Mandate moved back, LOL

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.

Well, actually, it does.

Really kind of simple.

If you can get in to see a doctor, you are more likely to address problems before they become problems.

Why you Wingnuts refuse to see this amazes me.

I don't get the importance of living longer as a justification for socialism.

Living longer is overrated


Better Dead than Red, eh?

The 1950's called, they want their Dogma Back.
Joe wants sympathy but he is a total asshole, he gets everything he deserves.

No, douchebag.

What I want is the system your industry fucked up to get fixed.

I don't want my health care ever held hostage by an employer ever again.

Single Payer. What we should have done from the get-go.

You already have single payer, pay for it out your pocket..then you won't be held hostage to ANYONE
Joe wants sympathy but he is a total asshole, he gets everything he deserves.

No, douchebag.

What I want is the system your industry fucked up to get fixed.

I don't want my health care ever held hostage by an employer ever again.

Single Payer. What we should have done from the get-go.

You already have single payer, pay for it out your pocket..then you won't be held hostage to ANYONE

Or we can just do what every other country does and have single payer, and then I won't have to worry about the year my medical expenses outstripped my annual salary (which is what happened in 2007).

Sorry, Staph, your whole, "Let them eat Cake" mentality isn't selling. We are going to take care of people, and you are just going to have to live with it.

It's not like you are paying taxes from your Double Wide...
Again, why should we go out of our way by implementing social medicine for the 47% that pay no taxes?

sums it up...I've never seen such corrupted, inept government than with this progressive party WITH Obama as the leader...this is just awful nightmare they put this monster on our backs

Obamacare and the Corruption of the Rule of Law ^ | February 12, 2014 | Daniel J. Mitchell

We’ve reached the stage where Obamacare is the punchline to a bad joke.

The law has been a disaster, both for the economy and for the Democratic Party. Not that we should be surprised. You don’t get better healthcare with a poisonous recipe of higher taxes, added government spending, and more intervention.

With any luck, Obamacare will be a textbook example of why we should never again give power to a bunch of political hacks and dreamy-eyed central planners.

Because when they try to buy votes and create more dependency with Rube Goldberg schemes, the results are…well, we seethe cluster-you-know-what of Obamacareunfolding before our eyes.

Not that anyone should be surprised. Remember what happened when politicians decided government would make housing more affordable?

And remember what happened when politicians decided government should extend American tax law into other nations?

Simply stated, grandiose plans for expanded government don’t end well.

But this isn’t a normal public policy issue.

The Obama Administration has just announced that it arbitrarily will be ignoring one of the requirements in the law, and this is the executive branch’s 18th unilateral change to Obamacare.

We have to ask whether the American political system is being corrupted by a White House that doesn’t feel bound by the rule of law.

To put it mildly, the Wall Street Journal is not impressed.

…the law increasingly means whatever President Obama says it does on any given day. His latest lawless rewrite arrived on Monday as the White House

all of it here
Stock Market Crash

"To put it mildly, the Wall Street Journal is not impressed."

Are we supposed to give a fuck? That should make everyone happy!

Wall Street investors hijacked the health insurance industry and created REAL death panels. Why are you right wing turds so fucking stupid?

Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients

[ame=]Former Cigna executive: Health insurance industry has become "a giant ATM for Wall Street" - YouTube[/ame]
Again, why should we go out of our way by implementing social medicine for the 47% that pay no taxes?


Because it's the decent thing to do?

Because, honestly, "let them die" really doesn't sit well with decent people.

But you guys totally go with that. It worked so well for Romney.

Romney is a douche and I did not vote for him

I would choose to leave the descriptive adjective out and just call them 'people'

EDIT- If I give you something (Obamacare) or any other product, I have given you incentive not to try and obtain product on your own.
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Again, why should we go out of our way by implementing social medicine for the 47% that pay no taxes?


Because it's the decent thing to do?

Because, honestly, "let them die" really doesn't sit well with decent people.

But you guys totally go with that. It worked so well for Romney.

Romney is a douche and I did not vote for him

I would choose to leave the descriptive adjective out and just call them 'people'


No, really the adjective is needed.

Most DECENT people realize that we don't let people die of treatable diseases because no one is making a profit off of it.

