Man-Baby Trump Brags Our Secrets Away

And then, that horrendous speech just now at NATO.

Why didn't his handlers TEACH him how NATO works?

This just gets worse and worse.
False! The Trumpenfuhrer made a bold speech.

The rest of the NATO leaders were openly laughing at Trump when he said that billions are owed to the US for their protection.

He read the speech, and it wasn't a good reading, stilted, monotone, awkward pauses. He sounded like a 4th grade student and not a good one at that.

But being openly mocked by the rest of the NATO leaders, PRICELESS!!
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

You mean like Obama letting ISIS know when and where our next attack would be?
No, like Trump leaking British intelligence about Manchester, after Trump leaking U.S. intelligence about nuclear submarines. after Trump leaking Israeli intelligence about ISIS that has likely resulted in the deaths of Israeli undercover agents.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

No shit head...the obama hold overs are the ones leaking the order to make Trump look bad.....
You're such a pussy who can't deal with reality. You have to whine. It's always the evil Libruls to blame. Funny how Obama couldn't do anything right, and now he's omnipotent, controlling the gummint from from a neighborhood cul de sac in D.C.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.
Just so we're clear, Trump shares intel and that's bad, but now you're mad that Britain won't share intel.

Must be tough being as confused as you guys.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

The intel leak of UK info is bad enough, but Trump who whine and wailed on the campaign trail that he wouldn't say what the US was doing at all as it just gives our enemies information, has been telling the Russians what we're doing and now he divulges the position of two of our nuclear submarines to a minor head of state for no reason. You think the Chinese and Russians weren't listening?
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.
Brits in the Pits

The Ewe Qae ruling class is desperately trying to blame someone else for its own incompetence and transnationalist treason.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

You mean like Obama letting ISIS know when and where our next attack would be?

Well, Trump told Russia about his attack on the Syrian airport, which Russia told Syria, which scrambled their planes, which led to a failed attack.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

That wasn't trump, dipshit. That was the intel community here in the US that did that stupid crap. Wasn't it you who was proclaiming how great and professional our intel community is and then they go and do this sort of crap. Looks like they're not as great as you claimed.
The guy is a Russian spy hiding in plain view. You know Pooty poot (Vlad) is overjoyed

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Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

No shit head...the obama hold overs are the ones leaking the order to make Trump look bad.....

You do realize that Trump has attacked our intelligence over and over again.
I guess he hates the fact that the intelligence community's job to to protect the USA. This includes protecting this country from cyber attacks and foreign agents meddling with this country's basic governing foundation as dictated by the Constitution. Also, it's not their job to defend our president's complete incompetence and lack of honesty. All Trump has done with his stupidity, is make many, many enemies in the intelligence community. What a dumbfuck.
Was there an Obamabot in the room when Trump bragging to his buddies, the Russians, about the intelligence he has received and the specifics of that intelligence? If so, point that person out.
Now get back to something you're good at, fellating your gun.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

No shit head...the obama hold overs are the ones leaking the order to make Trump look bad.....
You just made that up on the spur of the moment .. idiocy.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

No shit head...the obama hold overs are the ones leaking the order to make Trump look bad.....

You do realize that Trump has attacked our intelligence over and over again.
I guess he hates the fact that the intelligence community's job to to protect the USA. This includes protecting this country from cyber attacks and foreign agents meddling with this country's basic governing foundation as dictated by the Constitution. Also, it's not their job to defend our president's complete incompetence and lack of honesty. All Trump has done with his stupidity, is make many, many enemies in the intelligence community. What a dumbfuck.
Was there an Obamabot in the room when Trump bragging to his buddies, the Russians, about the intelligence he has received and the specifics of that intelligence? If so, point that person out.
Now get back to something you're good at, fellating your gun.

Yes, he has. And rightly so based on the widespread illegal surveillance they have been engaged in against US citizens. It takes a real idiot to ignore their criminal behavior.
Now Britain is pissed at Man-Baby Trump. They leaked highly classified British intel to reporters, damaging their investigation into the Manchester bombing.

Last week he divulged to Filipino Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines in the waters around North Korea, that he promptly leaked.

Wingnuts need to stop and think for one second what their reaction would be if this was Obama of Hillary leaking Top Secret intelligence.

No shit head...the obama hold overs are the ones leaking the order to make Trump look bad.....

You do realize that Trump has attacked our intelligence over and over again.
I guess he hates the fact that the intelligence community's job to to protect the USA. This includes protecting this country from cyber attacks and foreign agents meddling with this country's basic governing foundation as dictated by the Constitution. Also, it's not their job to defend our president's complete incompetence and lack of honesty. All Trump has done with his stupidity, is make many, many enemies in the intelligence community. What a dumbfuck.
Was there an Obamabot in the room when Trump bragging to his buddies, the Russians, about the intelligence he has received and the specifics of that intelligence? If so, point that person out.
Now get back to something you're good at, fellating your gun.

Yes, he has. And rightly so based on the widespread illegal surveillance they have been engaged in against US citizens. It takes a real idiot to ignore their criminal behavior.
I was addressing solely the claim it was Obama holdovers that were leaking stuff.
Speaking of law, Trump has publicly stated, he's above the law. No outrage? Go figure.
Democrats in the FBI gave British intelligence, including photographs to US media and it's Trump's fault.

Clever, but democrats may have gone too far this time.

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