Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

Last night I suspected this was a terrorist attack and that it is related too the nyc attack. Timimg was too coincidental.
Wonder if we will get the truth.
Also believe the attempted bombing in Nj is connected as well.
I heard that 9/11 was the beginning of an Islam religious holiday of some sort. Was yesterday of particular moment? Like Good Friday or something? It does seem kind of a stretch to be entirely coincidential--especially NJ and Chelsea.

For palestinians and those who claim to support them, however ISIS has had no problem in the past of massacring palestinians refugees.

When it suits their purpose, they will pick up any anti-american/west/israel cause not matter how invalid, incorrect, or not originally their own if it can enrage other muslims to a cause.

It was a passionate month and eid ended on the 14th, but no there is no specific date, but this all might be building up to Muharram on the 1st and this was just a practice for what is yet to come.

Does there have to be a reason for a group like isis or someone self radicalized by their inspiration?

The Muslim ‘knifeman’ was shot and killed by an off-duty cop at the Crossroads Center in St. Paul. The suspect was dressed in a private security uniform. Witnesses said the attacker referenced ‘Allah’ several times and asked at least one victim if he was Muslim.

and some dress in uniforms travel across the world and kill civilians in other countries

Some do it on orders of military, as part of coalitions, and others on orders of a militant group or a caliphate

Waging war but not communicating or trying to make peace

Bull shit. You're an asshole to equate just military action with terrorism.

But then you're just another hater of freedom and Liberty.

Do you really think "they" think military action is just when christians are attacking and seeming invading?

Syria did not want the US, ISIS did not want the US, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey or Lebanon? Russia does not even want the US unless they can control and manipulate us. EU and NATO were unwilling to get involved. Obama drew invisible lines in the sand and didn't have the stomach to back up his words. To the world, the US is a weak bully, who are really just cowards, but they are symbols to despise and any attack on us makes them look and feel stronger and more important.

The US is ahab's whale that must be crushed at all cost.

You might not understand but if you look from their point of view, they are the honorable and righteous out to save the world.

You have to understand them if you expect to stop them, otherwise you are just chasing your own tail and achieving nothing.
oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

no----I do not realize---"that" or "this"

His hatred for America has his mind all fucked up. He is saying the truth and justice are not the American Way. He doesn't understand what "and" means.
It's not such a prudent idea to try to project your mental short-circuiting onto others, even though you see humanity through your limited understanding of the world. I see that for you to expose faults and misdeeds it requires 'HATRED'. You just admitted it. But that's you, not me. This little mini-thread about "truth, justice" and how it is falsely attributed to the US is all fact. Now that I've given you several examples of that false connection ..... do you hate America? I suppose that you do. For sure you do. Your hatred for America has your mind all fucked up because by employing "truth, justice" you can repair the US. But you'd rather just HATE.

And you are pretty confused. Do you know the definition of "and"?
The Saint Cloud Times is reporting Dahir Adan, a member of the local Somali Community, was the man who attacked nine people at a local mall Saturday while shouting about “Allah.”

Sorry not even a little surprised

Somalia has a growing ISIS presence
Obama is really scraping the bottom of the barrel when it allows the lowest of the low, Somali Muslims, into the country.

As if all the rest of the troublemaking potential terrorists from the Middle East aren't bad enough!
oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

no----I do not realize---"that" or "this"
That makes it difficult for you to understand the subject of this thread ..... and many others.

All 3 are great aspects of our should study them to find out why you have no idea what you are talking about......
Sorry friend, but you are in a coma. I am surprised you have the nerve to make this reply of yours.
Libtards are the comatose idiots, idiot.
Libtards are the comatose idiots, idiot.
Whew! It's a damned good thing you have only 2 political parties, huh! As you haven't got a single idea (that is deeper than a chip on a porcelain tea cup) it is so convenient to just shout "Democrat!" ... or ... "Republican!" You'd be tongue-tied if there were a third party. I mean, if you're a Republican and you disagree with someone you just assume he's Democrat. But with three choices ........ Jesus! You might have to discuss the subject to see what points you agree on and what ones you don't.
I think the media is taking John Kerry's advice seriously. Remember when he said recently that the media should stop reporting on Islamic terrorism so people won't know about it? Well, the media had to report on the incidents yesterday- bombs exploding in NY and NJ and one radical Muslim attacking people with a knife. They are leaving out the fact that the attacker is a Muslim refugee. Of course, they won't report that since Obama and Hillary both want to flood the U.S. with more like him. ISIS took credit for the attack. This isn't a 'homegrown' terorist. The guy was an ISIS member hiding amongst the refugees. And more are already here. Hundreds more are coming, thanks to Dems.

"The identity of the Minnesota man who went on a stabbing spree at a local mall has been revealed.

His name was Dahir Adan, a Somalian immigrant, reportedly a “refugee” to the U.S. He injured
10 people while yelling “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greater” in Arabic) before being killed by an off-duty police officer.

Like some kind of crazed zombie, he was shot three times, fell, and got up to attack, only to be shot again.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.

But the media took 24 hours after these facts were known for CNN to even mention his ethnicity, and none of the networks are reporting his religion or immigration status.

You know why: because Obama is flooding America with tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” to reshape the population. And Hillary plans to increase his refugee importation level by an insane 550%!"

Minnesota Mall Terrorist Was Just Identified... Media Censoring...
oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

Lying politicians replaced it with falsehoods, privilege, and the UN way.
You can't blame the UN for American treachery of Operation TP Ajax, The Tuskegee Experiment, MK ULTRA, Vietnam, Cuba, Water Gate, Iran Gate, the Magic Bullet, Operation Northwoods, the illegal invasion of Irak, the WMD hoax in Irak, Col. Steele's Death Squads there, Halliburton, Black Water, Agent Orange, torture at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.The UN is firmly against all of that.

Maybe you need an American history lesson.

Yeah.....and the Oil for Food scandal....all the greats from the U.N. were in on that, and the sex slavery by U.N. troops around the world, the human rights violators who make up the U.N.........and of course the U.N. doesn't pay it's bills......

The invasion of Iraq....was legal.....moron, hussein was in violation of the Cease Fire agreement for years...and the cowardly, bribed, U.N. failed to act........Guantanomo...where the worst of the worst of killers are kept....

you are a moron.
I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

The enemy is at the gate; not in your gun cupboard.

1). ...... The invasion of Iraq....was legal.....moron, hussein was in violation of the Cease Fire agreement for years...and the cowardly, bribed, U.N. failed to act........

2).Guantanomo...where the worst of the worst of killers are kept....

3).you are a moron.


"They made me do it!" This is your response to American treachery around the world?
You poor idiot.
I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.
FUCK you asshole trying to scapegoat a GUARANTEED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT when most were stabbed and secondly, the attacker was an islamic TERRORIST. I am so sick of you lying azz liberals ..

Rage much? LOL

As expected guns have to be defended. 20,000 children die a day around the world of hunger, disease, and abuse, but guns are in desperate need of defending. That is some bizarre belief system.

Guns kill 20000 children a day?? Is anyone defending hunger, disease or abuse?? Maybe we should be addressing those problems, Isaac!!

I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

The enemy is at the gate; not in your gun cupboard.


What enemy at what gate. You are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

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