Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

Radical islamism or jihadism is not all muslims or islam, it is corruption.

Wrong and this is the fundamental mistake made by the West. All Moslems support the Islamic doctrine. The doctrine supports converting all to Islam and through violent means if necessary.
Obama does this too along with most all media. He divorces terrorism from Islam. The idea is to preserve the good Islam fantasy though the Left doesn't view it as a fantasy. Until we realize and accept the fact (yes it's a fact) that Islam is a bad religion, nothing will change for the better. You have to ask yourself why is it that SO MANY Moslems are terrorists. The answer is easy.
You pick very negative sites on Islam

The quote from the interview was incomplete

Egypt is not going to be a western democracy over night and when the majority of the population do not understand but Gomaa did believe state law and a democratic government were compatible with Islam.
He might be progressive but he still speaks to a conservative audience

First Gomaa was asked about the quran and then explained why the changes were still comparable with sharia. Obviously you care about the truth just slamming Islam, even those who are trying to bring progress and make both east and west can coexist in peace.

You expect him to be so extremely left of left that he would risk assassination? He wants to teach his people not set them at war with each other or western ideas.

From you sites, I know why you are so prejudice. Islam is a hard religion, but now all are total extreme fundamentalist. Not all Christians are the same any more than all muslim, but you seem to have only one brush
From you sites, I know why you are so prejudice.

And you would be mistaken. Moslem and Liberal sites are lying to us to preserve the good Islam fantasy. People like Geller and Robert Spencer have no such interest. It's not possible to have a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience when it comes to Islam. 30,000 deadly Islamic terror attacks alone since 9/11 tells us this.

Islam is a hard religion, but now all are total extreme fundamentalist. Not all Christians are the same any more than all muslim, but you seem to have only one brush

No, Islam is an evil religion and I keep telling you it's not about the people. It's about the doctrine so knock off the "not all Christians", BS.
It's a sick joke hearing our Liberal politicians like Hillary Clinton tell us how these "terrorists are perverting the good religion of Islam". Nothing could be further from the truth. These terrorists are Islamic purists realizing fully the teachings of Muhammad. People who think like these politicians, are the main obstacle to defeating our enemies - not the enemies themselves.
No doubt the most inept terrorist weekend ever.

You can come out from under your bed now.
The all clear has sounded.

View attachment 90249
Man arrested at Heathrow in terror probe 18, 2016
Police said he was arrested under PACE legislation after arriving at the airport and has been taken to a west London police station where he ...

Who knows when and where next
perhaps another 9/11 type no one is prepared for.

We might be stopping them, but they are trying more often and possibly building or testing for something big, some major event
Who knows when and where next
perhaps another 9/11 type no one is prepared for.

To say no one is prepared is pretty dumb.
No doubt the most inept terrorist weekend ever.

You can come out from under your bed now.
The all clear has sounded.

View attachment 90249
Man arrested at Heathrow in terror probe 18, 2016
Police said he was arrested under PACE legislation after arriving at the airport and has been taken to a west London police station where he ...

Who knows when and where next
perhaps another 9/11 type no one is prepared for.

We might be stopping them, but they are trying more often and possibly building or testing for something big, some major event
Who knows when and where next
perhaps another 9/11 type no one is prepared for.

To say no one is prepared is pretty dumb.

insufficiently prepared

Even when you live with violence, assassinations and terrorism on a daily basis and all the safeguards, of the time, the tragedy and shock make you realize you can never prepared enough.

Human knowledge, awareness and communication will remain the most important tools till we can read someone's mind before they even think about it, and somehow find a way to change their future course.
The blood is on the hands of Obama, Crooked Hillary and all the other scumbag politicians who decided to make the USA the dumping ground for third world savages, particularly Muslims.

They had nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq or the Arab Spring. Taking down Saddam Hussein was from Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton. What did you think would happen if you destabilized the region? It's the same fools who now want the US to attack Iran.
They had nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq or the Arab Spring. Taking down Saddam Hussein was from Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton. What did you think would happen if you destabilized the region? It's the same fools who now want the US to attack Iran.
IN 1933 ------galvanized world war II. -----taking down Saddam Hussein was
Obama does this too along with most all media. He divorces terrorism from Islam. The idea is to preserve the good Islam fantasy though the Left doesn't view it as a fantasy. Until we realize and accept the fact (yes it's a fact) that Islam is a bad religion, nothing will change for the better. You have to ask yourself why is it that SO MANY Moslems are terrorists. The answer is easy.

Do you know any Muslims?

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