Man Caught Dressed In Girl's Uniform Using Girl's School Restroom

You are saying he was a cross dressing pervert that raped the girl on the bathroom floor, and who had cross dressed and attacked a girl in a girl's restroom before. OK.

Here's my question. If my wife and I are at the mall at night, its thinning out, but she needs to make a pee stop at the public restroom before leaving, and I see a guy in a dress follow her into the restroom, can I assume it is OK, since I don't know if he is trans, to go in, kick the shit out of him and throw him out the bathroom door, so my wife can pee without some cross dressing pervert trying to look up her dress or worse, right? Or am I just a crude neanderthal?
Open the door of the restroom and make sure that the person is going to do their business. If that person suddenly attacks anyone in the restroom, you are right there to stop them and have them arrested. If you beat the crap out of them, you may end up in jail yourself. Not worth it.
That's right. Lots of things I don't like. Doesn't mean they should be illegal.

See above. I don't think it should be illegal. It should be entirely up to the proprietor.

But I'm curious. How do you propose to enforce it?


The proprietor gets to decide who has a right to privacy?

Why the fuck isn't Coyote's tag working either?
Because you are a backstabbing moron obsessed with accusing members of supporting pedo.

Thought you were “trying” to “ignore” me, yet here you are again calling me into a thread I’m not even. Your obsession is down right creepy.
I don't blame parents for being outraged. This is becoming a global issue unfortunately.

Well…since you called me in, I might as well respond.

HOW is it becoming a global issue?

How about some data to support your claim?

How many men dressed as women have gone into the ladies room and harassed/assaulted women?

Has there been an increase over the years?

Are they transgender? Or regular men trying to commit a crime?

Have those places that allow transgenders to use the restroom of the gender they identify with seen an increase in crime?

Policy SHOULD be driven by data, not torches and pitchforks, but that is probably something that flies right over your head as you scream about leftists being all about “feeelingz”.

Oh. And a disclaimer here since like many others you are LESS interested in finding solutions than persecuting a tinny group of people who don’t fit your conception of gender…here’s what I’ve said before:

I understand the concerns of both sides here. People are genuinely and rightfully worried about biological men in women’s private spaces. Transgenders are genuinely worried about their safety as well. EASY SOLUTION! Offer a one person unisex facility in addition to the other two.

Now you can get back to your regularly scheduled pedo obsession rants.
The proprietor gets to decide who has a right to privacy?
Yep. Are one of those people who doesn't understand the concept of rights? It doesn't mean you get to make people do what you want.
Well…since you called me in, I might as well respond.

HOW is it becoming a global issue?

How about some data to support your claim?

How many men dressed as women have gone into the ladies room and harassed/assaulted women?

Has there been an increase over the years?

Are they transgender? Or regular men trying to commit a crime?

Have those places that allow transgenders to use the restroom of the gender they identify with seen an increase in crime?

Policy SHOULD be driven by data, not torches and pitchforks, but that is probably something that flies right over your head as you scream about leftists being all about “feeelingz”.

Oh. And a disclaimer here since like many others you are LESS interested in finding solutions than persecuting a tinny group of people who don’t fit your conception of gender…here’s what I’ve said before:

I understand the concerns of both sides here. People are genuinely and rightfully worried about biological men in women’s private spaces. Transgenders are genuinely worried about their safety as well. EASY SOLUTION! Offer a one person unisex facility in addition to the other two.

Now you can get back to your regularly scheduled pedo obsession rants.
And he will. This isn't a genuine concern. But apparently, it gives them hard-ons thinking about it.
Open the door of the restroom and make sure that the person is going to do their business. If that person suddenly attacks anyone in the restroom, you are right there to stop them and have them arrested. If you beat the crap out of them, you may end up in jail yourself. Not worth it.
Not much for opening the door to women's bathrooms, to begin with, as I don't want to be thought a perv. It was sort of a strawman argument to kick around, and those restrooms there have been the scene of attacks before, not just pervs but violent criminal attack. A military friend (a Major at the time) was shot there, disarming a mugger/holdup guy, that attacked while the Major was taking a whiz, the would be thief going for his wallet, him first thinking it was some queer at his butt, before he saw the gun. He lived, but like me, probably hasn't gone to them, (especially) unarmed since. As for risk of prosecution, for kicking the crap out of some perv, that is true, but have seen first time assault get as little as a $129.50 no time, no probation, and in actuality, I am more the type to drag him out and throw to the concrete tile floor in the Food Court, commanding loudly for all to hear "And stay out when my wife is in the bathroom you perverted motherf#cker!" in a loud clear command voice, for all to hear.
dblack you don't like males going into ladies restrooms but you don't think that it should be illegal? Is that right? Because how else is it going to be enforced?
That's right. Lots of things I don't like. Doesn't mean they should be illegal.

Sane people absolutely think that dangerous male perverts intruding into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and other intimate spaces, should be illegal.

If you are going to take the side of sick, dangerous perverts, against the side of human beings, then you should expect to be judged by the company that you choose to keep.
I remember a while ago when target stores said they were going to let men pretending to be women into the women's bathroom in their stores. I was heavily chastised for being a ridiculous moron when I said men will just dress as women so they can go in for sexual thrills for even suggesting that would happen I was being an extreme right wing homophobe. And here we are, it happens way too often.
Not necessary. If out at night, I am always armed as a concealed carrier, licensed, tested and approved by the state and the Department of Homeland Security, approved with reciprocity in 30 states. Some pervs just deserve an ass whipping, as they aren't worth shooting.

^^^This guy is TOTALLY not a Fed, everyone.

Sane people absolutely think that dangerous male perverts intruding into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and other intimate spaces, should be illegal.

If you are going to take the side of sick, dangerous perverts, against the side of human beings, then you should expect to be judged by the company that you choose to keep.
So how are you planning to enforce that?
And he will. This isn't a genuine concern. But apparently, it gives them hard-ons thinking about it.
It’s a she…used to be FBJ. She’s pedobsessive. You notice they have zero interest in exploring actual solutions would resolve it which makes me think that isn’t the real issue,
It’s a she…used to be FBJ. She’s pedobsessive. You notice they have zero interest in exploring actual solutions would resolve it which makes me think that isn’t the real issue,
They don't even know what they're all freaked out about. But the gender bender thing titillates them and makes them feel self-righteous, all at once! It's like crack for fascists.
They don't even know what they're all freaked out about. But the gender bender thing titillates them and makes them feel self-righteous, all at once! It's like crack for fascists.
Holy crack! That must account for the extreme mood swings and episodic paranoia!
Sane people absolutely think that dangerous male perverts intruding into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and other intimate spaces, should be illegal.

If you are going to take the side of sick, dangerous perverts, against the side of human beings, then you should expect to be judged by the company that you choose to keep.
Sane people say: Hey, I have an idea! Let’s add unisex single stall bathrooms they or anyone else can use! Win win and no torches and pitchforks!

Oh wait…you want those torches and pitchforks don’t you?
But I'm curious. How do you propose to enforce it?


If I ever have a child and the person of the opposite sex following them into the restroom,.. you don't want to know. Oh and White 6 again,.. I apologize for ever thinking of you as a perv. Coyote, the fact that it's happening at all,.. I don't even need numbers.
Actually, I do. If you fools literally want to pass laws regarding restroom etiquette, "how is it enforced?" is a perfectly legitimate question. Care to answer?

God, guns, and liberty is what I stand for. Any other questions?

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