Mandate moved back, LOL



It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


you do realize that this is for 2% of the companies that will be effected don't you... the rest of the 98% arn't affected ... it amazes me how stupid you republicansa reall are ... have ya heard anything from those whiners about losing thier health care ??? the whining has come to a halt... why ???? they are finding out that their catastrophic plan they had does nothing for them accept take their money ...

Well, actually it doesn't.
Really kind of simple.

We have the best healthcare in the world, bar none.
Different countries count live births differently than we do.
Longevity deals with issues far beyond healthcare, such as auto accidents, etc.

Now get back and get some sound talking points from whatever echo chamber you creep around.

Lowest life expectency in the INdustrialized World.
Highest infant mortality in the industrialized world
46 million uninsured and 25 million underinsured.
62% of bankruptcies due to medical crisis.
Highest spend per capita and per GDP % on health care.

So, no, the talking points about 'they count infant mortality differently" and "We have more auto accidents (we don't, by the way. Italy does.)
The original cost estimate from the GAO was based on information received from the Democrat majority who had a vested interest in low balling the numbers.

So, in this short time the numbers go from a 2 trillion surplus to a two trillion addition to our unsustainable National Debt over the next 10 years.

History either repeats or rhymes and I recall with great clarity being home on leave before going overseas in 1965 and watching LBJ live on the B&W TV that Medicate would NEVER cost more than 8 billion per year.

It does not take an Old Testament Prophet to realize that this Program is unsustainable.

Hell. Part A of Medicare has been in the Red for six years.

Part B will be in the Red very soon as 10K "Boomers" per day Retire for the next 16 years.

Social Security (Old Age) has been "borrowing" one dollar for every four in benefits paid out which by the way is unlawful.

The Disability Trust Fund will run dry in or before 2016.

The odds are not in favor of anyone's hard stand on O'Care.
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Well, actually it doesn't.
Really kind of simple.

We have the best healthcare in the world, bar none.
Different countries count live births differently than we do.
Longevity deals with issues far beyond healthcare, such as auto accidents, etc.

Now get back and get some sound talking points from whatever echo chamber you creep around.

Lowest life expectency in the INdustrialized World.
Highest infant mortality in the industrialized world
46 million uninsured and 25 million underinsured.
62% of bankruptcies due to medical crisis.
Highest spend per capita and per GDP % on health care.

So, no, the talking points about 'they count infant mortality differently" and "We have more auto accidents (we don't, by the way. Italy does.)

Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).
Could simply indicate that Canadian women are more hardy.

Then, what age is plugged into the averaging equation for each aborted baby? That alone could be really screwing up the reality of longevity.
The original cost estimate from the GAO was based on information received from the Democrat majority who had a vested interest in low balling the numbers.

So, in this short time the numbers go from a 2 trillion surplus to a two trillion addition to our unsustainable National Debt over the next 10 years.

History either repeats or rhymes and I recall with great clarity being home on leave before going overseas in 1965 and watching LBJ live on the B&W TV that Medicate would NEVER cost more than 8 billion per year.

It does not take an Old Testament Prophet to realize that this Program is unsustainable.

Hell. Part A of Medicare has been in the Red for six years.

Part B will be in the Red very soon as 10K "Boomers" per day Retire for the next 16 years.

Social Security (Old Age) has been "borrowing" one dollar for every four in benefits paid out which by the way is unlawful.

The Disability Trust Fund will run dry in or before 2016.

The odds are not in favor of anyone's hard stand on O'Care.


Well, actually it doesn't.
Really kind of simple.

We have the best healthcare in the world, bar none.
Different countries count live births differently than we do.
Longevity deals with issues far beyond healthcare, such as auto accidents, etc.

Now get back and get some sound talking points from whatever echo chamber you creep around.

Lowest life expectency in the INdustrialized World.
Highest infant mortality in the industrialized world
46 million uninsured and 25 million underinsured.
62% of bankruptcies due to medical crisis.
Highest spend per capita and per GDP % on health care.

So, no, the talking points about 'they count infant mortality differently" and "We have more auto accidents (we don't, by the way. Italy does.)

Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).

Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?


It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


you do realize that this is for 2% of the companies that will be effected don't you... the rest of the 98% arn't affected ... it amazes me how stupid you republicansa reall are ... have ya heard anything from those whiners about losing thier health care ??? the whining has come to a halt... why ???? they are finding out that their catastrophic plan they had does nothing for them accept take their money ...

I'll try to keep this simple, ironic since I'm dealing with a person who is so regularly willing to call others "stupid".

Please note that I said, "does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?"

Gosh, what in the world could I have meant by that? Well, I meant that this is clearly a political move to mitigate the damage the ACA is doing to Democrat 2014 candidates, and to potential 2016 candidates. See, whether it effects 2% or 98%, the figure is irrelevant. The point is the blatantly transparent, political behavior here.

I hope that's simple enough for you.