Then you have people who read too much Ayn Rand and think that person's value is based on their bank accounts and assets, and sadly, those people are animating the zombie corpse of the GOP today.

The basic question is, should health care be a public service (such as fire fighting or policing) or should it be a consumer commodity (you can only have as much as you can afford.)

In principle, we really already had this discussion. Medicare, Medicaid, Schip, the VA, - programs set up to provide health care to the elderly, the poor and veterans.

Now it's only a discussion of how to most effectively deliver these services.
No, douchebag.

What I want is the system your industry fucked up to get fixed.

I don't want my health care ever held hostage by an employer ever again.

Single Payer. What we should have done from the get-go.

You already have single payer, pay for it out your pocket..then you won't be held hostage to ANYONE

Or we can just do what every other country does and have single payer, and then I won't have to worry about the year my medical expenses outstripped my annual salary (which is what happened in 2007).

Sorry, Staph, your whole, "Let them eat Cake" mentality isn't selling. We are going to take care of people, and you are just going to have to live with it.

It's not like you are paying taxes from your Double Wide...

You can also frikken move to a country with Socialist health care so none of us will have to pay for you or listen to constant whining.

EDIT- If I give you something (Obamacare) or any other product, I have given you incentive not to try and obtain product on your own.


But this is my perspective.

I actually did try to obtain that product on my own. I worked for the nameless company for six years. I worked Saturdays, I worked 12 hour days. the day that I injured my knee that was the source of one of my medical issues I was one my way to work.

And guess what, when I went back to make claims against that insurance I thought I had earned, I had to fight the insurance company tooth and nail. I had one occassion where my boss told me I had to put off a surgery for a month because he couldn't spare me for one day during a computer transition.

And at the end of it all, they ended up cutting me like they cut any employee who had medical issues, because that's the kind of company it was.

You really can't go out there and claim "earning" is a virtue when you have so much of the system designed to cheat you out of what you've earned.
Because it's the decent thing to do?

Because, honestly, "let them die" really doesn't sit well with decent people.

But you guys totally go with that. It worked so well for Romney.

Romney is a douche and I did not vote for him

I would choose to leave the descriptive adjective out and just call them 'people'


No, really the adjective is needed.

Most DECENT people realize that we don't let people die of treatable diseases because no one is making a profit off of it.

Then you have people who read too much Ayn Rand and think that person's value is based on their bank accounts and assets, and sadly, those people are animating the zombie corpse of the GOP today.

The basic question is, should health care be a public service (such as fire fighting or policing) or should it be a consumer commodity (you can only have as much as you can afford.)

In principle, we really already had this discussion. Medicare, Medicaid, Schip, the VA, - programs set up to provide health care to the elderly, the poor and veterans.

Now it's only a discussion of how to most effectively deliver these services.

Most DECENT people realize that we don't let people die of treatable diseases because no one is making a profit off of it.
Um, no... they may die because they did not pay for the care

Then you have people who read too much Ayn Rand and think that person's value is based on their bank accounts and assets, and sadly, those people are animating the zombie corpse of the GOP today.

Meh, a persons value equates to the sweat off his brow.

The basic question is, should health care be a public service (such as fire fighting or policing) or should it be a consumer commodity (you can only have as much as you can afford.)

Yep- And we are on different sides of the answer


Um, no... they may die because they did not pay for the care

Actually, 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis, and in 75% of those cases, the family had medical insurance when the crisis started. So , no, what you are advocating is that people deserve to die if they don't have enough money, which is bullshit.

Then you have people who read too much Ayn Rand and think that person's value is based on their bank accounts and assets, and sadly, those people are animating the zombie corpse of the GOP today.

Meh, a persons value equates to the sweat off his brow.

Somehow, I think that the girl working in McDonalds has a lot more sweat on her Brow than Stepford Ann Romney riding her Dressage Horsie. I'm just saying. Wealth isn't fairly or evenly distributed and you know it.

The basic question is, should health care be a public service (such as fire fighting or policing) or should it be a consumer commodity (you can only have as much as you can afford.)

Yep- And we are on different sides of the answer


No, I'm on the right side of the answer. Not only the right side morally but the right side historically.

We are the last country without single payer. Only a m atter of time, really.

