Man Caught Dressed In Girl's Uniform Using Girl's School Restroom

And every sane person will agree with you. Then there's creeps and weirdos like Sixties Fan, Hellbilly, dblack, Faun, candycorn, and Coyote etc. who will probably scream bigot at us for even suggesting such a thing.
All I asked for were examples of any Trans, anywhere in the world, who has been caught attacking a child in a public restroom.

So far, there has not been one poster who has been able to find one.
All I asked for were examples of any Trans, anywhere in the world, who has been caught attacking a child in a public restroom.

So far, there has not been one poster who has been able to find one.


This is the case:

But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence.

Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”

The boy was indeed wearing a skirt, but that skirt didn’t authorize him to use the girls’ bathroom. As Amanda Terkel reported in HuffPost, the school district’s trans-inclusive bathroom policies were approved only in August, more than two months after the assault. This was not, said Biberaj, someone “identifying as transgender and going into the girls’ bathroom under the guise of that.”

On Monday, the boy received the juvenile court equivalent of a guilty verdict. The case dealing with the second attack he is accused of will be decided in November.

We don’t know exactly why the boy was allowed to attend a different school after his first arrest. The district has refused to comment on the transfer because of state and federal privacy laws. According to Biberaj, under state law, juveniles can be detained for only 21 days without a hearing, and her office needed more time than that to get DNA results. A condition of the boy’s release was that he could have no contact with the girl, so he couldn’t return to his original school.

It’s not clear whether the school system had the option of barring the boy from in-person school altogether. In a statement this month, the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent, Scott Ziegler, called for policy changes that would allow administrators to “separate alleged offenders from the general student body.” Conservatives, of course, have traditionally opposed policies that would keep accused offenders out of school.

As Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s secretary of education, said last year, “Too many students have lost access to their education because their school inadequately responded when a student filed a complaint of sexual harassment or sexual assault.”

Even as the facts of this case have come out, the damage done by all the disinformation about it will be hard to undo. “Once the politics are over, we’re still dealing with the destruction,” said Biberaj, who wonders how her community is supposed to heal. “You can’t always successfully bring people back to say, ‘I know this is what you were told, but look what happened in court under oath.’”

A sad and complicated truth is probably no match for an exquisitely useful lie.

The 14 year old boy was apparently not transgender at all, but a very disturbed boy who assaulted two girls in two different schools.
This is the case:

But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence.

Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”

The boy was indeed wearing a skirt, but that skirt didn’t authorize him to use the girls’ bathroom. As Amanda Terkel reported in HuffPost, the school district’s trans-inclusive bathroom policies were approved only in August, more than two months after the assault. This was not, said Biberaj, someone “identifying as transgender and going into the girls’ bathroom under the guise of that.”

On Monday, the boy received the juvenile court equivalent of a guilty verdict. The case dealing with the second attack he is accused of will be decided in November.

We don’t know exactly why the boy was allowed to attend a different school after his first arrest. The district has refused to comment on the transfer because of state and federal privacy laws. According to Biberaj, under state law, juveniles can be detained for only 21 days without a hearing, and her office needed more time than that to get DNA results. A condition of the boy’s release was that he could have no contact with the girl, so he couldn’t return to his original school.

It’s not clear whether the school system had the option of barring the boy from in-person school altogether. In a statement this month, the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent, Scott Ziegler, called for policy changes that would allow administrators to “separate alleged offenders from the general student body.” Conservatives, of course, have traditionally opposed policies that would keep accused offenders out of school.

As Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s secretary of education, said last year, “Too many students have lost access to their education because their school inadequately responded when a student filed a complaint of sexual harassment or sexual assault.”

Even as the facts of this case have come out, the damage done by all the disinformation about it will be hard to undo. “Once the politics are over, we’re still dealing with the destruction,” said Biberaj, who wonders how her community is supposed to heal. “You can’t always successfully bring people back to say, ‘I know this is what you were told, but look what happened in court under oath.’”

A sad and complicated truth is probably no match for an exquisitely useful lie.

The 14 year old boy was apparently not transgender at all, but a very disturbed boy who assaulted two girls in two different schools.

You say all that like it matters whether or not he was Transgender when he still sexually assaulted girls.
You want gay guys going into restrooms with little boys!?!?

It depends. I don't want you to go into restrooms with little boys or girls whatever your gender and I don't evey give a shit about your sexual orientation.
You say all that like it matters whether or not he was Transgender when he still sexually assaulted girls.
It definitely matters. What he was matters. So that a whole group of people, Transgender, does not suddenly get accused of something like this and many bad actions, by many people, end up focused on them.

If the boy was Trans, that is his issue only, and not the whole Transgender community.

But apparently he was not, from the articles I found.
It depends. I don't want you to go into restrooms with little boys or girls and I don't evey give a shit about your sexual orientation.
Yes. It seems you have a lurid imagination.

Personal fantasies aside, how do you propose to enforce your "it depends"? How will you ensure that the proper people use the proper restrooms? Is this an armed guards situation?

Clearly, we need to pass comprehensive potty regulation, at the federal level, immediately. It's for the children!
It definitely matters. What he was matters. So that a whole group of people, Transgender, does not suddenly get accused of something like this and many bad actions, by many people, end up focused on them.

If the boy was Trans, that is his issue only, and not the whole Transgender community.

But apparently he was not, from the articles I found.

Bottom line is that he was a boy in a skirt being very similar to Transgenders. Males and females need to stick with their own restrooms period and the fact that this is even a discussion at all is pretty sad.
How will you ensure that the proper people use the proper restrooms? Is this an armed guards situation?

In a perfect world it would be but that's impossible. Now stay the hell away from children and fuck off.
In a perfect world it would be but that's impossible. Now stay the hell away from children and fuck off.
I don't even like kids. Irritating brats for the most part. But if want to accuse me of being a pedophile, go ahead and grow a pair and do it, pussy.
Bottom line is that he was a boy in a skirt being very similar to Transgenders. Males and females need to stick with their own restrooms period and the fact that this is even a discussion at all is pretty sad.
He only wore the skirt to enter the girl's bathroom to attack the girl. In both schools. Because he was a disturbed young man.

That is a far cry from being transgender.

Sad is the denial of what actual Transgender people go through and the desire of some to threaten, attack or murder them for the lack of understanding of what makes them Trans.
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I don't even like kids. Irritating brats for the most part. But if want to accuse me of being a pedophile, go ahead and grow a pair and do it, pussy.

Can't as it's against the rules and Sixties Fan you had a typo. It's young not your as I would never have a man like that.
Can't as it's against the rules and Sixties Fan you had a typo. It's young not your as I would never have a man like that.
Well, thank you so much for the correction. It is corrected.

Go on, maybe never understanding what it was all about and who that young boy was and why he did what he did. Sick, yes. trans, no.

And no, you will never, ever need to have a man like that. A trans. You may not be their type either.

All they are asking is to be left alone and not be accused of things they are not doing, and not be threatened, and not attacked, and not have their health insurance taken away.

Simple human stuff.
Sixties Fan If they don't want to be accused of anything then they should stay in their own restroom,... period.

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