Man Caught Dressed In Girl's Uniform Using Girl's School Restroom

I don't blame parents for being outraged. This is becoming a global issue unfortunately.

What's the global issue? He wasn't claiming to be transgender. He was just dressing up in girls' clothing. Any man could try and do this. In fact men can simply not dress up and walk into female bathrooms. If a man is strong enough, or has a gun, he can walk in and do whatever he wants.

What is the issue here?
Sorry to hear that but at least that they'll (the pedophiles) be "vacationing" in prison.
Did you know that when I travel to Peru I pass right by the prison (Lima) where that Dutch motherFUCKER Joran van der Sloodt, who murdered a Peruvian girl and supposedly also an American girl in the incarcerated? He just got an additional 18 years for peddling coke in prison in January. Good. He'll be a really old dude when he gets out. Then maybe someone can dismember him for fun...unless a mysterious fire breaks out at the prison before then. Unfortunately I think I'll already have returned to dust so I won't get to see it. Hopefully a corrupt Peruvian democrat-equivalent politician doesn't let him out early to secure a vote. I'm not THAT eager, 😂!
What's the global issue? He wasn't claiming to be transgender. He was just dressing up in girls' clothing. Any man could try and do this. In fact men can simply not dress up and walk into female bathrooms. If a man is strong enough, or has a gun, he can walk in and do whatever he wants.

What is the issue here?
You are saying he was a cross dressing pervert that raped the girl on the bathroom floor, and who had cross dressed and attacked a girl in a girl's restroom before. OK.

Here's my question. If my wife and I are at the mall at night, its thinning out, but she needs to make a pee stop at the public restroom before leaving, and I see a guy in a dress follow her into the restroom, can I assume it is OK, since I don't know if he is trans, to go in, kick the shit out of him and throw him out the bathroom door, so my wife can pee without some cross dressing pervert trying to look up her dress or worse, right? Or am I just a crude neanderthal?
You're just assholes and control freaks. Religion is a mental disability that seeks to rule the world...It isn't just islam that aims to do that as all religions thinks it is literally god. Fuck that. You think you're literally god and should be able to dictate our lives. Fuck you.

A fucked up mental case that doesn't know the difference between male and female, and has no remaining clue at all which he is, is calling religion a “mental disability[/user].

You are saying he was a cross dressing pervert that raped the girl on the bathroom floor, and who had cross dressed and attacked a girl in a girl's restroom before. OK.

Here's my question. If my wife and I are at the mall at night, its thinning out, but she needs to make a pee stop at the public restroom before leaving, and I see a guy in a dress follow her into the restroom, can I assume it is OK, since I don't know if he is trans, to go in, kick the shit out of him and throw him out the bathroom door, so my wife can pee without some cross dressing pervert trying to look up her dress or worse, right? Or am I just a crude neanderthal?

I don't even understand your first sentence.

Perhaps you you just tell your wife to wait for him to leave the bathroom. If you see a man with a huge gun entering a restaurant and you're not comfortable with it, what do you do?
I don't even understand your first sentence.

Perhaps you you just tell your wife to wait for him to leave the bathroom. If you see a man with a huge gun entering a restaurant and you're not comfortable with it, what do you do?
Not necessary. If out at night, I am always armed as a concealed carrier, licensed, tested and approved by the state and the Department of Homeland Security, approved with reciprocity in 30 states. Some pervs just deserve an ass whipping, as they aren't worth shooting.
Not necessary. If out at night, I am always armed as a concealed carrier, licensed, tested and approved by the state and the Department of Homeland Security, approved with reciprocity in 30 states. Some pervs just deserve an ass whipping, as they aren't worth shooting.

You could have just taken the point I was making....
Maybe you were misjudged

Now’s your chance to set the record straight

Do you condemn men with stiff dicks in the ladies bathroom?
I really don't like agreeing with jerkoffs like you, in any way, but no, I don't like it either. I just don't think government should be involved.

The thing is, you guys are tweaked. You're obsessed with this shit, and frankly, it's creepy. There's nothing more dangerous than a self-righteous conservative with demons to hide.
If not government then say hello to vigilante justice
Lol... Will there be pitchforks and torches? Are you going to be there, in person, running random dick inspections at the local restrooms?
If the lib powers that be in government refuse to protect children others will
I think you should wear a cape, and of course tights. For the children.

America descends into idiocracy and you nitwits are worried about bathroom etiquette. Does that really seem rational to you?
dblack you don't like males going into ladies restrooms but you don't think that it should be illegal? Is that right? Because how else is it going to be enforced?
dblack you don't like males going into ladies restrooms but you don't think that it should be illegal? Is that right?
That's right. Lots of things I don't like. Doesn't mean they should be illegal.
Because how else is it going to be enforced?
See above. I don't think it should be illegal. It should be entirely up to the proprietor.

But I'm curious. How do you propose to enforce it?

Lol... Will there be pitchforks and torches? Are you going to be there, in person, running random dick inspections at the local restrooms?

I think you should wear a cape, and of course tights. For the children.

America descends into idiocracy and you nitwits are worried about bathroom etiquette. Does that really seem rational to you?
I think some perverts in women’s restrooms will be beaten when caught

And you will probably demand that the police be unshackled to protect the weirdos
Sixties Fan If they don't want to be accused of anything then they should stay in their own restroom,... period.
It is not a matter of which restroom.

Many predators have been sexually abused themselves. Which may be the case with this 14 year old. They do go on to do the same to others.

This boy wore a skirt in order to get into the girls bathroom in order to attack a girl. He could have done it anywhere. At someone's house. At a store, anywhere.

The fact that he went and did it again at another school shows how disturbed he was, and was probably wanting to get caught in order to get some help.

Being focused on which restroom one should use is only taking away from what this one case is all about.

Unfortunately there was no background on this boy's life, family, etc which would shed some light as to why he did this.

But it was definitely not a case of a transgender male child attacking girls. That is what the first girl's father said, based on him using a skirt to enter the girl's restroom, which was not true.

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