Man gets two years probation for confronting foreigner with a Puerto Rican shirt on

And maybe slightly more prone to sunburn.
They can't vote from Puerto Rico.....because the electoral college elects presidents. And electors are selected by the the legislatures of the States.

Puerto Rico is a US territory.

Get it?
Yes they can’t vote lol hahahahhahaha

Unless they move to ANY state. As every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Just flushing your obvious lie that Puerto Ricans are 'foreigners' yet again.

Is Puerto Rico a state? yes or no?

Explain the relevance of your question to my argument to my satisfaction, and I'll be happy to answer it.

So you can't answer a simple question.....

Got it.

The answer is no. So they are foreigners. Would you say Canadians are US citizens? Would you say Mexicans are US citizens? No. Because they don't live in the US.

Puerto Rico is not a US state. End of story.

Nope. They're all US citizens. Says who? Says the USC:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

[USC02] 8 USC 1402: Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899

And American citizens aren't 'foreigners'.

Remember....just because you have no idea what you're talking about doesn't mean that the law magically changes. Or their citizenship status.

It just means that you can't tell the difference between your personal opinion and reality.
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt
This is just fascism and berating some woman for her PR shirt may not be a good idea
and none of his business but to call it "hate speech" is just politicizing free speech
and turning differing opinions into hate crimes.

We lose what makes this country special little by little through bullshit like this. When did we become the Soviet Union?
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
You guys can’t even answer his questions lol
Apparently, you dont read your own links before posting them:

"On March 2, 1917, the Jones–Shafroth Act was signed, collectively making Puerto Ricans United States citizens"

Maybe take your own advice and "do some reading" might start with reading your own links, my man.

That's fine, but Puerto Rico is not a state. Your statement, does not contradict my statement.

They need to either join the Union as a state, or we need to cut them loose.

We 'need' to do no such thing. You're offering us a baseless personal opinion as a requirement and necessity.

Which, of course, it isn't.

So you have no problem with people in Puerto Rico unable to move forward unhindered by US involvement, and yet not being able to move forward as a US state, so they are caught in a limbo, where they are outsiders, yet not without complete independence?

Puerto Ricans aren't 'outsiders'. They are all American citizens.

Debunking the premise of your argument.

The 'need' that you've imagined, doesn't exist. Debunking the premise of your last argument.

Is that all you've got?
They aren’t American they wouldn’t even except you calling them American .. go away you America hater

Says you, citing you. And you have no idea what you're talking about either.

Meanwhile, the law on the issue is clear as bell.

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Now why would I or any rational person ignore the USC on the US citizenship status of Puerto Ricans....and instead believe you, citing yourself?
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
You guys can’t even answer his questions lol

Laughing.....more accurately, Andy can't establish the relevance of his question to what we're discussing.

As every Puerto Rican is a US citizen. And thus isn't a 'foreigner'.

Debunking the entire premise of Andy's argument. And yours.
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
You guys can’t even answer his questions lol

Laughing.....more accurately, Andy can't establish the relevance of his question to what we're discussing.

As every Puerto Rican is a US citizen. And thus isn't a 'foreigner'.

Debunking the entire premise of Andy's argument. And yours.
Sorry you are wrong .. this country is for the people by the people. We don’t want them.. see ya
A. Who monitors Maine to make sure it's complying with its probation? How are the residents of Maine affected by this probation? If it violates probation do we cast the state out of the union?

B. Puerto Ricans aren't foreigners nor is their; they are Americans
There land is foreign to ours, so is their culture and language.. and being a Native American PR should piss you off it was a bad move. Re sell them
Are you a foreigner?
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
You guys can’t even answer his questions lol

Laughing.....more accurately, Andy can't establish the relevance of his question to what we're discussing.

As every Puerto Rican is a US citizen. And thus isn't a 'foreigner'.

Debunking the entire premise of Andy's argument. And yours.
Sorry you are wrong .. this country is for the people by the people. We don’t want them.. see ya

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody. Meanwhile, the USC remains gloriously unchanged;

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

See how this works? You make meaningless pseudo-legal assertions backed by nothing. And I quote the actual law.

Any contest between you and the USC on who is a US citizen has the same winner each time, every time.

Not you.
Poor little troll Andylusion . He has fallen flat on his face and so now has to resort to making up new definitions of words.

In tonight's episode, "foreigner" has now been redefined to mean, "Any US citizen not residing in one of the 50 States".

Of course, this is not the definition of "foreigner" anywhere in the universe, save for in the mind of Andylusion.
You guys can’t even answer his questions lol

Laughing.....more accurately, Andy can't establish the relevance of his question to what we're discussing.

As every Puerto Rican is a US citizen. And thus isn't a 'foreigner'.

Debunking the entire premise of Andy's argument. And yours.
Sorry you are wrong .. this country is for the people by the people. We don’t want them.. see ya
Who is “we”?
A. Who monitors Maine to make sure it's complying with its probation? How are the residents of Maine affected by this probation? If it violates probation do we cast the state out of the union?

