Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

This is the best article on the web reporting on that theory. These are some interesting and startling points to consider. One must have an open mind to read it though.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory buzzing on Social Media

Meanwhile, a bizarre theory on the outer space and mid-air alien abduct angle to the lost Boing 777 too has surfaced online.

The flight MH370 was flying at more than 35,000 ft when it disappeared in good weather condition fuelling the weird theory of an alien attack and abduction.

The social media is abuzz with this theory as not even the super efficient Satellites were able to detect any trace of the missing plane.

The alien abduction theory now holds more weight as the Chinese media claimed that some passengers' mobile phones were ringing when their relatives called while the American spy satellite too showed no sign of a mid-air explosion in its image.
Anyone thought to check passengers' cellphone records? Can't they Ping those to see where they are if not destroyed?

Googling to see if anyone else had this bright idea, seems they did:

Family members of Flight 370 passengers able to ring relatives' cellphones

Let's make the NSA do something useful for a change and figure out where these cellphones are. They CAN do that afterall.

They are all down by now. What don't you get about that?
This is the best article on the web reporting on that theory. These are some interesting and startling points to consider. One must have an open mind to read it though.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory buzzing on Social Media

Meanwhile, a bizarre theory on the outer space and mid-air alien abduct angle to the lost Boing 777 too has surfaced online.

The flight MH370 was flying at more than 35,000 ft when it disappeared in good weather condition fuelling the weird theory of an alien attack and abduction.

The social media is abuzz with this theory as not even the super efficient Satellites were able to detect any trace of the missing plane.

The alien abduction theory now holds more weight as the Chinese media claimed that some passengers' mobile phones were ringing when their relatives called while the American spy satellite too showed no sign of a mid-air explosion in its image.

Uh ya. Because that's more likely than it crashing into the ocean.
Anyone thought to check passengers' cellphone records? Can't they Ping those to see where they are if not destroyed?

Googling to see if anyone else had this bright idea, seems they did:

Family members of Flight 370 passengers able to ring relatives' cellphones

Let's make the NSA do something useful for a change and figure out where these cellphones are. They CAN do that afterall.

They are all down by now. What don't you get about that?

Sorry did you say something? Your tits make it hard to hear anything you may have said. Maybe put the 'girls' away if you wanna be taken seriously.
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Anyone thought to check passengers' cellphone records? Can't they Ping those to see where they are if not destroyed?

Googling to see if anyone else had this bright idea, seems they did:

Family members of Flight 370 passengers able to ring relatives' cellphones

Let's make the NSA do something useful for a change and figure out where these cellphones are. They CAN do that afterall.

Cellphones are unlikely to help you.

Why passenger cellphones can't help locate missing Malaysian air jet | Fox News
This is the best article on the web reporting on that theory. These are some interesting and startling points to consider. One must have an open mind to read it though.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory buzzing on Social Media

Meanwhile, a bizarre theory on the outer space and mid-air alien abduct angle to the lost Boing 777 too has surfaced online.

The flight MH370 was flying at more than 35,000 ft when it disappeared in good weather condition fuelling the weird theory of an alien attack and abduction.

The social media is abuzz with this theory as not even the super efficient Satellites were able to detect any trace of the missing plane.

The alien abduction theory now holds more weight as the Chinese media claimed that some passengers' mobile phones were ringing when their relatives called while the American spy satellite too showed no sign of a mid-air explosion in its image.

Uh ya. Because that's more likely than it crashing into the ocean.

Current theory is it flew 4 to 5 hours before crashing into the Indian Ocean:

US Officials Have 'Indication' Malaysia Airline Crashed into Indian Ocean - ABC News

Then I would like to know why the Pilot didn't mayday for help. Otherwise it is this scenario:

US investigators reportedly believe missing Malaysia Airlines jet flew for hours after losing contact | Fox News

They need to find that plane.
They have had problems since the very first one. This is not news.

I think you're confusing the 777 with the 787. The 787 has had so many problems that it's called "The Flying Work Order".

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Nope, it was the 777.

US regulators warned of problems on Boeing 777s

I remember it well. That was in my extreme fear of flying days, and someone else booked the flights. I had no choice but to take the domestic flights they booked for me.

That's odd, the article linked says:

Washington (AFP) - Months before Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysteriously vanished, US regulators warned of a "cracking and corrosion" problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure.

