Man Killed by Cops Firing Into his Back – the Truth.

The USA is full of black heroes like this man, and they are ALWAYS ignored by the main stream media who prefer to show the youth in the black community sorts heroes or gang bangers as their role model.


What the heck is he that a Thompsen?!
If the tree dwellers can pass a background check and they want to open carry I'd have no problem. The first one who pointed a gun at me would be fucking dead though.
The problem with the tree dwellers is they aren't intelligent enough to understand how to handle a firearm safely. Among other rules at the range I go to is if you are seen with your finger on the trigger of any gun anywhere but in the approved locations you are automatically banned for life at the range. Never any excuse. Never any exceptions. I've seen parents bring their kids to the range and the first time the kid touches a trigger in a secure zone that kid is GONE! The parents know how strict the rules are and act accordingly.
In the many years I've been going to the range I've seen maybe twenty negroes there.
They seem to prefer shooting at live human beings instead of paper targets. Mind you. Where I live you'd be lucky to see a negro a few times a year.
We have several black families in the small neighborhood I live in and they are exemplary citizens.

I wouldnt trade them for white trash, even though that was how I grew up, and of course most whites dont throw their trash down in their own front yards. That is why such people are called white trash; they are comfortable living in their own trash. I didnt realize the literal sense of the phrase until I went looking for property to build my last home at, God Willing. In some places my wife and I drove through it is 100% white and the trash blows around on the street and through their yards like tumbleweeds. That made me remember the trash that was common in my own front yard and neighborhood growing up and I realized I had just never really thought about it till then.

I want a good resale value for my home in a few years and good black families are far better for it than white trash like me are.

It isnt ALL about race, dude, but how a person chooses to live.
I was born in Cook County Hospital and lived in a couple of the worst inner city mostly populated by negros neighborhoods in Chicago. I served with negroes and I can honestly say I never one time saw any negro behave like a coward in any firefight.
I saw LOTS of fucking LIBERAL spoiled brat 'pukers and shiters' white boys literally desert under fire and a couple of LIBERAL PUSSY officers who had no right to be command of a platoon.
It was the fucking LIB pussy cowards who were the first ones to 'embrace' the free drugs the VC made sure was available for free. A deck of Pall Mall smokes laced with opium could be bought for $5 in any village. The fucking LIB cowards took the easy way out by becoming addicted because they were too cowardly to stand up and fight the enemy.
I call the negro thugs what they are: fucking scum. I have the utmost respect for negroes who are hard working peaceful people who themselves want to have nothing to do with the gang banger scum.
I have no respect for the White trash either. As a matter of fact the White trash were born on first base compared to their negro neighbors. That makes them even worse in my books.
Cool story.
Yeah...that explains them continuing to fire into him as he lay on the ground.
Why would his location dictate how many rounds are fired? The point was to kill him. They succeeded, so give them a medal and move on.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when a fuckin cop actually saves a motherfucker with dark skin, until
How many negro lives are saved every day because there are cops patrolling the fucking shithole inner cities?
Without the cops' presence the negro on negro murder rate would go up by a factor of a thousand.
How many innocent negro children would be murdered by the parent's rival gang?
You really ought to pull your stupid head out of your ass.
If blacks and other minorities went openly armed in your venues, you would all crap in your pants.

And shoot them in the backs too.

This is what is described in the OP. A black man with a gun in his hand.

I remember when shooting someone in the back was considered an act of cowardice. It is indeed cowardly - unless the person you murder is black.

You cracker ass, trailer trash racists are useless little chicken shits.
If the tree dwellers can pass a background check and they want to open carry I'd have no problem. The first one who pointed a gun at me would be fucking dead though.
The problem with the tree dwellers is they aren't intelligent enough to understand how to handle a firearm safely. Among other rules at the range I go to is if you are seen with your finger on the trigger of any gun anywhere but in the approved locations you are automatically banned for life at the range. Never any excuse. Never any exceptions. I've seen parents bring their kids to the range and the first time the kid touches a trigger in a secure zone that kid is GONE! The parents know how strict the rules are and act accordingly.
In the many years I've been going to the range I've seen maybe twenty negroes there.
They seem to prefer shooting at live human beings instead of paper targets. Mind you. Where I live you'd be lucky to see a negro a few times a year.
We have several black families in the small neighborhood I live in and they are exemplary citizens.

I wouldnt trade them for white trash, even though that was how I grew up, and of course most whites dont throw their trash down in their own front yards. That is why such people are called white trash; they are comfortable living in their own trash. I didnt realize the literal sense of the phrase until I went looking for property to build my last home at, God Willing. In some places my wife and I drove through it is 100% white and the trash blows around on the street and through their yards like tumbleweeds. That made me remember the trash that was common in my own front yard and neighborhood growing up and I realized I had just never really thought about it till then.

I want a good resale value for my home in a few years and good black families are far better for it than white trash like me are.

It isnt ALL about race, dude, but how a person chooses to live.
I was born in Cook County Hospital and lived in a couple of the worst inner city mostly populated by negros neighborhoods in Chicago. I served with negroes and I can honestly say I never one time saw any negro behave like a coward in any firefight.
I saw LOTS of fucking LIBERAL spoiled brat 'pukers and shiters' white boys literally desert under fire and a couple of LIBERAL PUSSY officers who had no right to be command of a platoon.
It was the fucking LIB pussy cowards who were the first ones to 'embrace' the free drugs the VC made sure was available for free. A deck of Pall Mall smokes laced with opium could be bought for $5 in any village. The fucking LIB cowards took the easy way out by becoming addicted because they were too cowardly to stand up and fight the enemy.
I call the negro thugs what they are: fucking scum. I have the utmost respect for negroes who are hard working peaceful people who themselves want to have nothing to do with the gang banger scum.
I have no respect for the White trash either. As a matter of fact the White trash were born on first base compared to their negro neighbors. That makes them even worse in my books.
Cool story.
Did you need help with any of the words or sentence construction, dear?

Glad to help the challenged.
Why would his location dictate how many rounds are fired?
Well, if he is laying on his back and the cops shoot him from, his front, then the round likely ricochets back into the body and they count as 'twofers'.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when a fuckin cop actually saves a motherfucker with dark skin, until
How many negro lives are saved every day because there are cops patrolling the fucking shithole inner cities?
Without the cops' presence the negro on negro murder rate would go up by a factor of a thousand.
How many innocent negro children would be murdered by the parent's rival gang?
You really ought to pull your stupid head out of your ass.
If blacks and other minorities went openly armed in your venues, you would all crap in your pants.

Thank you, if nigga's walked around with their arsenal legally exposed like these white mf's do, these cowards would be shootin up the country out of sheer fright...white people with guns talk a good game because the LAW BACKS UP THEIR BULLSHIT.....NO OTHER REASON SAVE FOR THAT AND THESE COWARDS KNOW IT!!

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