Man is UK acquitted for defending wife and children from two rapists. Rapists get community service.

Is this what Progressives want for America?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 18.2%

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Never mind the householder getting let off the story, here are two thugs and rapists doing an home invasion getting let off. This what Progressives want for America.

Cleared Father who chopped off man s ear with samurai sword after family was threatened Daily Mail Online

A father who defended his family from thugs by wounding one with a Samurai sword has been cleared by a jury.

David Fullard, 47, was prosecuted for attacking the two men who entered his home and allegedly threatened to rape his partner and kill his two teenage children.

He insisted he was a desperate man acting legally in self-defence and struck out once with the ornamental sword, because it was the only weapon to hand.

I myself have a late 18th cavalry saber passed down in my family for over 8 generations, I would also use it to defend myself against home invaders and rapists. Given that there have been six home invasions in 2013 in my neighborhood, it's the first weapon I'd pick up in the middle of night, since I don't need to load it (and it can't fall over and kill me like a loaded shotgun in the middle of the night either).

Should I be put in jail if I use it to defend myself or my family members or girlfriend?
Samurai Sword Sword Fatal To Intruder - Baltimore Sun

The intruder, Donald D. Rice of Baltimore, a 49-year-old repeat offender who had been released from jail only Saturday, died at the bloody scene.

Pontolillo, 20, of Wall, N.J., whose identity was confirmed by law enforcement sources, was released late Tuesday afternoon. Guglielmi said it would be up to the state's attorney's office to determine whether he will be charged in the incident.

In a statement Tuesday, Hopkins officials told students there had been more than a half-dozen burglaries in the area recently, and that police presence would be bolstered.

Diego Ardila, a Hopkins student who lived with Pontolillo in the three-story, five-bedroom house during the summer, said Pontolillo owned a samurai sword and generally kept it in his room. He described Pontolillo as somewhat outgoing, but said they didn't talk a lot.

"You don't expect to hear that someone you know killed a guy with a samurai sword," said Ardila, 19. "From what little I know of him, he wasn't some guy going out to kill."

It is legal to possess a sword in Baltimore, Guglielmi said, and "individuals have a right to defend their person and their property." He declined to comment on whether its use in this case was appropriate.

University of Maryland professor David Gray, who specializes in criminal law, said prosecutors must weigh whether Pontolillo felt his life was in danger or whether he became the aggressor.
Anyone that thinks defending your family is a crime is sick in the head. Should be placed within a mental hospital.
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

And you would wet your pants if you were ever faced with an attacker.

You Mighty Mouse assholes are nothing but big talk.

I dare any one of you to back up your lying, vile accusations that progressives want women/children raped.

Let's remember that its you RWs who have consistently said that rape isn't real, that you agree that it should be allowed and that rapists are innocent.

Lying hypocrites.
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

And you would wet your pants if you were ever faced with an attacker.

You Mighty Mouse assholes are nothing but big talk.

I dare any one of you to back up your lying, vile accusations that progressives want women/children raped.

Let's remember that its you RWs who have consistently said that rape isn't real, that you agree that it should be allowed and that rapists are innocent.

Lying hypocrites.
Don't know if you have a spouse and children, but if you did and an intruder broke into your house while you were all sleeping, what would you do?
Never mind the householder getting let off the story, here are two thugs and rapists doing an home invasion getting let off. This what Progressives want for America.

Cleared Father who chopped off man s ear with samurai sword after family was threatened Daily Mail Online

A father who defended his family from thugs by wounding one with a Samurai sword has been cleared by a jury.

David Fullard, 47, was prosecuted for attacking the two men who entered his home and allegedly threatened to rape his partner and kill his two teenage children.

He insisted he was a desperate man acting legally in self-defence and struck out once with the ornamental sword, because it was the only weapon to hand.

I myself have a late 18th cavalry saber passed down in my family for over 8 generations, I would also use it to defend myself against home invaders and rapists. Given that there have been six home invasions in 2013 in my neighborhood, it's the first weapon I'd pick up in the middle of night, since I don't need to load it (and it can't fall over and kill me like a loaded shotgun in the middle of the night either).

Should I be put in jail if I use it to defend myself or my family members or girlfriend?

Well thats about right for the Euro-peons. Keep in mind that in Britain, there's a push to establish Mugging and Home-Invasion as legitimate vocations.

At the end of the day, all we're talking about is just Old Testament Evil. That's all... and it's on a rampage, having taken control of MOST of the world.

It's totally out of control... . And will be until the that Great Gettin' up Mornin' when it all gets corrected.
thanks for he question that Luddley will probably ignore Carib . If she ignores the question it will just be her style . Anyway , checkout the 14 year old kid that protected himself from 2 housebreakers the other day . He ended up killing one of them if I recall correctly . Its in a different thread .
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

And you would wet your pants if you were ever faced with an attacker.

You Mighty Mouse assholes are nothing but big talk.

I dare any one of you to back up your lying, vile accusations that progressives want women/children raped.

Let's remember that its you RWs who have consistently said that rape isn't real, that you agree that it should be allowed and that rapists are innocent.