It wasn't that long ago they said that....
This is the best article on the web reporting on that theory. These are some interesting and startling points to consider. One must have an open mind to read it though.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory buzzing on Social Media

Uh ya. Because that's more likely than it crashing into the ocean.

Current theory is it flew 4 to 5 hours before crashing into the Indian Ocean:

US Officials Have 'Indication' Malaysia Airline Crashed into Indian Ocean - ABC News

Then I would like to know why the Pilot didn't mayday for help. Otherwise it is this scenario:

US investigators reportedly believe missing Malaysia Airlines jet flew for hours after losing contact | Fox News

They need to find that plane.

I agree, but they will call this search off pretty soon.

I think you're confusing the 777 with the 787. The 787 has had so many problems that it's called "The Flying Work Order".

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Nope, it was the 777.

US regulators warned of problems on Boeing 777s

I remember it well. That was in my extreme fear of flying days, and someone else booked the flights. I had no choice but to take the domestic flights they booked for me.

That's odd, the article linked says:

Washington (AFP) - Months before Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysteriously vanished, US regulators warned of a "cracking and corrosion" problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure.

It wasn't that long ago they said that....

The operative words in your post are US regulators. Airlines in the US may have taken action. But this was not a US airline, there is no indication that it was under US regs, and the flight did not originate or crash in the US. Try to get Siri to recalculate so you can make an intelligent post.
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Things just aren't adding up.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the 777 engine manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, as saying the engines transmit data to them while in flight, and that the two engines on this one did so for about 4 hours after the transponder was either turned off or malfunctioned. You gotta assume R-R knows what they're talking about, and I've not heard any other airlines with 777s with R-R engines disputing their claim, which they surely would.

Article also said the data R-R received is being analyzed to determine the planes flight path after the transponder turned off. So, presumably a follow-up report will be forthcoming.

Did the WSJ reporter get it wrong interviewing R-R? Possible, but by now you'd have to assume they would have come clean and admit their mistake, given the implications such an allegation implies.

Meanwhile, some Malaysian official claimed the report of 4 hours of additional flight data from the engines isn't true? Puts that ball squarely in R-R's court, and I can't imagine they'd be very happy being accused of lying about it on the international stage. And it should be simple enough for them to prove if it's true.

Let's say the engines did continue to run, meaning the plane continued to fly. Terrorism? Maybe. Or maybe not. Recall the crash landing of a US carrier in Iowa several years ago. Some sort of explosion took out all that plane's hydrolic systems, leaving the pilots without rudder or aileron controls and thus unable to steer the aircraft. The only way they could make the plane turn was by increasing power in one engine and decreasing it in the other one. And they were at least able to crashland it finally, albeit with lots of loss of life but lots of survivors too.

Could something similar have happened to flight 370? Perhaps something catastrophic happed that knocked out the transponder and radio communications and some flight controls, leaving the pilots struggling to keep it in the air and control its direction until it eventually crashed into the sea, hundreds or thousands of miles from where anyone expected it to be.

Well it's got my interest and I look forward to hearing further developments.
Things just aren't adding up.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the 777 engine manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, as saying the engines transmit data to them while in flight, and that the two engines on this one did so for about 4 hours after the transponder was either turned off or malfunctioned. You gotta assume R-R knows what they're talking about, and I've not heard any other airlines with 777s with R-R engines disputing their claim, which they surely would.

Article also said the data R-R received is being analyzed to determine the planes flight path after the transponder turned off. So, presumably a follow-up report will be forthcoming.

Did the WSJ reporter get it wrong interviewing R-R? Possible, but by now you'd have to assume they would have come clean and admit their mistake, given the implications such an allegation implies.

Meanwhile, some Malaysian official claimed the report of 4 hours of additional flight data from the engines isn't true? Puts that ball squarely in R-R's court, and I can't imagine they'd be very happy being accused of lying about it on the international stage. And it should be simple enough for them to prove if it's true.

Let's say the engines did continue to run, meaning the plane continued to fly. Terrorism? Maybe. Or maybe not. Recall the crash landing of a US carrier in Iowa several years ago. Some sort of explosion took out all that plane's hydrolic systems, leaving the pilots without rudder or aileron controls and thus unable to steer the aircraft. The only way they could make the plane turn was by increasing power in one engine and decreasing it in the other one. And they were at least able to crashland it finally, albeit with lots of loss of life but lots of survivors too.