B. Puerto Ricans aren't foreigners nor is their; they are Americans
There land is foreign to ours, so is their culture and language.. and being a Native American PR should piss you off it was a bad move. Re sell them

Nope. They are part of us. The United States consists of its States and Territories. That means their language and culture are part of us.

And we take care of our own.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

Because the people don't elect presidents. The electoral college does.

Every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Which, of course, you already know. Making your 'foreigner' bullshit not only laughably wrong. But a foolish, intentional lie.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.
Then why don’t they pay federal income tax?
Has nothing to do with citizenship.

But...Trump supporters see Trump hating on Puerto Rico so now, suddenly, they hate her when they barely even knew she existed before.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

I find the very idea of an emotion being made illegal fundamentally wrong and very troubling aside from the obvious 1st amendment conflict. If hate can be made illegal then are love, sadness and other emotions not fair game too?
The very concept of hate crime is in and of itself absolutely ludicrous and having idiocy like this on the books at all says we've definitely lost our way.
The emotion isn’t illegal but verbally assaulting and threatening some one can be.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

Because the people don't elect presidents. The electoral college does.

Every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Which, of course, you already know. Making your 'foreigner' bullshit not only laughably wrong. But a foolish, intentional lie.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.
Then why don’t they pay federal income tax?

The Commonwealth government has its own tax laws and Puerto Ricans are also required to pay some US federal taxes, although most residents do not have to pay the federal personal income tax. ... Residents also pay federal payroll taxes, such as Social Security and Medicare taxes.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

Because the people don't elect presidents. The electoral college does.

Every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Which, of course, you already know. Making your 'foreigner' bullshit not only laughably wrong. But a foolish, intentional lie.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.
Then why don’t they pay federal income tax?
Has nothing to do with citizenship.

But...Trump supporters see Trump hating on Puerto Rico so now, suddenly, they hate her when they barely even knew she existed before.
Wrong as usual. Stop accusing people you disagree with of hating. It makes you look like a fool. My question was if the are US citizens why don’t they pay income tax? You got an answer of just more fucking stupid accusations?
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Yeah, but that's our fault. We should put Puerto Rico up to an ultimatum. You either become a state, or we cut you loose. We really should do that.

But you really can't complain about Puerto Ricans taking our welfare money, because it's not their fault we're stupid enough to pour money all over them. That's our fault for being stupid.

I don't scream and yell at people on welfare, because it's not their fault that our idiotic government is taking my money and throwing it at losers who refuse to work. It's the politicians fault, and the public's fault for voting in those politicians.

That said, I like Puerto Rico. We should have them join as a state.

I'm more concerned about the openly anti-American people here, from say..... Palestine. That bothers me. I was at chipotle the other night, and there were a half dozen obviously foreign girls in line behind me, all wearing "Loyal to my Soil" With Palestine written in Arabic.

Now that is not just a flag for Puerto Rico.... Because Puerto Rico is like a state. You know I can wear an Ohio State flag shirt? Doesn't mean I don't support the US, because Ohio is part of the US, right? Well Puerto Rico is part of the US as well. It might not be a full state, but it is most certainly under our domain.

Palestine is not, and Loyal to the Soil, is openly saying they are not loyal to the US.

The shirts are ironic given Omar claiming Jews of dual loyalty, and I don't see Loyal to Israel shirts, but I do see loyal to Palestine shirts.

View attachment 285610

The one I saw had Arabic on it as well.

Congress act on the results, end the current form of territorial status and begin the process of admitting Puerto Rico to the Union as a state. On January 4, 2017, Puerto Rico's new representative to Congress pushed a bill that would ratify statehood by 2025. Up to congress.
A. Who monitors Maine to make sure it's complying with its probation? How are the residents of Maine affected by this probation? If it violates probation do we cast the state out of the union?

B. Puerto Ricans aren't foreigners nor is their; they are Americans
There land is foreign to ours, so is their culture and language.. and being a Native American PR should piss you off it was a bad move. Re sell them

Nope. They are part of us. The United States consists of its States and Territories. That means their language and culture are part of us.

And we take care of our own.
No their not sorry
Let me see if I have this right from you libtards. Telling a woman she should not wear a tee shirt with a PR flag is hate but libtards can rip off a MAGA hat and beat the shit out of anyone wearing such and that’s not hate? That about sums it up. Yes? Assholes.
A. Who monitors Maine to make sure it's complying with its probation? How are the residents of Maine affected by this probation? If it violates probation do we cast the state out of the union?

B. Puerto Ricans aren't foreigners nor is their; they are Americans
There land is foreign to ours, so is their culture and language.. and being a Native American PR should piss you off it was a bad move. Re sell them

Nope. They are part of us. The United States consists of its States and Territories. That means their language and culture are part of us.

And we take care of our own.
No their not sorry

Of course they are. Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States. Puerto Rico is part of the United States. Thus, they're part of us. That makes their language and culture part of us too.

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