Mandate moved back, LOL

This clip for Obama............

[ame=]Judge Dredd - I NEVER BROKE THE LAW... I AM THE LAW! - YouTube[/ame]

Ignoring the laws one law at a time...........

Even the ones he created...............

[ame=]it's GOOD to be the KING.flv - YouTube[/ame]
So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

So he's just trying to help, he's just trying to be a nice guy. Now THAT'S putting a nice face on this.

And your party is responsible for this pig of a law. The GOP sat there with a stick up their ass, but your party did this. Deflection doesn't work when your signature is on the page.


You guys had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

Incidently, I've always wanted to go to a single payer Canadian-style system. This was the best we could get with the obscene level of influence the insurance industry has...

This was the best law we could get at this time, unfortunately. Eventually, we are going to end up going to single payer, but we aren't ready for that grown up discussion as long as too many people are making money off the misery of the status quo.

But small businesses. I really, truly do not give a flip about them. Probably because I have to deal with them all day, and why they can't ever deliver what they promise.

You people are so lame using that...NONE of us were affected with RomneyCare but the people in HIS STATE
now put more lipstick on this pig called, obamaCare and face the facts, the majority of the people HATE IT just like they now do Obama who has a 30 something approval rating
But small businesses. I really, truly do not give a flip about them. Probably because I have to deal with them all day, and why they can't ever deliver what they promise.

This says a great deal about these type of people.The sad part is small companies are the back bone not large corps.
So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

Where is the money going to come from for a Medicare plan? It's $2.7 Trillion each and every year.

Well where does it come from now?

Here's the thing. We as a country spend 14% of our GDP on health care, between government programs and private insurance.

Included in that is profit taking, 9 figure salaries for CEO's, employees in doctor's offices whose only job is to fight with insurance carriers, and so on.

Meanwhile, Japan spends only 8% of it's GDP on health care, and it has single payer.

Japan also has a longer life expectancy for its citizens, and a much lower infant mortality rate.

You didn't answer the question.

Where is the money going to come from?
sums it up...I've never seen such corrupted, inept government than with this progressive party WITH Obama as the leader...this is just awful nightmare they put this monster on our backs

Obamacare and the Corruption of the Rule of Law ^ | February 12, 2014 | Daniel J. Mitchell

We’ve reached the stage where Obamacare is the punchline to a bad joke.

The law has been a disaster, both for the economy and for the Democratic Party. Not that we should be surprised. You don’t get better healthcare with a poisonous recipe of higher taxes, added government spending, and more intervention.

With any luck, Obamacare will be a textbook example of why we should never again give power to a bunch of political hacks and dreamy-eyed central planners.

Because when they try to buy votes and create more dependency with Rube Goldberg schemes, the results are…well, we seethe cluster-you-know-what of Obamacareunfolding before our eyes.

Not that anyone should be surprised. Remember what happened when politicians decided government would make housing more affordable?

And remember what happened when politicians decided government should extend American tax law into other nations?

Simply stated, grandiose plans for expanded government don’t end well.

But this isn’t a normal public policy issue.

The Obama Administration has just announced that it arbitrarily will be ignoring one of the requirements in the law, and this is the executive branch’s 18th unilateral change to Obamacare.

We have to ask whether the American political system is being corrupted by a White House that doesn’t feel bound by the rule of law.

To put it mildly, the Wall Street Journal is not impressed.

…the law increasingly means whatever President Obama says it does on any given day. His latest lawless rewrite arrived on Monday as the White House

all of it here
Stock Market Crash
Where is the money going to come from for a Medicare plan? It's $2.7 Trillion each and every year.

Well where does it come from now?

Here's the thing. We as a country spend 14% of our GDP on health care, between government programs and private insurance.

Included in that is profit taking, 9 figure salaries for CEO's, employees in doctor's offices whose only job is to fight with insurance carriers, and so on.

Meanwhile, Japan spends only 8% of it's GDP on health care, and it has single payer.

Japan also has a longer life expectancy for its citizens, and a much lower infant mortality rate.

You didn't answer the question.

Where is the money going to come from?

Yes, I did.

I'm sorry you were too stupid to understand the answer.

Would it help if I used smaller words?

You people are so lame using that...NONE of us were affected with RomneyCare but the people in HIS STATE
now put more lipstick on this pig called, obamaCare and face the facts, the majority of the people HATE IT just like they now do Obama who has a 30 something approval rating

Uh, Staph, you clowns on the right had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called RomneyCare.

