Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

manaforts lawyer had to approve of all the jurors also i believe. or how many can they strike from serving first?
Not sure how federal system works sounded like the judge picked them after asking them questions etc. Even if his lawyers were able to strike people its not like it mattered much damn near the entire region they came from was Anti Trump...
how did the trial / jury selection come to that area? that's what i would look to first.
Its the federal jurisdiction that Mueller filed the case doubt its NOT a coincidence.
Well we know the Judge is not happy with the case from past News that was reported.
Irony, Hillary makes Manford look like a jaywalker.
Where is the justice?

Republicans had 30 years. They controlled both houses for a majority of that time.

They spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on their Hilary vendetta.

Trump on the other hand.
Barely a year and a half. And dozens of people in his orbit are under many, many felony charges.

And whatever happens with his Russia collusion problems, the case against the Criminal organization known as the Trump foundation hasn't even gotten started. Then there's the whores. And the Children of the Con. The entire Trump family is under seige. And with good reason. They make mafia families look amateur.
FIRST Trumpsters are complaining that everyone on the Mueller team is not a Republican and NOW Manafort's jury needs to be all Trump supporters! That's the ticket! Let's be sure to fix this damned trial from the get go!

Actually, I don't think Odium has that much to worry about. He would be surprised how many people pay very little attention to politics and don't have much of an opinion about Trump or his goings on. The first question any prospective juror will be asked is what they think of Trump.
None Mueller picked are Republican!
He ASKED them that? I'll bet Manafort's lawyer will want his to be. Yes?
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.
Dude, there is no way Manafort beats all those charges. What are there ... 12? In just this trial. With more to come. One conviction can get him ten years. And he's 69.
Isn't Trump immediately going to pardon him? I thought that was the idea.
Stop whining. He should have done his crimes elsewhere if he want a jury stacked in his favor.
Absolutely NOTHING to do with conspiring with Russia to rig an election
Well, not to do with the election, but a strong tie to Russia, still. The way Manafort earned all those millions he hid from the tax man was from a Ukranian Russian puppet, wasn't it? Didn't he end up having to high tail it back to Russia in disgrace because he was so corrupt?
Paul Manafort, who was Trump's campaign chief from May to August 2016, spent nearly a decade as a consultant to Ukraine's Party of Regions and its standardbearer, Viktor Yanukovych.
Backed by Russian-leaning oligarchs, the party opposed NATO membership and spouted anti-Western rhetoric that once helped fuel violence against American marines. Its reign ended when Yanukovych fled to Russia after bloody street protests against his personal corruption and pro-Moscow actions.

What did ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort really do in Ukraine?
FIRST Trumpsters are complaining that everyone on the Mueller team is not a Republican and NOW Manafort's jury needs to be all Trump supporters! That's the ticket! Let's be sure to fix this damned trial from the get go!

Actually, I don't think Odium has that much to worry about. He would be surprised how many people pay very little attention to politics and don't have much of an opinion about Trump or his goings on. The first question any prospective juror will be asked is what they think of Trump.
None Mueller picked are Republican!
He ASKED them that? I'll bet Manafort's lawyer will want his to be. Yes?
You can google it. NONE of Muellers investigators are republicans and actually DONATED to Clinton or other Democrat candidates...this is a complete farce...not sure if Mueller understood who he was picking when he did like he is trying to throw this investigation or give a legit reason to call its conclusion into doubt but that's whats going to happen.
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

It's a federal jury. Manafort's lawyers could have made a motion to change venue. Did they?
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

It's a federal jury. Manafort's lawyers could have made a motion to change venue. Did they?
Yes. They asked for it to be moved to Roanoke but judge refused for now.
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

Well, seriously, the way the Republicans act on things, gerrymandering, not allowing Obama to pick a Supreme Court justice, what do they expect?

You start slinging shit, and then complain when shit gets slung back.
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

It's a federal jury. Manafort's lawyers could have made a motion to change venue. Did they?
Yes. They asked for it to be moved to Roanoke but judge refused for now.
The defense attorney had the right to exclude jurors that he felt were prejudiced. But that time has passed.
Jury pulled from district where manafort resides,
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

It's a federal jury. Manafort's lawyers could have made a motion to change venue. Did they?
Yes. They asked for it to be moved to Roanoke but judge refused for now.
The defense attorney had the right to exclude jurors that he felt were prejudiced. But that time has passed.
Jury pulled from district where manafort resides,
Kind of hard to exclude jurors who are prejudiced when the ENTIRE AREA is prejudiced against ANYTHING and ANYONE associated with President Trump

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