Man Asks Chelsea Clinton At Book Signing Whether Bill Clinton Preys On Young Girls For Sex (Video)

I'm sorry, but Chelsea is not some princess in a high tower to be worshipped and admired. She is a grown-up who has benefited from her connection to the Cliintons.

Also, keep in mind the horrible things the Democrats did to the Palin family. You set the rule that family were legitimate targets. Now live with the rule you set.
Who set what rules. The children of the first family have traditionally been treated with respect and kept out of the media unless they put themselves in the media to specific purposes. Palin's have never been in the White House. They do not qualify as being the children of a First Family. Mom and daughter are public paid speakers who make a living from making political comments and being outspoken reality star celebrities. Not even close to being a first family. Chelsea is off limits just like the Bush girls are off limits. Palin's don't have that status.

It's legitimate to ask someone working on Hillary's campaign a question that may give us insight about the candidate and her circumstances...
Chelsea on the stump: My mom'll be terrific!
You are using a seven year old article about Chelsea saying her mom would make a great President to justify an ambush of a first daughter promoting a children's book she authored. It was low class and if you don't know the difference between low class and class it is probably to late for you to learn the meanings. People respect folks who show class. Not so much for people of low class.
Once you inject yourself into the politics, you can be asked questions about the candidate...

Will Chelsea Clinton be a major factor in the 2016 election?

As a matter of fact, she's even fair game for questions about the Clinton Foundation, since she's helping run it...
What information do you think that question would get?
Probably lies...

After all, she's a Clinton, and they're known to be notorious liars...
I'm sorry, but Chelsea is not some princess in a high tower to be worshipped and admired. She is a grown-up who has benefited from her connection to the Cliintons.

Also, keep in mind the horrible things the Democrats did to the Palin family. You set the rule that family were legitimate targets. Now live with the rule you set.
Who set what rules. The children of the first family have traditionally been treated with respect and kept out of the media unless they put themselves in the media to specific purposes. Palin's have never been in the White House. They do not qualify as being the children of a First Family. Mom and daughter are public paid speakers who make a living from making political comments and being outspoken reality star celebrities. Not even close to being a first family. Chelsea is off limits just like the Bush girls are off limits. Palin's don't have that status.

It's legitimate to ask someone working on Hillary's campaign a question that may give us insight about the candidate and her circumstances...
Chelsea on the stump: My mom'll be terrific!
You are using a seven year old article about Chelsea saying her mom would make a great President to justify an ambush of a first daughter promoting a children's book she authored. It was low class and if you don't know the difference between low class and class it is probably to late for you to learn the meanings. People respect folks who show class. Not so much for people of low class.
Oh, the irony of this post. LOL
There is no irony. You just don't have a good response.
No response needed. You liberal hacks are notorious for your nastiness and lack of class. For you to talk about low class (as if you have any) is indeed the height of irony (as well as hypocrisy).
Who set what rules. The children of the first family have traditionally been treated with respect and kept out of the media unless they put themselves in the media to specific purposes. Palin's have never been in the White House. They do not qualify as being the children of a First Family. Mom and daughter are public paid speakers who make a living from making political comments and being outspoken reality star celebrities. Not even close to being a first family. Chelsea is off limits just like the Bush girls are off limits. Palin's don't have that status.

It's legitimate to ask someone working on Hillary's campaign a question that may give us insight about the candidate and her circumstances...
Chelsea on the stump: My mom'll be terrific!
You are using a seven year old article about Chelsea saying her mom would make a great President to justify an ambush of a first daughter promoting a children's book she authored. It was low class and if you don't know the difference between low class and class it is probably to late for you to learn the meanings. People respect folks who show class. Not so much for people of low class.
Oh, the irony of this post. LOL
There is no irony. You just don't have a good response.
No response needed. You liberal hacks are notorious for your nastiness and lack of class. For you to talk about low class (as if you have any) is indeed the height of irony (as well as hypocrisy).
You are defending a racist who uses an avatar depicting the President and First Lady as apes and giving a lecture about the meaning of class. Proof you have no clue about the meaning of class.
The which one is the lowest scum bag, the guy who asked the question, Brietbart for publishing it or the racist POS who posted it here?

None of the above. The lowest scum bag is anyone that defends Bill or Hillary Clinton.
It's legitimate to ask someone working on Hillary's campaign a question that may give us insight about the candidate and her circumstances...
Chelsea on the stump: My mom'll be terrific!
You are using a seven year old article about Chelsea saying her mom would make a great President to justify an ambush of a first daughter promoting a children's book she authored. It was low class and if you don't know the difference between low class and class it is probably to late for you to learn the meanings. People respect folks who show class. Not so much for people of low class.
Oh, the irony of this post. LOL
There is no irony. You just don't have a good response.
No response needed. You liberal hacks are notorious for your nastiness and lack of class. For you to talk about low class (as if you have any) is indeed the height of irony (as well as hypocrisy).
You are defending a racist who uses an avatar depicting the President and First Lady as apes and giving a lecture about the meaning of class. Proof you have no clue about the meaning of class.

I thought that avatar was a compliment.
The which one is the lowest scum bag, the guy who asked the question, Brietbart for publishing it or the racist POS who posted it here?
Her daddy was the lowest scum for putting her into that position if you want to get to the nitty gritty of the matter. All he had to do was keep his pants zipped up and his little winky to himself and his wife while in the White House. Had he done that this would never have been an issue for his daughter to have to face in the future.
It's legitimate to ask someone working on Hillary's campaign a question that may give us insight about the candidate and her circumstances...
Chelsea on the stump: My mom'll be terrific!
You are using a seven year old article about Chelsea saying her mom would make a great President to justify an ambush of a first daughter promoting a children's book she authored. It was low class and if you don't know the difference between low class and class it is probably to late for you to learn the meanings. People respect folks who show class. Not so much for people of low class.
Oh, the irony of this post. LOL
There is no irony. You just don't have a good response.
No response needed. You liberal hacks are notorious for your nastiness and lack of class. For you to talk about low class (as if you have any) is indeed the height of irony (as well as hypocrisy).
You are defending a racist who uses an avatar depicting the President and First Lady as apes and giving a lecture about the meaning of class. Proof you have no clue about the meaning of class.
Got any more red herrings you'd like to bring up since you can't defend your nastiness and lack of class?
The guy in video making the inquiries reminded me of that Chick-Fil-La fellow at the drive-through who also came away sounding like a jerk. Funny how that happens when respondents don't lower themselves to the level of the questioner.
Chelsea deserves precisely the level of respect shown to the children of President Bush.

No less; and certainly not a f'ing bit more.

Suck it up libs' it's your own spew in a new dish.
maybe he should of asked if she was really Hillarys daughter.
oops,,,i had that backwards,,,just corrected it.......and i do hear that rumor amongst friends time to time,,,,"Is Chelsea Really Hillarys Daughter"? well....she doesnt have any of Hillarys bad habits,,,like completely forgetting what she did two weeks ago.
maybe he should of asked if she was really Hillarys daughter.
oops,,,i had that backwards,,,just corrected it.......and i do hear that rumor amongst friends time to time,,,,"Is Chelsea Really Hillarys Daughter"? well....she doesnt have any of Hillarys bad habits,,,like completely forgetting what she did two weeks ago.
and at least Chelsea has never wiped her server clean with a cloth,,,,,therefore, they cant be related.

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