Male Karen throws smoothie, hurls racial insults

He calls them "Fucking Immigrants".

You put it in quotes, so I ask, where in the video does he say "fucking immigrants"?

Apparently he referred to one of them as an "immigrant loser", but he didn't say what you quoted, unless you have a link with additional information that you have not shared.

He threw a smoothie at the clerks behind the counter and hurled racial insults at the teenaged staff.

Merrill Lynch fired his ass.

/----/ Libtards don't care that a child was rushed to the ER for peanut allergy. He should sure the store.
You put it in quotes, so I ask, where in the video does he say "fucking immigrants"?

Apparently he referred to one of them as an "immigrant loser", but he didn't say what you quoted, unless you have a link with additional information that you have not shared.
He made a racist comment to a teenager
She called the cops on his ass
He made a racist comment to a teenager
She called the cops on his ass

To you and other Dimocrats that deserves the cops being called, but not when someone loots a store.

Anyway, your comment here is in reference to my response to Joe. When are you going to answer me? I challenged your claim that he referred to her as an "illegal", which based on the OP's video he never made the claim that anyone was here illegally. When are you going to admit that you are wrong in that claim?
I can guarantee you this asswipe treated his co-workers the same way, and the company he worked for didn't give a shit. But put it up on social media......low and behold, they do something, because they don't want their image "tarnished".

Have seen it SO many times, working in corporate offices.
He specifically ordered NO Peanuts because of his son allergies, they gave him a peanut smoothie (that is stupid to think he ordered it as the girl claimed)...this stupid teenage stunt could have killed his son.
To you and other Dimocrats that deserves the cops being called, but not when someone loots a store.

Anyway, your comment here is in reference to my response to Joe. When are you going to answer me? I challenged your claim that he referred to her as an "illegal", which based on the OP's video he never made the claim that anyone was here illegally. When are you going to admit that you are wrong in that claim?
His intent was illegal
Immigrant Loser is no compliment

He was clearly basing his immigrant taunt on her looks
His employer was obviously offended
He specifically ordered NO Peanuts because of his son allergies, they gave him a peanut smoothie (that is stupid to think he ordered it as the girl claimed)...this stupid teenage stunt could have killed his son.

He ordered a P Nut Smoothie
Without Peanuts

Then was shocked his kid had a reaction
He ordered a P Nut Smoothie
Without Peanuts

Then was shocked his kid had a reaction
Irrelevant as to any assault.

Anything he said other than proving intent to commit assault is irrelevant.

He could have been yelling every racial slur and obscenity in the ever-evolving book and it would and should change nothing.

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