Um, no... they may die because they did not pay for the care

Actually, 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis, and in 75% of those cases, the family had medical insurance when the crisis started. So , no, what you are advocating is that people deserve to die if they don't have enough money, which is bullshit.


Meh, a persons value equates to the sweat off his brow.

Somehow, I think that the girl working in McDonalds has a lot more sweat on her Brow than Stepford Ann Romney riding her Dressage Horsie. I'm just saying. Wealth isn't fairly or evenly distributed and you know it.

The basic question is, should health care be a public service (such as fire fighting or policing) or should it be a consumer commodity (you can only have as much as you can afford.)

Yep- And we are on different sides of the answer


No, I'm on the right side of the answer. Not only the right side morally but the right side historically.

We are the last country without single payer. Only a m atter of time, really.

yeah, well we are also still A FREE fucking country...You can choose to pay for your health CARE or NOT...I wasn't born in this country to take care of your ass while trying to take care of my family too
You are also FREE to move to a county that has Socialist health care

yeah, well we are also still A FREE fucking country...You can choose to pay for your health CARE or NOT...I wasn't born in this country to take care of your ass while trying to take care of my family too
You are also FREE to move to a county that has Socialist health care

I'm reasonably sure that I probably pay more in taxes than you do. Probably earn more, too.

Also, it's kind of silly to talk about "socialist" health care when private insurance plans are just as "socialist" as a government program.

Either you are paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

The only difference between Cigna and MediCare is that the director of Medicare doesn't get a nine-figure bonus for figuring out ways to cheat your daughter out of her liver transplant when she gets sick.

Ed Hanaway, the CEO of Cigna, did get a nine-figure severance package after implementing "redaction" policies of calling things "Pre-existing conditions" or in the case of Nataline Sarkisyan, an "expiramental procedure".

yeah, well we are also still A FREE fucking country...You can choose to pay for your health CARE or NOT...I wasn't born in this country to take care of your ass while trying to take care of my family too
You are also FREE to move to a county that has Socialist health care

I'm reasonably sure that I probably pay more in taxes than you do. Probably earn more, too.

Also, it's kind of silly to talk about "socialist" health care when private insurance plans are just as "socialist" as a government program.

Either you are paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

The only difference between Cigna and MediCare is that the director of Medicare doesn't get a nine-figure bonus for figuring out ways to cheat your daughter out of her liver transplant when she gets sick.

Ed Hanaway, the CEO of Cigna, did get a nine-figure severance package after implementing "redaction" policies of calling things "Pre-existing conditions" or in the case of Nataline Sarkisyan, an "expiramental procedure".

well if you pay more in taxes then YOU SHOULD be able to afford to pay for your own damn health care...loser

yeah, well we are also still A FREE fucking country...You can choose to pay for your health CARE or NOT...I wasn't born in this country to take care of your ass while trying to take care of my family too
You are also FREE to move to a county that has Socialist health care

I'm reasonably sure that I probably pay more in taxes than you do. Probably earn more, too.

Also, it's kind of silly to talk about "socialist" health care when private insurance plans are just as "socialist" as a government program.

Either you are paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

The only difference between Cigna and MediCare is that the director of Medicare doesn't get a nine-figure bonus for figuring out ways to cheat your daughter out of her liver transplant when she gets sick.

Ed Hanaway, the CEO of Cigna, did get a nine-figure severance package after implementing "redaction" policies of calling things "Pre-existing conditions" or in the case of Nataline Sarkisyan, an "expiramental procedure".

well if you pay more in taxes then YOU SHOULD be able to afford to pay for your own damn health care...loser

Well, actually, I do. I earn them through my job.

What I can't do is have absolute certainty that an Ed Hanaway isn't going to cheat me at the first oppurtunity, which is pretty much what Cigna did after I paid for health insurance at the last job.

Unless we just chuck private insurance and go to single payer like every sensible country has done.
I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.

Well, actually, it does.

Really kind of simple.

If you can get in to see a doctor, you are more likely to address problems before they become problems.

Why you Wingnuts refuse to see this amazes me.

Well, actually it doesn't.
Really kind of simple.

We have the best healthcare in the world, bar none.
Different countries count live births differently than we do.
Longevity deals with issues far beyond healthcare, such as auto accidents, etc.

Now get back and get some sound talking points from whatever echo chamber you creep around.
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