Manafort to do hard Club Fed

Manafort should be pardoned. Hillary should be in jail.
PARDONED? Are you serious? Yeah, by all means, let Trump pardon Manafort and give the House one more example of abuse of power.

I don't think he should pardon Manafort, but your reasoning is flawed yet again. The House could give a shit less about abuse of power as they have no control as the Constitution says they have no input. That is just one more reason they need to take every member of Congress, regardless of political party and slap them in a classroom for about two weeks of intensive study on the Constitution.
You sure they aren't the ones who initiate impeachment proceedings? You sure that isn't in the Constitution somewhere?
Manafort should be pardoned. Hillary should be in jail.
PARDONED? Are you serious? Yeah, by all means, let Trump pardon Manafort and give the House one more example of abuse of power.

I don't think he should pardon Manafort, but your reasoning is flawed yet again. The House could give a shit less about abuse of power as they have no control as the Constitution says they have no input. That is just one more reason they need to take every member of Congress, regardless of political party and slap them in a classroom for about two weeks of intensive study on the Constitution.
You sure they aren't the ones who initiate impeachment proceedings? You sure that isn't in the Constitution somewhere?

Mr. Manafort isn't a federal government employee, he's not subject to impeachment.
Manafort should be pardoned. Hillary should be in jail.
PARDONED? Are you serious? Yeah, by all means, let Trump pardon Manafort and give the House one more example of abuse of power.

I don't think he should pardon Manafort, but your reasoning is flawed yet again. The House could give a shit less about abuse of power as they have no control as the Constitution says they have no input. That is just one more reason they need to take every member of Congress, regardless of political party and slap them in a classroom for about two weeks of intensive study on the Constitution.
You sure they aren't the ones who initiate impeachment proceedings? You sure that isn't in the Constitution somewhere?

Mr. Manafort isn't a federal government employee, he's not subject to impeachment.
I was talking about the pardoner--Trump. So was the Admiral.
There’s no such thing as club Fed. That is a myth. Now there are certain county jails that are like country clubs, but if you’re doing Fed time you’re in no way in for a treat.
In a Club Fed if you have the $ you can have sent in pretty much anything you can think of.
The cell mates aren't going to try to kill/fuck you.
TV in everyone's cells. Extensive library.
Better food than is served at half the restaurants in the country.. Bed sheets changed once a week. Medical/dental care 'on the house'.
ZERO noise after ten PM.

When do Jewish men stop masturbating? After their wives die.
This one really is that bad. No fences, no bars, nothing. They can come and go as they please. It's known as a minimum security camp.

The Maryland 'Club Fed' prison where Paul Manafort will serve four-year tax fraud sentence | Daily Mail Online

There are no bars, towers, locks on rooms or barbed wire fences. The facility has been described as 'peaceful' by former inmates who say there's never more than 500 people locked up at once, and sometimes the number is several hundred less than that.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.
This one really is that bad. No fences, no bars, nothing. They can come and go as they please. It's known as a minimum security camp.

The Maryland 'Club Fed' prison where Paul Manafort will serve four-year tax fraud sentence | Daily Mail Online

There are no bars, towers, locks on rooms or barbed wire fences. The facility has been described as 'peaceful' by former inmates who say there's never more than 500 people locked up at once, and sometimes the number is several hundred less than that.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
.....he lied/cheated on his taxes [ like who hasn't??!! ]/lied for a loan [ who hasn't done that??!! ]
not very serious
He also.violated his bail by tampering with witnesses. Then he violated his plea agreement in just about every way possible.

Who hasn't done that, amiright?
This one really is that bad. No fences, no bars, nothing. They can come and go as they please. It's known as a minimum security camp.

The Maryland 'Club Fed' prison where Paul Manafort will serve four-year tax fraud sentence | Daily Mail Online

There are no bars, towers, locks on rooms or barbed wire fences. The facility has been described as 'peaceful' by former inmates who say there's never more than 500 people locked up at once, and sometimes the number is several hundred less than that.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.
This one really is that bad. No fences, no bars, nothing. They can come and go as they please. It's known as a minimum security camp.

