Male Karen throws smoothie, hurls racial insults

If I told them "NO PEANUTS" because my son has a peanut allergy, and they made it with peanuts anyway, and my son had to be rushed to the hospital in order to survive, I'd be furious too!
Parents are humans, they are not perfect. Perhaps his reaction was because he was pissed at himself for not telling them and he took it out on them.

Only if the man can prove he told them, which I doubt can be done.
How can we prove he didn't. The employees???
Why is it that after white conservatives go on racial tirades and display primitive violent behaviors they always claim that they aren't racist?
How do you know this guy's voting history and political orientation?
There will be a settlement
Not from the store.

He committed classic assault via threats and attempting to physically enter the employee area.

He committed battery by striking the employee with the drink.

We have friends who's kids have significant peanut allergies. This risk of cross contamination is too high. He was a negligent parent just being in there. In extreme cases just walking in would get enough residue on him to trigger a reaction on the the child when he went back to the vehicle.
The remedy for not getting what you ordered at any establishment is to never do business with them again. Not to punish by throwing something at them or even yelling at them.

I generally have low expectations when being served by minimum wage employees. Since I am a Conservative and take personal responsibility for my decisions if they screw up the order then I blame myself for knowing better but doing it anyway.

Liberals are the Karens because they feel entitled and everybody owes them something.
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Why? Because he bought a peanut smoothie for his son with a peanut allergy and was upset because there was peanut butter in it!!!

He specifically asked for no peanut butter.

Now, I fail to see the logic of ordering a peanut butter smoothy absent of peanut butter, but if they put peanut butter in it and the kid died, this would've had a profoundly different outcome...
Of course it matters, there is a world of difference between "no peanuts please" and "I have a peanut allergy"
I don’t know if that phrasing matters or not, but if I were him, I’d have been super pissed too.

But I wouldn’t have become belligerent and said racist things. This guy didn’t just so happen to become racist that day. He had that in him the whole time. It just came out when he lost his ability to control it.

When people say there’s no racism anymore, they’re kidding themselves. It’s just that people don’t say it aloud anymore.

He threw a smoothie at the clerks behind the counter and hurled racial insults at the teenaged staff.

Merrill Lynch fired his ass.

Sorry, but you are totally and completely wrong on this one.
The smoothie store was totally and criminally negligent, almost resulting in a murder.

The man clearly instructed them to NOT include any peanuts, and they said they would comply.
They clearly did NOT, and his son had to be rushed to the hospital.

So this is NOTHING at all like a Karen incident.
The store never even apologized for their near murder of his son.

The fact you would relish a distraught father being fired for upset of the risk of death to his son, is unforgivable.

It is Merril Lynch who should now be boycotted.
I don’t know if that phrasing matters or not, but if I were him, I’d have been super pissed too.

But I wouldn’t have become belligerent and said racist things. This guy didn’t just so happen to become racist that day. He had that in him the whole time. It just came out when he lost his ability to control it.

When people say there’s no racism anymore, they’re kidding themselves. It’s just that people don’t say it aloud anymore.

It does matter. If you say "no peanuts" then they can still use equipment that might have had peanuts in it previously. If you tell them you have a peanut allergy they use totally different/disinfected equipment.
Sorry, but you are totally and completely wrong on this one.
The smoothie store was totally and criminally negligent, almost resulting in a murder.

The man clearly instructed them to NOT include any peanuts, and they said they would comply.
They clearly did NOT, and his son had to be rushed to the hospital.

So this is NOTHING at all like a Karen incident.
The store never even apologized for their near murder of his son.

The fact you would relish a distraught father being fired for upset of the risk of death to his son, is unforgivable.

It is Merril Lynch who should now be boycotted.
Some people expect adults to be able to moderate their behavior.

He can be upset. He cannot be violent.
Why is it that after white conservatives go on racial tirades and display primitive violent behaviors they always claim that they aren't racist?

Because when angry, one grasps at any words that have strong emotional connections, without necessarily taking the time to question if the meaning was totally appropriate.
This was an outburst of anger, not a revealing insight.
Would you have found that funny if that were your mother, sister or daughter.

No relative of mine would have EVER almost killed someone by ignoring important medical information.
The fact the store people did not even apologize shows deliberate indifference and malice.
They should have been arrested by the police before then murder anyone else with deadly allergies.

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