Lying hypocrites.
That blue badge on my left jacket pocket in my avatar is not awarded for pissing one's pants..
I never said anything about rape so don't put words in my mouth, heathen.
Brits took away all handguns in 98 I think . Course that only applies to taxpayers while the 'queen' and tony blair have armed protection 24 - 7 !!
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

And you would wet your pants if you were ever faced with an attacker.

You Mighty Mouse assholes are nothing but big talk.

I dare any one of you to back up your lying, vile accusations that progressives want women/children raped.

Let's remember that its you RWs who have consistently said that rape isn't real, that you agree that it should be allowed and that rapists are innocent.

Lying hypocrites.
Don't know if you have a spouse and children, but if you did and an intruder broke into your house while you were all sleeping, what would you do?
Her only defense is pissing in her pants.
thanks for he question that Luddley will probably ignore Carib . If she ignores the question it will just be her style . Anyway , checkout the 14 year old kid that protected himself from 2 housebreakers the other day . He ended up killing one of them if I recall correctly . Its in a different thread .
I really don't think it's a political issue. I would rather not live in a world where normal, harmless people need guns to protect their families. But we do, and I would use mine in a second if I thought I had to.
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

And you would wet your pants if you were ever faced with an attacker.

You Mighty Mouse assholes are nothing but big talk.

I dare any one of you to back up your lying, vile accusations that progressives want women/children raped.

Let's remember that its you RWs who have consistently said that rape isn't real, that you agree that it should be allowed and that rapists are innocent.

Lying hypocrites.

Well, let me see. You think that no one but police should be armed. That means the vast majority of people would not be able to defend themselves. That means if a bad guy wishes to rape a woman, he would be able to with impunity.

How exactly does that help your cause? Seems to me that when you take away the ability of a woman to defend herself you are de facto (if not de jure) supporting her rapist.

Care to argue your way out of that one....
and the taxpayers in England can have long guns and shotguns [I think] but the guns need to be in a locked storage safe and ammo is locked away somewhere else . Thing is that most that own guns in England are big shot shotgun owners and farmers that use them for varmint control . Point is that the English can't load their double barrel 12 gauge at night as many Americans load their short barreled , high capacity pump guns and semi autos .
A Glock 17 in the nightstand drawer and an AR15 standing in the corner is my solution.

That's a way to go. I prefer the 12Gg... 18", Magnum loads, Buck and ball. For when you absolutely positively have to knock them back out the door, right now.

They're all over the house... Smith, Browning, Remington, Saiga (My Fave) and even the old school side x side breach... my least favorite. But she will flat get it done, son.
and the taxpayers in England can have long guns and shotguns [I think] but the guns need to be in a locked storage safe and ammo is locked away somewhere else . Thing is that most that own guns in England are big shot shotgun owners and farmers that use them for varmint control . Point is that the English can't load their double barrel 12 gauge at night as many Americans load their short barreled , high capacity pump guns and semi autos .
Who locks up their guns and has to unlock them, then load them in an emergency? We keep ours loaded, the clips in and ready. All we have to do is take the safety off and jack a round into the chamber. Just that sound will make any crook/rapist/robber/killer gtfo if he has any sense at all.
and the taxpayers in England can have long guns and shotguns [I think] but the guns need to be in a locked storage safe and ammo is locked away somewhere else . Thing is that most that own guns in England are big shot shotgun owners and farmers that use them for varmint control . Point is that the English can't load their double barrel 12 gauge at night as many Americans load their short barreled , high capacity pump guns and semi autos .
Who locks up their guns and has to unlock them, then load them in an emergency? We keep ours loaded, the clips in and ready. All we have to do is take the safety off and jack a round into the chamber. Just that sound will make any crook/rapist/robber/killer gtfo if he has any sense at all.

An unloaded gun is a club... and a poor one at that.
Who locks up their guns and has to unlock them, then load them in an emergency? We keep ours loaded, the clips in and ready.

I used to have mine loaded and ready, but I realized that freak accidents could make them discharge. Since I live at the top of an intersection, I had a drunk driver crash into my front porch. The impact caused my grandfather's M1 garand to fall to the floor (it was on the shelf above my bed).

We also had an earthquake here on Long Island (the one that was caused by the underground nuclear detonation in Eric Cantor's Virginia District) that rattled my loaded firearms.

Now, under my bed there is a 12 gauge (Stevens pump with pistol grip and stock) with 5 shells in the magazine, but none in the chamber (so it can't accidentally discharge), and the old sabre leaning against my night-table (immediately adjacent to my bed) and my uncles combat knife on the bed table itself.

The theory is that I wouldn't want to discharge a firearm immediately upon awaking anyway, since I'd first have to put on my glasses. If I have time to put on my glasses, then I definitely have time to get the shotgun from under the bed.

If I don't have time to put on my glasses, I don't have time to get my shotgun from under the bed, and I wouldn't be able to use it against an intruder anyway since we would already be in hand to hand combat. The knife under a thin lace mat on the bed table is the best weapon.

The sword is the best weapon if the intruder is approaching but not in hand to hand range.

The gun is only the best option if he's in another room (which is thankfully the most likely case).

However, I wouldn't mind seeing the reaction of a bat-wielding thug when I draw a sabre. It would almost be worth dying for.

I bought a 42 inch broadsword in NYC too, but it is too long to use in a room, so it's also in the closet.

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