The Maryland 'Club Fed' prison where Paul Manafort will serve four-year tax fraud sentence | Daily Mail Online

There are no bars, towers, locks on rooms or barbed wire fences. The facility has been described as 'peaceful' by former inmates who say there's never more than 500 people locked up at once, and sometimes the number is several hundred less than that.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.
Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.
True, this particular judge is known for his skepticism of long, mandatory sentences. Manafort's next sentencing judge does not have this reputation.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.
True, this particular judge is known for his skepticism of long, mandatory sentences. Manafort's next sentencing judge does not have this reputation.
I do hope they don't make the sentencing concurrent. That would REALLY piss people off.
Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.
True, this particular judge is known for his skepticism of long, mandatory sentences. Manafort's next sentencing judge does not have this reputation.
I do hope they don't make the sentencing concurrent. That would REALLY piss people off.
Well, I would bet they will.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.
True, this particular judge is known for his skepticism of long, mandatory sentences. Manafort's next sentencing judge does not have this reputation.
I do hope they don't make the sentencing concurrent. That would REALLY piss people off.
Well, I would bet they will.
I suppose if he is being tried for basically the same things in this second court, it would make sense.
Otherwise, judges usually only do that when the jails are too full.
I worked at a minimum security prison for awhile. Same deal--dormitory type housing, no towers or locks on rooms, there was a fence from when it had been a medium security facility, but the gate was always wide open. Inmates were all over the yard doing their jobs or going from place to place.

There are guards watching that gate from their cameras and sometimes their windows. If a prisoner "walks off," (that's called an escape, folks) they will be transferred to a higher security facility and also receive several more years on their sentence. It may sound like a hotel, but it's not. Life is regimented, phone calls and mail are monitored, visits are carefully controlled. Most likely the food sucks. And the worse part is, your freedom is taken away. No deciding to spend the day lazing around watching Game of Thrones. Or taking a jaunt to your favorite restaurant on your birthday. Or just running to the store for a six pack before the football game or calling and inviting your grandkids over for the afternoon. None of that. Your freedom is gone. The medical care is feeble and if you are on meds, even aspirin, you need to wait in line at the clinic at set times to have the nurse insert in your mouth and watch you swallow.

He's got four years of it coming. The guy screwed over the IRS for years; he did it intentionally and he deserves it, I don't feel sorry for him. But not a single one of us would want to be in his shoes.

The correctional officers at the prison where I worked always told me, they weren't there to punish the inmates. The courts had done that by taking their freedom. So classes and the ability to occasionally see family (notice there is only room for 16 family members on any given weekend and there are hundreds of inmates--so it's not like they're seeing them often) aren't a big deal. We don't throw prisoners into dungeons anymore and force them to live on bread and water.

Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
From my understanding, he has to in front of a judge in a few days on something else. If the judge rules consecutive time his prison sentence would double.
Those prisons are reserved for white collar criminals. Prisoners in regular prisons would love to be there. The club feds are technically prisons, but don't try to pretend they are anything like what the vast majority of prisoners experience. Manafort's sentence, which is dramatically shorter than the national guidelines that a less well connected criminal would get, is an insult to the country.
I'm glad he's going to prison and his sentence--and his housing--doesn't insult me at all. So many rich folks get away with what he's done that I'm just happy ANYone actually got caught and held responsible. But don't try to pretend, like Danny and the Polish Idiot that it's some kind of Club Med.

Compared to normal prisons, it is.
I heard you the first time and like I said, that's alright with me. I know in this country we are taught that everyone puts their pants on the same way, and I suppose you're right that the white collar prisons cater unfairly to rich folks. I just hear a lot of people here who want him crucified more for his dealings with Trump than for what he did.

Receiving the same as anyone else who isn't a white collar criminal would be enough. The guidelines called for almost 20 years as minimum. You tell me why he should get off with less than 4 years.
Judge believes cheating on your taxes, no matter how outrageously, should not put you in jail for the rest of your life, it seems.

47 months is hardly the rest of your life, since the guidelines, which are set based on how most people are sentenced for the same crimes, call for almost 20 years. His tiny sentence amounted to a big wet kiss with a little bit of tongue.

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