Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.
Dude, there is no way Manafort beats all those charges. What are there ... 12? In just this trial. With more to come. One conviction can get him ten years. And he's 69.
No 17 charges.

No.....30 gazillion charges.
If this was a black guy, the OP would be saying he should be hung in town square without a trial.
But Crooked Hillary associate Tony Podesta and the Corrupt Podesta Group might be mentioned! Once again the witch hunt backfires in Mueller's creepy face!
Wow no lefties have posted this trial will be what brings Trump down yet impressive.
I said the moment this investigation begin that Drumpf will not be brought down. I still maintain that stance. They could have a video of Drumpf planning with Putin to invade the US and one of his lackeys will swear they dressed up like Drumpf to keep him from going to prison. Too many sycophants willing to fall on their sword for the orange buffoon in office.
Ah there is the idiot responses we have come to love and laugh at.
If you look at the charges that Mueller has filed on Manafort, not one of them has anything to do with Trump and the election. Not one.
But Crooked Hillary associate Tony Podesta and the Corrupt Podesta Group might be mentioned! Once again the witch hunt backfires in Mueller's creepy face!
You can bet manoforts lawyers will declare open season on these clowns
It's the Democrat's witch hunt. They make that perfectly clear. Not to say Manafort isn't guilty of something.
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.

This is saddest pile of whining I’ve witnessed in a while.

You see dummy, our justice system is structured such that gangsters and yes, even Trumpsters, can get a fair trial in a county that tends to vote for Democrats.
You wouldn't have a problem with Clinton being put on trial in say deep red South Carolina? Georgia? BULLSHIT! This is NOT a jury of his peers. Plain and simple.
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.
Dude, there is no way Manafort beats all those charges. What are there ... 12? In just this trial. With more to come. One conviction can get him ten years. And he's 69.
No I never said he would beat them but he DOES deserve a FAIR trial of his peers not leftists that hate his former boss.
Zehnle said these people will testify about Gates and Manafort:

  • Amanda Metzler, an in-house bookkeeper for Paul Manafort's company until 2011, will describe how she tracked money by working with his longtime deputy Rick Gates and that the offshore accounts used weren't hidden from her.
  • Heather Washkuhn and Hesham Ali, who worked for First Republic Bank and a private firm that handled Manafort's personal bookkeeping, also relied on Gates and will testify to that, Zehnle said.
  • Zehnle also described how two accountants, Philip Ayliff and Cindy LaPorta, of the firm, Kositzka, Wicks and Company, will say they received false information from Gates about Manafort's accounts. Ayliff and LaPorta are among the five witnesses to receive immunity in exchange for their testimony.

Does it seem like the WRONG person is on trial here? Guess that's what ya get for being loyal...Manafort is loyal and refused to flip so all of Gate's crimes are being pinned on him....
Does it matter what region the jurors come from?

Of course it does. You don't think soybean farmers are going to understand what is going on do you?

They think Crimea is something you get from anal sex.............with goats.

Besides, for this Manafort trial, we need to use the "F" word...........Felony. Times 18.

Yep, that's right. 18 Felony counts against Manafort.

He got paid 60 million and used secret bank accounts and other methods to avoid the taxes.

What a greedy fuker.

Course, Republicans just gave billionaires a huge tax cut. Seems the soybean farming base thinks billionaires are "needy".
Manafort jury pulled from region that voted heavily against Trump

No surprise there. This was NEVER intended to be a FAIR trial. Its a kangaroo court,a farce and ONLY intended to try and get Manafort to flip on President Trump,lie about things to get a light sentence and bring down President Trump....Its a foregone conclusion he will be convicted by a Trump Hating jury aka NOT a jury of his peers which is a GREAT piece of evidence for an appeal.Soon as he is convicted I would pardon him if I was President Trump,so far Manafort has been a loyal supporter of President Trump although a bit dumb for not following simple rules and signing up as an agent of Ukraine and paying his taxes...he doesn't deserve a life sentence essentially.
You know that the Defense gets a say in who's on the jury, right?
FIRST Trumpsters are complaining that everyone on the Mueller team is not a Republican and NOW Manafort's jury needs to be all Trump supporters! That's the ticket! Let's be sure to fix this damned trial from the get go!

Actually, I don't think Odium has that much to worry about. He would be surprised how many people pay very little attention to politics and don't have much of an opinion about Trump or his goings on. The first question any prospective juror will be asked is what they think of Trump.
The trial is already fixed just for the deep state NOT for Manafort and SURE in the hell not in a neutral way which is how justice is supposed to be.
Poor trump victims...poor poor trump victims.

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