"Stupid". How deliciously ironic.

My goodness. How old are you?

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The politics of the ACA make it stupid for the GOP to ever actually repeal or reform this POS. However being the Dumb branch of the Dumb and Dumber duopoly does make it possible.
Lowest life expectency in the INdustrialized World.
Highest infant mortality in the industrialized world
46 million uninsured and 25 million underinsured.
62% of bankruptcies due to medical crisis.
Highest spend per capita and per GDP % on health care.

So, no, the talking points about 'they count infant mortality differently" and "We have more auto accidents (we don't, by the way. Italy does.)

Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).

Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?

What are the tax rates of those countries? Yeah, I thought so. :cuckoo:
Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?

This point alone drives me crazy.

There are two ways I can reduce the cost per capita of water.

One, is I can create a system the produces more water, at a lower cost.

Two, is a I can reduce the amount of water produced.

Both of those will reduce how much money per population, is spent on water.

But one, provides more water to more people, while the other reduces the amount of water to fewer people.

When you say "how much are they spending per capita on health care", how do you know it's because their health care at our quality is lower priced, rather than because they SIMPLY GET LESS CARE?


Are they getting the same quality of care we are? No, they are not. Our survival rates are higher than anywhere else in the world.

The reason they cost of health care per capita is lower, is because they are getting less care.

It's like their dentistry costs per capita are lower in the UK.... yeah... cause they are pulling their teeth out with pliers.

Lack of NHS dentists forces patients abroad - Telegraph
Seven million patients can't find a dentist on the NHS for two years | Mail Online
Brits resort to pulling own teeth -
BBC News | HEALTH | DIY dentistry to the rescue


Welcome to DentaNurse, UK Ltd

This is not a joke. This is not a gag. This is a real product, Do-It-Yourself Dental kit. Fix broken, chipped teeth, fillings, crowns, and bridges. For the UK citizen who can't get a dentist.

*THIS*..... is free health care. *THIS* is lower cost per capita.

I'll take the US system over that, any day.
Meister, how do you expect to explain creative public expenditure accounting to posters who do not understand accounting? Just wondering.

Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

No, we don't.

Report: US Infant Mortality Rate Twice That of Other Wealthy Nations -

“I hear statistics like that and I think, aren’t we supposed to be better?” asks pediatrician Gwenn O’Keeffe, M.D., author, health journalist, and CEO of Pediatrics Now. “Why don’t we have universal coverage? Why don’t we have that low death rate? We’re going backward.”

The US has been known to have a low birth rate and higher infant mortality rate for some time, says Ana Diez Roux, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

“There are obviously multiple sets of factors working together,” she says. “This is so systemic and pervasive and we didn’t think the public is really aware of the magnitude of this problem.”

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).

So you are coming out for gun control? Didn't think so.

Wow, this isn't really complicated. When you can't see a doctor on a regular basis, you are more likely to have compounded health issues.
Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).

Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?

What are the tax rates of those countries? Yeah, I thought so. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it probably sucks to be rich in those countries.

Hey, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck about the rich. Anything bad happening to a rich person is a cause for celebration.
Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?

What are the tax rates of those countries? Yeah, I thought so. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it probably sucks to be rich in those countries.

Hey, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck about the rich. Anything bad happening to a rich person is a cause for celebration.

Yup, that pretty much sums up the liberal mantra.

Apples to apples with infant mortality....we rank second in the world behind Canada with infant mortality.

No, we don't.

Report: US Infant Mortality Rate Twice That of Other Wealthy Nations -

“I hear statistics like that and I think, aren’t we supposed to be better?” asks pediatrician Gwenn O’Keeffe, M.D., author, health journalist, and CEO of Pediatrics Now. “Why don’t we have universal coverage? Why don’t we have that low death rate? We’re going backward.”

The US has been known to have a low birth rate and higher infant mortality rate for some time, says Ana Diez Roux, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

“There are obviously multiple sets of factors working together,” she says. “This is so systemic and pervasive and we didn’t think the public is really aware of the magnitude of this problem.”

Longevity has more to do with our culture. I gave auto accidents as an "example"....seems I will have to be more specific....such as gun deaths especially in the "hoods" across America. Obesity, smoking and heart disease (our culture).

So you are coming out for gun control? Didn't think so.

Wow, this isn't really complicated. When you can't see a doctor on a regular basis, you are more likely to have compounded health issues.

Other countries don't count premature deaths nor do they count birth defects (we do) which by your article is the leading cause. You've shown nothing with your attempt, Joe.
I stand by my apples to apples remark. :eusa_eh:
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Give me ONE example of a nation that has a free market heath care system that ISN'T among the highest cost per capita?

What are the tax rates of those countries? Yeah, I thought so. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it probably sucks to be rich in those countries.

Hey, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck about the rich. Anything bad happening to a rich person is a cause for celebration.

Ain't you jis all tough and shit?

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