Manafort: Anti-Trump Republicans connected to Clinton

I'm a #NeverTrumper and a #NeverClinton
Hitlery appreciates your support....

Why would she do that since I don't support her?
It's all you've been doing....:lol:


Owebo, is one of those "you're with us or against us" geniuses.
I'm also a "Never Trump & Never Clinton" voter too.
Hitlery appreciates your support....
Hitlery appreciates your support....

Why would she do that since I don't support her?
It's all you've been doing....:lol:


Owebo, is one of those "you're with us or against us" geniuses.
I'm also a "Never Trump & Never Clinton" voter too.
Hitlery appreciates your support....

Why would she appreciate the support of people who don't support her?
Why would she do that since I don't support her?
It's all you've been doing....:lol:


Owebo, is one of those "you're with us or against us" geniuses.
I'm also a "Never Trump & Never Clinton" voter too.
Hitlery appreciates your support....

Why would she appreciate the support of people who don't support her?
Then why are you supporting her?
Portrait of a Trump Die-Hard trying to reboot the Trump campaign...


Here's another...

Is there any doubt that so-called #NeverTrump "Republicans" are all Clinton supporters?

#NeverTrumpers will look as awkward as ostriches with their heads deep in the sand. They don't want to take any responsibility for the results of elections, while Clinton's team will make thousands of cemeteries all over the country come and vote for her. So, #NeverTrumpers automatically become pro-Clintons no matter if they admit it or not.

#NeverTrumpers, it's about time to become #NeverClintons unless you want to kiss your country good-bye...

Oh, are so reading the situation wrong. The Never Trump folks are going to be the only conservatives with credibility after November. The poor hapless idiots that have tied their political future to Trump have already been left with nothing but ashes in their mouths and a metric fuckton of conspiracy turds to polish.

Look at Paul Ryan's primary. Despite overwhelming opposition from Trump surrogates, Ryan crushed it. Remember when Palin told us that Paul Ryan's career in politics was over?

Sarah Palin said:
His political career is over but for a miracle because he has so disrespected the will of the people

Oh, Silly Sarah. How'd that work out again?

Laura Ingram said:
After all, who does Ryan represent? One district in Wisconsin? A bunch of House goofballs who can’t get out of their own way? Why does he get to be the spokesman for the GOP? The speaker’s office should represent the people who elected the House majority — it shouldn’t represent the same Donor Class that the party hates and just rejected by overwhelming numbers.

Huh. Where were those 'overwhelming numbers' in Tuesday's primary, Laura?

Ann Coulter said:
You got the Nehlen leaving at 2:06 and then the Trump leaving the station. After that happens, there’s not another train coming through. This is it. This is your last chance to save America. Vote for the party of America for Americans and vote for Paul Nehlen.”

The only train analogy that a rational person would apply to Trump and his toady Nehlen.....would be a trainwreck. After all, Nehlen is Trump's mini-me. A businessman with a platform virtually identical to Trump's who has never held elected office. Ever. And has made his sychophantic relationship with Trump very public:

Donald Trump: Thanks to @pnehlen for your kind words, very much appreciated.

Nehlen: @realDonaldTrump my pleasure, Sir. Just want to Make America Great Again.

With Nehlen even going so far as to start a pro-Trump super PAC. And despite months of praise from Trump supporters, outlandishly optimistic predictions of Nehlen's victory, wild overconfidence in Nehlen's chances, and comic Trump'esque hyperbole....

Nehlen managed less than 16% of the vote.

Wild and completely unjustified overconfidence by Trump supporters paired with quietly desperate dismissal of polling resulting in spectacular failure.

Get used to the pattern, fellas.
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