In fact, Romney said, it should be the model for the nation and you guys lapped that up in 2008.
Then the black guy did it.
Damn fools can't get their act together.

The New Messiah tells small business they don't have to obey HIS law.

HIS bureaucrats spin new federal forms demanding you tell what you're thinking if you lay off some drone. Thought police to enforce. (see my signature and try to tell me I'm wrong)

Most of the libs don't bother arguing with you guys because you are so full of hate and racism that you bend over happily and let big insurance sodomize you like Ned Beatty in Deliverence.


Let's go back to your point that Blue Cross has jacked up your insurance 60%.

Note- BLUE CROSS. Not Obama, Blue Cross. So why are you blaming Obama?

One of two possibilities. Blue Cross sold you a policy that was worthless, because they had planned to call any serious illness you had a "pre-existing condition" or otherwise cap you out at some arbitrary number.


They just saw an excuse to jack up your rates and blame Obama.

But it would NEVER OCCUR to you to blame the insurance company.


Rate increases due to the law.................

Unless you are a moron......

Hmmmmmmmmm............that might be the reason you can't see it.

Yeah, I would want something more than magical thinking.

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?


They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product?

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?

Stupid even for you Joe.

They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product

....and even more stupid. What you don't know about Insurance fills volumes.
Insurance companies felt they had to cover their asses because of stuff like the Obamacare requirement that men have full prenatal and obstetric coverage. Who knows, some liberal guy on their payroll might turn out to be a tranny someday and actually have a pup or two.

Rate increases due to the law.................

Unless you are a moron......

Hmmmmmmmmm............that might be the reason you can't see it.

Yeah, I would want something more than magical thinking.

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?


They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product?

Joe, always keep in mind who and what you are arguing with...

Geaux4it and friends...



WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?

Stupid even for you Joe.

They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product

....and even more stupid. What you don't know about Insurance fills volumes.

There's only ONE THING anyone ever needs to know about an Insurance company.

They're evil and they are out to cheat you.

beyond that, there really isn't much to say.
Insurance companies felt they had to cover their asses because of stuff like the Obamacare requirement that men have full prenatal and obstetric coverage. Who knows, some liberal guy on their payroll might turn out to be a tranny someday and actually have a pup or two.

Or that they might knock some chick up.

But it isn't the Maternity coverage that is the issue here. It doesn't really cost anything.

What is running up the costs are

There's no cap on treatment.

They can't discrminate based on pre-existing conditions.

In short, they can't cheat you once they have your money.
Insurance companies felt they had to cover their asses because of stuff like the Obamacare requirement that men have full prenatal and obstetric coverage. Who knows, some liberal guy on their payroll might turn out to be a tranny someday and actually have a pup or two.

Or that they might knock some chick up.

But it isn't the Maternity coverage that is the issue here. It doesn't really cost anything.

What is running up the costs are

There's no cap on treatment.

They can't discrminate based on pre-existing conditions.

In short, they can't cheat you once they have your money.

Cheat you? Haven't you ever read a health insurance policy?

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?

Stupid even for you Joe.

They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product

....and even more stupid. What you don't know about Insurance fills volumes.

There's only ONE THING anyone ever needs to know about an Insurance company.

They're evil and they are out to cheat you.

beyond that, there really isn't much to say.

LOL, you really are an idiot.

It is one the most regulated industries in the nation.

Tell me Joe....if an Insurance Company wants to raise rates what is the process?

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?

Stupid even for you Joe.

They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product

....and even more stupid. What you don't know about Insurance fills volumes.

There's only ONE THING anyone ever needs to know about an Insurance company.

They're evil and they are out to cheat you.

beyond that, there really isn't much to say.

LOL, you really are an idiot.

It is one the most regulated industries in the nation.

Tell me Joe....if an Insurance Company wants to raise rates what is the process?

poor joey, everyone is out to get him.
you can tell he doesn't own or run a business...and feels people shouldn't be able to profit off it
Insurance companies felt they had to cover their asses because of stuff like the Obamacare requirement that men have full prenatal and obstetric coverage. Who knows, some liberal guy on their payroll might turn out to be a tranny someday and actually have a pup or two.

Or that they might knock some chick up.

But it isn't the Maternity coverage that is the issue here. It doesn't really cost anything.

What is running up the costs are

There's no cap on treatment.

They can't discrminate based on pre-existing conditions.

In short, they can't cheat you once they have your money.

Cheat you? Haven't you ever read a health insurance policy?

No, but I've been cheated by an insurance company, which is pretty much the end of the discussion for me.

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