Manafort, Wikileaks and the fall of The Guardian

Throw the lying republican crook in jail and rip up his $2000 suits
so you believe the story regardless of the fact all we have is "a well placed source" and wikileaks themselves betting the guardian $1 million dollars they can't prove this claim.

you're the reason fake news is so popular, son.
I believe Mueller a man with a great lifetime track record VS Manafort and Trump 2 slugs who are nothing but low brow cheats When prosecutors go before the judge and list the lies what will you say then?? That the judge is crooked too?
great - but mueller has nothing to do with THIS story - can you not stick to a topic or is EVERY topic subject to your bitter hate and deflection?

THE GUARDIAN HAS AN ANONYMOUS SOURCE which claims manafort went into the equadorian embassy to meet with Assange, Assange has put up $1mil for them to prove it.

that's all this is about. put your hate away and dive into the convo or just move onto a mueller sucks thread and defend him there where he's actually the topic at hand.
Like I said, the embassy keeps records of who visits, when they visit, how long they were there and who they visited. All embassies do.

Manafort Breached Plea Deal by Repeatedly Lying, Mueller Says
then they should be able to prove it and collect the $1 million, huh?
I've got time to see what a judge says Plenty of time for collecting Speaking of collecting ,hit the box # on the FB game last night and I'll be collecting
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

once again we rely on anonymous people to destroy the lives of others.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
now - before people think they found a huge bullet here, wikileaks is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove this happened. now if it happened 3+ times at an embassy - SOMEONE would have it on video.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

here we go again with fake news.

No news outlet reveals its sources in an investigative report, unless the source agrees.

Here's an example for you from FOX.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say
By Bret Baier, Catherine Herridge, | Fox News

Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.

Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year. One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House

Educate yourself about how news organizations work and stop lying.

Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

once again we rely on anonymous people to destroy the lives of others.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
now - before people think they found a huge bullet here, wikileaks is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove this happened. now if it happened 3+ times at an embassy - SOMEONE would have it on video.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

here we go again with fake news.

No news outlet reveals its sources in an investigative report, unless the source agrees.

Here's an example for you from FOX.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.

Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year. One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House

Educate yourself about how news organizations work and stop lying.

it's way overused. my minor in college was journalism and i know the proper use of "anonymous" and already said i agree it has a place. however, these days it's now a hiding place for the truth so people can get THEIR version of a story out there and say "well they don't want to tell you who they are"

it doesn't take much for idiots to be idiots and when you fall for "anonymous sources" these days, you qualify as said "idiot".
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

once again we rely on anonymous people to destroy the lives of others.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
now - before people think they found a huge bullet here, wikileaks is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove this happened. now if it happened 3+ times at an embassy - SOMEONE would have it on video.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

here we go again with fake news.

No news outlet reveals its sources in an investigative report, unless the source agrees.

Here's an example for you from FOX.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.

Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year. One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House

Educate yourself about how news organizations work and stop lying.

it's way overused. my minor in college was journalism and i know the proper use of "anonymous" and already said i agree it has a place. however, these days it's now a hiding place for the truth so people can get THEIR version of a story out there and say "well they don't want to tell you who they are"

it doesn't take much for idiots to be idiots and when you fall for "anonymous sources" these days, you qualify as said "idiot".

You majored in denial in college, idiot.
I just took you down like a body slam.
Nixon would never have left office if it weren't for anonymous sources who tied him to Watergate.
This is how the free press operates.
Grow the fuck up.
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

once again we rely on anonymous people to destroy the lives of others.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
now - before people think they found a huge bullet here, wikileaks is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove this happened. now if it happened 3+ times at an embassy - SOMEONE would have it on video.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

here we go again with fake news.

No news outlet reveals its sources in an investigative report, unless the source agrees.

Here's an example for you from FOX.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.

Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year. One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House

Educate yourself about how news organizations work and stop lying.

it's way overused. my minor in college was journalism and i know the proper use of "anonymous" and already said i agree it has a place. however, these days it's now a hiding place for the truth so people can get THEIR version of a story out there and say "well they don't want to tell you who they are"

it doesn't take much for idiots to be idiots and when you fall for "anonymous sources" these days, you qualify as said "idiot".

You majored in denial in college, idiot.
I just took you down like a body slam.
Nixon would never have left office if it weren't for anonymous sources who tied him to Watergate.
This is how the free press operates.
Grow the fuck up.
go fuck yourself dude. this "i took you down like a body slam!!!" is exhibit A with what is fucked up in our society these days. no one wants to listen much less understand, just put it in a stereotype for which you THINK you have pre-canned answers but in the end you look like the 12 year old fool you are.

regardless of how old you are.
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

once again we rely on anonymous people to destroy the lives of others.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
now - before people think they found a huge bullet here, wikileaks is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove this happened. now if it happened 3+ times at an embassy - SOMEONE would have it on video.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

here we go again with fake news.

No news outlet reveals its sources in an investigative report, unless the source agrees.

Here's an example for you from FOX.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.

Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year. One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House

Educate yourself about how news organizations work and stop lying.

it's way overused. my minor in college was journalism and i know the proper use of "anonymous" and already said i agree it has a place. however, these days it's now a hiding place for the truth so people can get THEIR version of a story out there and say "well they don't want to tell you who they are"

it doesn't take much for idiots to be idiots and when you fall for "anonymous sources" these days, you qualify as said "idiot".

You majored in denial in college, idiot.
I just took you down like a body slam.
Nixon would never have left office if it weren't for anonymous sources who tied him to Watergate.
This is how the free press operates.
Grow the fuck up.
go fuck yourself dude.
Calm down iceberg Don't want you getting the ""big"" one

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