Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

The Muslim ‘knifeman’ was shot and killed by an off-duty cop at the Crossroads Center in St. Paul. The suspect was dressed in a private security uniform. Witnesses said the attacker referenced ‘Allah’ several times and asked at least one victim if he was Muslim.

and some dress in uniforms travel across the world and kill civilians in other countries

Some do it on orders of military, as part of coalitions, and others on orders of a militant group or a caliphate

Waging war but not communicating or trying to make peace

Bull shit. You're an asshole to equate just military action with terrorism.

But then you're just another hater of freedom and Liberty.

hey wot?? That's not what I get out of that. Sensibly, one must look from one's enemy's perspective is one is to understand them; puts you in a better position to annihilate the the appropriate course of action to neutralise the threat posed by them. I don't get that Aris wants to give the scum a pass; in fact understanding that the enemy is dedicated to America's DESTRUCTION puts you properly into the Theater of Battle; it is to the death!!! THEIRS!!!

I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

The enemy is at the gate; not in your gun cupboard.


What enemy at what gate. You are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

"Allahu Akbar..................................;KABOOM"

er: it ain't the chooks that they're decapitating!!

I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

The enemy is at the gate; not in your gun cupboard.


What enemy at what gate. You are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Seen any "out of place" pressure cookers lately?? They have in New York and Chelsea.

1). ...... The invasion of Iraq....was legal.....moron, hussein was in violation of the Cease Fire agreement for years...and the cowardly, bribed, U.N. failed to act........

2).Guantanomo...where the worst of the worst of killers are kept....

3).you are a moron.


"They made me do it!" This is your response to American treachery around the world?
You poor idiot.

what American treachery around the world?
I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

The enemy is at the gate; not in your gun cupboard.


What enemy at what gate. You are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Seen any "out of place" pressure cookers lately?? They have in New York and Chelsea.


I man dragging a roller bag and placing the bomb, one to draw people in and the other to kill those trying to help the injured and investigating the first bombing................... very intentional

The fact the man appears to be of arab origin on video would seem to take this as just some individual criminal act for other than terrorism out of probability

Ordered or lone wolf, it is still terrorism
oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

Lying politicians replaced it with falsehoods, privilege, and the UN way.
You can't blame the UN for American treachery of Operation TP Ajax, The Tuskegee Experiment, MK ULTRA, Vietnam, Cuba, Water Gate, Iran Gate, the Magic Bullet, Operation Northwoods, the illegal invasion of Irak, the WMD hoax in Irak, Col. Steele's Death Squads there, Halliburton, Black Water, Agent Orange, torture at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.The UN is firmly against all of that.

Maybe you need an American history lesson.

Maybe you need a history lesson yourself old bean. Do tell me how many the Stalinists murdered when they took over Nth Vietnam?

oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

Lying politicians replaced it with falsehoods, privilege, and the UN way.
You can't blame the UN for American treachery of Operation TP Ajax, The Tuskegee Experiment, MK ULTRA, Vietnam, Cuba, Water Gate, Iran Gate, the Magic Bullet, Operation Northwoods, the illegal invasion of Irak, the WMD hoax in Irak, Col. Steele's Death Squads there, Halliburton, Black Water, Agent Orange, torture at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.The UN is firmly against all of that.

Maybe you need an American history lesson.

Maybe you need a history lesson yourself old bean. Do tell me how many the Stalinists murdered when they took over Nth Vietnam?

Oh Christ. You think Ted Bundy wasn't so bad because at least he wasn't a communist. What's inside your head? Last year's pumpkin?
And sadly, we'll never Truly Know what motivates him.

And what motivated this guy?

Police Charge Man With Arson At Mosque Attended By Orlando Gunman

Someone he knew was murdered maybe? Of course he hasn't been convicted yet. I am sure that his motive will come out. Is revenge a "hate crime" I wonder?


Link to any credible evidence that people shopping at a mall did anything worthy of revenge from the perspective of rational people.

It was merely a speculation as is that it is a hate crime. I will await the findings of the Court.

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oh a friendly Somali------has the leader of somali americans
come up with a possible motive-------other than affection for
truth, justice and the American way
No one can possibly have an affection for all three. The first 2 are in complete contrast to the last one. This catch-phrase, to which you refer, is Hollywood fantasy à la 1950's TV. It does not exist. I am sure you realize this.

Lying politicians replaced it with falsehoods, privilege, and the UN way.
You can't blame the UN for American treachery of Operation TP Ajax, The Tuskegee Experiment, MK ULTRA, Vietnam, Cuba, Water Gate, Iran Gate, the Magic Bullet, Operation Northwoods, the illegal invasion of Irak, the WMD hoax in Irak, Col. Steele's Death Squads there, Halliburton, Black Water, Agent Orange, torture at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.The UN is firmly against all of that.

Maybe you need an American history lesson.

Maybe you need a history lesson yourself old bean. Do tell me how many the Stalinists murdered when they took over Nth Vietnam?

Oh Christ. You think Ted Bundy wasn't so bad because at least he wasn't a communist. What's inside your head? Last year's pumpkin?

Did Ted(wrong bad)Bundy shoot thousands of police, teachers, judges, politicians, community leaders, businesspeople like the Stalinists who took over Nth Vietnam did? You really are unaware?

EDIT REAL FAST: wrong Bundy ....I thought you meant that other Bundy mob. You are not correct; both sets of murdering scum deserved the Death Penalty. Why the ....hell throw in that scum??? That's just stupid!!!


PS: my bad; I thought you meant one of Cliven's sons but that was Ammon. As for Ted:He deserved to go and burn.
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And sadly, we'll never Truly Know what motivates him.

And what motivated this guy?

Police Charge Man With Arson At Mosque Attended By Orlando Gunman
oh my gosh- a fire! not killing, blowing yourselves up with others, not stabbing them- theres THOUSANDS of terror attacks around the world in the name of the false moon god "allah"... but you post this? lmfao. Liberalism is a mental disorder and muslims worldwide laugh at you and will kill you w/o a second thought you pansy ass fucktards.

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