Mammals, monkeys, Monkeys & The Monkeys.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
The mammals evolved from reptiles and families of monkeys evolved among the mammals. If you don't believe me, please just play along, it's a cute story.

The monkeys turned in to Monkeys when they became the animals who were clever enough to understand the concept of their own death. Families of very clever tool making animals, growing smarter with every generation, beginning to understand what it means to be alive for a moment in time on a living wet rock, floating on a sunbeam in space. Living short Monkey lives on a quickly changing and challenging world. Learning to survive by teaching the next generation and adapting what they'd learned from the last generation, surviving on wits as well as strength during geologically quick shifts in the climate with drought, travel and abundance making some Monkey Families very clever indeed. The Neanderthals owned Europe for thousands of years.

The Monkeys became The Monkeys when a community of about 600 breeding individuals, along with children and elders, walked out of Africa and systematically occupied the rest of the planet, absorbing or eliminating all of the other Monkeys along the way.

Imagine living just before agriculture... fully Human in all your Top-Monkey glory, just you, your family and friends, one beautiful, living wet rock in space with virtually unlimited and resource rich real estate just there for the taking, and no fucking governments or busy-bodies to tell you who you could fuck, what you could smoke and what kind of permits you need to build your house and your business.

:eusa_think: It's no wonder the 16th century European Monkeys were intrigued when they built their little boats and 'found' a New World.

Have you Monkeys made it to the stars yet?
Oh, yeah... the link. [ame=]Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey (Part 1 of 13) - YouTube[/ame]
If Momma's Little Bastards have a Father, His name is Time.
[ame=]The Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan - YouTube[/ame]
:beer: To Mom!!​

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