Man Who Attended Anti Shutdown Rally Sent Home By Employer


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

This is interesting. One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.
Funny that Japan hasn't locked or shut anything down, has far far fewer deaths, and hasn't crippled their economy. Damn fools! They must be brainwashed by Fox andf Rush! Yes! That's it!

Now watch when Fall comes and millions are out of work and there is no food on the shelves from all this "safety," the Democrats like you will be hollering that Trump caused it!!!
Crooks and Liars link?....well if they say so...Buuuaaahahahaha so this is the kind of crap you tards read? wonder.....
This is interesting. One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.
Funny that Japan hasn't locked or shut anything down, has far far fewer deaths, and hasn't crippled their economy. Damn fools! They must be brainwashed by Fox andf Rush! Yes! That's it!

Now watch when Fall comes and millions are out of work and there is no food on the shelves from all this "safety," the Democrats like you will be hollering that Trump caused it!!!

We don't live in Japan.

This isn't about the government. The government didn't send that man home for 14 days.

His PRIVATE EMPLOYER did. The employer is responsible and smart. That employer knows that if the virus runs rampant through his business he will have to close because he doesn't have anyone to do the jobs. Nor will most people want to work there because it's not safe.

What you don't realize is that what you advocate is very irresponsible and guarantees that people will get the virus with someone of them dying.

Take your bitching to that employer. No democrat politician sent him home.

You can't address the threat topic so you try to change the subject.

If you want to debate Japan what they're doing start a new thread. This one isn't even remotely about Japan.
Like telling someone not to go to the grocery store or Walmart. I'd sue. Nobody got furloughed because of the great toilet paper fights.
Wisconsin, being a freedom loving state, is at will employment. You can be fired or furloughed for nearly any reason.
Japan was smart, as were a few states here and other countries around the globe.

The Democrats here are hell bent on wrecking the economy despite the new information that this virus isn't anywhere near as deadly as they initially hoped.
Not sure why the op thinks this matters or is worthy of a thread. There are literally MILLIONS of businesses all across the country all handling this in their own way. Then there are millions more shuttered by the gestapo tactics
This is interesting. One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.
Funny that Japan hasn't locked or shut anything down, has far far fewer deaths, and hasn't crippled their economy. Damn fools! They must be brainwashed by Fox andf Rush! Yes! That's it!

Now watch when Fall comes and millions are out of work and there is no food on the shelves from all this "safety," the Democrats like you will be hollering that Trump caused it!!!

This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I would also furlough any employees dumb enough to attend a mass rally for at least two weeks.

It is also very tempting to go to rallies and start coughing uncontrollably, just for the lulz.
We don't live in Japan.
Maybe that is the problem.

This isn't about the government. The government didn't send that man home for 14 days.
The government said Covid bad, stay home! Man tries to work. Business sends man home to keep government happy. Government sent man home. This is about the government.

The employer is responsible and smart.
We must have more than one Covid bug. In Japan, everyone working. 19 dead in Tokyo, most crowded city. New York City locked down: 17,000 dead.

What you don't realize is that what you advocate is very irresponsible.
What you don't realize is that the shutdown is illegal. The government can make a recommendation, but it is up to the INDIVIDUAL to decide whether to follow it or accept the risk. He affects no one but himself and others who also accept the risk. If you don't accept the risk, stay in your house like a little bitch and live in fear. Those bad people out in the real world keeping things going won't hurt you. If they were, then we shouldn't have ANY "essential" people out there working at all!
This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I would also furlough any employees dumb enough to attend a mass rally for at least two weeks.

It is also very tempting to go to rallies and start coughing uncontrollably, just for the lulz.
That's right....Be a good little compliant prole....Fucking fascist bootlicker.

This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I have been going around places here in Floor E Da. looking for that elusive Wuhan Virus, because since i am not a fat, lazy, liberal fuck, who is "Obese", Dope Smoking", Vapor Inhaling, Cig Smoker, Alcoholic, or just plain stupid, as most liberals are, i still havent been able to catch that thing. So, dumbass liberals continue to do what their PRAVDA news agencies tell them to, so make sure you keep doing that shit, that will one day kill you, even if you dont catch the Wuhan Flu...

This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I would also furlough any employees dumb enough to attend a mass rally for at least two weeks.

It is also very tempting to go to rallies and start coughing uncontrollably, just for the lulz.
I wonder how the idiot felt when Occupy Wall Street was shitting on police cars? Will he want the employees fired for MAYDAY tomorrow when a bunch of low IQ morons are going to walk off the job in support of the Communist movement?
This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I would also furlough any employees dumb enough to attend a mass rally for at least two weeks.

It is also very tempting to go to rallies and start coughing uncontrollably, just for the lulz.
That's right....Be a good little compliant prole....Fucking fascist bootlicker.

View attachment 330039
I also don't step out into traffic without looking both ways, jump out of airplanes without a parachute, or drink bleach to cure the coronavirus.

Yeah, that's me. Just a dumb bootlicker. Sure. :lol:
This is interesting.

One of the morons who want to spread the virus all over our nation to kill as many people as possible who went to one of the rallies in Wisconsin, has been furloughed by his employer for 14 days.

The employer is responsible and cares about their employees and business. The employer is smart enough to know that if a large portion of their employees get the virus the business will have to shut down because they don't have enough people to run it.

These morons who are protesting safety are the ones who are causing this mess. If they would stop spreading the virus business can open safely.

So no amount of protesting is going to do much of anything beyond responsible employers sending those employees home so they don't infect and kill innocent people. The irresponsible ones will see their business harmed or even destroyed because they allowed the virus to run rampant through all their employees and don't have people to run their business.

I would also furlough any employees dumb enough to attend a mass rally for at least two weeks.

It is also very tempting to go to rallies and start coughing uncontrollably, just for the lulz.
That's right....Be a good little compliant prole....Fucking fascist bootlicker.

View attachment 330039
I also don't step out into traffic without looking both ways, jump out of airplanes without a parachute, or drink bleach to cure the coronavirus.

Yeah, that's me. Just a dumb bootlicker. Sure. :lol:
You red herring shit doesn't work on me, fascist dicksucker.

Don't attend mass rallies where social distancing and face mask wearing is not observed, don't walk into traffic without looking both ways, don't jump out of airplanes without a parachute, and don't inject yourself with bleach.

Follow these simple common sense rules, bootlickers! :lol:
Japan was smart, as were a few states here and other countries around the globe.

The Democrats here are hell bent on wrecking the economy despite the new information that this virus isn't anywhere near as deadly as they initially hoped.

Democrats didn't force Trump to not react to the virus in January. Maybe if he does, we don't have to shut the country down. Republican and Democrat governors were forced to respond when he didn't.
Your quarrel is with the dude in the White House.

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