Could something similar have happened to flight 370? Perhaps something catastrophic happed that knocked out the transponder and radio communications and some flight controls, leaving the pilots struggling to keep it in the air and control its direction until it eventually crashed into the sea, hundreds or thousands of miles from where anyone expected it to be.

Well it's got my interest and I look forward to hearing further developments.

Hishamuddin also dismissed a report by the Wall Street Journal that signals sent by the plane's Rolls Royce engine indicated the plane kept flying for up to five hours. He didn't dispute the plane could have kept flying, but said Rolls Royce did not receive any signals from the engine after it vanished from radar.

US Officials Have 'Indication' Malaysia Airline Crashed into Indian Ocean - ABC News

You be the judge.
Families of those on the plane say the phones still ring. They didn't run out of power. Someone has to be charging them, but to what end?
CaféAuLait;8766040 said:
Who was saying they thought the plane may have been diverted and then landed to be used for other purposes? This thread has become so long i can't recall. Maybe [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]?

Here is a report released today which state US investigators have started to believe that possibility.

U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU -4.08% Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky.

U.S. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection, according to one person tracking the probe.

But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to U.S. authorities. Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various U.S. agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter.

At one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose."

U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Malaysia Airplane Flew On for Hours -

Malaysian authorities just said the Rolls Royce story of 4 hours is not correct and that the satellite images were released by mistake.



I don't get it, honestly. Shortly after I post that I saw what you posted above. And now this brand new story, which says the exact opposite. I'm coming to the conclusion the news ( as it does a lot) is reaching for any story it can print.

Its hard to find any real information anywhere. Like they are flip-flopping.

Malaysia widens search for missing plane again: "We can't rule anything out"

Last Updated Mar 13, 2014 3:25 PM EDT
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Malaysian authorities expanded their search for the missing jetliner westward toward India on Thursday, saying it may have flown for several hours after its last contact with the ground.

CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports that there are technical indicators suggesting the plane continued to fly for an unspecified period of time after civilian air traffic controllers lost radar contact with the jet. Sources say the Boeing 777 continued to attempt to transmit routine data about the plane's engines and performance to satellites. Malaysian authorities and Boeing apparently did not downlink the data, so details from plane's transmissions are not known.

But, the fact that the jet was continuing to send signals is a strong indication that the jet did not crash immediately after radar contact was lost. The engines instead continued to run, Orr reports, meaning the plane continued in flight or perhaps was on the ground but still producing power.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Authorities widen search for missing plane yet again - CBS News
Things just aren't adding up.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the 777 engine manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, as saying the engines transmit data to them while in flight, and that the two engines on this one did so for about 4 hours after the transponder was either turned off or malfunctioned. You gotta assume R-R knows what they're talking about, and I've not heard any other airlines with 777s with R-R engines disputing their claim, which they surely would.

Article also said the data R-R received is being analyzed to determine the planes flight path after the transponder turned off. So, presumably a follow-up report will be forthcoming.

Did the WSJ reporter get it wrong interviewing R-R? Possible, but by now you'd have to assume they would have come clean and admit their mistake, given the implications such an allegation implies.

Meanwhile, some Malaysian official claimed the report of 4 hours of additional flight data from the engines isn't true? Puts that ball squarely in R-R's court, and I can't imagine they'd be very happy being accused of lying about it on the international stage. And it should be simple enough for them to prove if it's true.

Let's say the engines did continue to run, meaning the plane continued to fly. Terrorism? Maybe. Or maybe not. Recall the crash landing of a US carrier in Iowa several years ago. Some sort of explosion took out all that plane's hydrolic systems, leaving the pilots without rudder or aileron controls and thus unable to steer the aircraft. The only way they could make the plane turn was by increasing power in one engine and decreasing it in the other one. And they were at least able to crashland it finally, albeit with lots of loss of life but lots of survivors too.

Could something similar have happened to flight 370? Perhaps something catastrophic happed that knocked out the transponder and radio communications and some flight controls, leaving the pilots struggling to keep it in the air and control its direction until it eventually crashed into the sea, hundreds or thousands of miles from where anyone expected it to be.

Well it's got my interest and I look forward to hearing further developments.

