good point, maybe they introduced kolokol-1. Excellent conspiracy conjecture. :D
Did you miss this part of my post??

The one sentence you put in bold wasn't a timeline, it was a conspiracy culmination.

if you are stealing an airplane why go through all that mess

introduce kolokol-1 (any number of former Soviet states would have it)

into the planes atmosphere any problems with passengers

or pilots is almost instantly resolved certainly before anyone realizes it

then the plane is free for the taking

Good point, maybe they introduced kolokol-1. Excellent conspiracy conjecture. :D

it would explain why none of the passengers called out from the plane
Haha, I explicitly stated that what I posted was conspiracy, not fact nor proof, nor even that I believed it.

It's too late to be switching to the "But I was just joking!" defense at this point.
It seem they searched the China site and there is no place wreckage and the US investigators believe the plane flew for at least 4 hours after it was reported missing.

No wreckage found at site provided by China images

12:17 a.m. CDT, March 13, 2014

KUALA — KUALA LUMPUR/PHU QUOC, Vietnam - Search planes found no sign on Thursday of a missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft in an area where satellite images had shown debris, taking the as-yet fruitless hunt into the sixth day.

Adding to the deepening mystery surrounding the fate of the plane and 239 people on board, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that U.S. investigators suspect the aircraft flew for about four hours after reaching its last confirmed location under conditions that remain murky.

No sign of plane where satellite images showed debris -
It is one of the safest planes....but even the safest plane can have a hiccup. If they have been having problems all along, I sure would like to see some links....:eusa_whistle: One of the Safest planes

Boeing 777 considered one of the most popular, safest jets | Fox News

Boeing 777: 1 of the Most Popular, Safest Jets - The New Indian Express

They don't have to 'have problems all along' to have a fatal defect. Many craft have only ONE fatal flight including one of our space shuttles. And one is all it takes. The industry was warned abut the defects in the 777s early on. I don't know who listened and who didn't. The US may have demanded correction. But this wasn't in the US nor was it a US airline, now was it!~

They started flying 777's in 2004...

Boeing: Boeing Longer-Range 777s: Flying Farther and Increasing the Value of the 777 Family

And, I've only heard of one crashing....and nobody was killed. So, if there was a fatal flaw, it sure hadn't shown up in 10 years? Not sure you can say they've had problems all along.

Has a Boeing 777 crashed?
In: Boeing [Edit categories]
Yes - A British Airways 777-200ER from Beijing crashed landed on approach to London's Heathrow airport, stopping just short of the runway. There were no fatalities.

This said, it is generally regarded as one of the safest and most reliable planes flying today. Several incidents have occurred on 777s with RR Trent 800 engines, where the heat exchanger got clogged with ice, and the engines momentarily shut down. The previously mentioned incident at Heathrow is the only example of a 777 fuselage being too damaged to be repaired and being discarded.

To put it into perspective, over 1000 777's have been delivered to airlines by Boeing. Of the very few recorded incidents relating to the aircraft, no passenger or crew has ever died. A maintenance worker once died in a fire from one of the B777 engines, but that was unrelated to the quality of the aircraft.

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