Hishamuddin also dismissed a report by the Wall Street Journal that signals sent by the plane's Rolls Royce engine indicated the plane kept flying for up to five hours. He didn't dispute the plane could have kept flying, but said Rolls Royce did not receive any signals from the engine after it vanished from radar.

US Officials Have 'Indication' Malaysia Airline Crashed into Indian Ocean - ABC News

You be the judge.

Then that is where the search should be.
CaféAuLait;8768539 said:
CaféAuLait;8766040 said:
Who was saying they thought the plane may have been diverted and then landed to be used for other purposes? This thread has become so long i can't recall. Maybe [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]?

Here is a report released today which state US investigators have started to believe that possibility.

U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Malaysia Airplane Flew On for Hours -

Malaysian authorities just said the Rolls Royce story of 4 hours is not correct and that the satellite images were released by mistake.



I don't get it, honestly. Shortly after I post that I saw what you posted above. And now this brand new story, which says the exact opposite. I'm coming to the conclusion the news ( as it does a lot) is reaching for any story it can print.

Its hard to find any real information anywhere. Like they are flip-flopping.

Malaysia widens search for missing plane again: "We can't rule anything out"

Last Updated Mar 13, 2014 3:25 PM EDT
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Malaysian authorities expanded their search for the missing jetliner westward toward India on Thursday, saying it may have flown for several hours after its last contact with the ground.

CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports that there are technical indicators suggesting the plane continued to fly for an unspecified period of time after civilian air traffic controllers lost radar contact with the jet. Sources say the Boeing 777 continued to attempt to transmit routine data about the plane's engines and performance to satellites. Malaysian authorities and Boeing apparently did not downlink the data, so details from plane's transmissions are not known.

But, the fact that the jet was continuing to send signals is a strong indication that the jet did not crash immediately after radar contact was lost. The engines instead continued to run, Orr reports, meaning the plane continued in flight or perhaps was on the ground but still producing power.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Authorities widen search for missing plane yet again - CBS News

I think the media, as per usual, are becoming part of the story, and that is regrettable when you consider the families who are sitting out there with their lives in a holding pattern waiting for this to be resolved.
This is the best article on the web reporting on that theory. These are some interesting and startling points to consider. One must have an open mind to read it though.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory buzzing on Social Media

Meanwhile, a bizarre theory on the outer space and mid-air alien abduct angle to the lost Boing 777 too has surfaced online.

The flight MH370 was flying at more than 35,000 ft when it disappeared in good weather condition fuelling the weird theory of an alien attack and abduction.

The social media is abuzz with this theory as not even the super efficient Satellites were able to detect any trace of the missing plane.

The alien abduction theory now holds more weight as the Chinese media claimed that some passengers' mobile phones were ringing when their relatives called while the American spy satellite too showed no sign of a mid-air explosion in its image.

Uh ya. Because that's more likely than it crashing into the ocean.

Sure it is, except for when you look at THE FACTS.
But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to U.S. authorities. Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various U.S. agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter.

The fact is, the plane continued to be tracked, in the air, long after communication was lost. If it was going down or out of control, this fact is inconsistent with it being "likely to have crashed in the ocean."

If one makes the assumption that the people who are in control of information are going to release to the population of the earth everything they know, I suppose it is more likely the plane crashed in the ocean. But those of us who are not naive about those who are the political, intelligence, economic, social, military, cultural, and media elite, have no illusions about the circles in which they operate, and the manner in how they operate.

Now, I am all in favor of continuing the search. Where this plane disappeared at does not fit the pattern of being a well known location of one of the vertices that is a site where planes and ships disappear at. I agree, there is probably a more reasonable explanation. However, once all other avenues have been exhausted, why not consider the improbable?

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Missing Malaysian Plane: Search Team Find What They Believe Is Part Of Plane Door And Tail (PHOTO) - The Trent that looks like the picture they thought was the door and wasn't, scroll down at link to see it
the very latest ...... something has happened this it?

(CNN) -- A Chinese satellite looking into the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said -- a potentially pivotal lead into what has been a frustrating search for the Boeing 777.

Satellite eyeing missing Malaysia flight detects 'suspected crash area' -

that was taken by the Chinese back on the 9th. why the long wait??

China might have been reluctant to release the images earlier because "they may not want to reveal what kind of satellite capabilities the have".

Into the 5th day and we know as much as day one. In other words, we know shit.

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