Mandate moved back, LOL


WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?

Stupid even for you Joe.

They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product

....and even more stupid. What you don't know about Insurance fills volumes.

There's only ONE THING anyone ever needs to know about an Insurance company.

They're evil and they are out to cheat you.

beyond that, there really isn't much to say.

LOL, you really are an idiot.

It is one the most regulated industries in the nation.

Tell me Joe....if an Insurance Company wants to raise rates what is the process?

Who cares?

Seriously, guy, I know this is what you do for a living and you shit your pants we might join the civilized world with universal coverage single payer and then you won't have a job...

But for the rest of us, who cares.

Clearly, we have Obama Care because private insurance wasn't getting the job done.
This has turned into a soap opera , the trials and tribulations of Joey

it's just a sad story and miserable life
This has turned into a soap opera , the trials and tribulations of Joey

it's just a sad story and miserable life

No, Staph, I always overcome my challenges.

But here's the thing.

There's really no compelling reason for people to worry that an Insurance CEO can buy another Dressage Horse.

What's it your business what people buy, don't see you complaining about your wealthy elected idiots who had their wealth (LEFT to them by crooks in the family, take Kennedy Joe and cheating the system, or marrying into it like the gigolo John Kerry)
There's only ONE THING anyone ever needs to know about an Insurance company.

They're evil and they are out to cheat you.

beyond that, there really isn't much to say.

LOL, you really are an idiot.

It is one the most regulated industries in the nation.

Tell me Joe....if an Insurance Company wants to raise rates what is the process?

Who cares?

Seriously, guy, I know this is what you do for a living and you shit your pants we might join the civilized world with universal coverage single payer and then you won't have a job...

But for the rest of us, who cares.

Clearly, we have Obama Care because private insurance wasn't getting the job done.

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

What's it your business what people buy, don't see you complaining about your wealthy elected idiots who had their wealth (LEFT to them by crooks in the family, take Kennedy Joe and cheating the system, or marrying into it like the gigolo John Kerry)

I would say if you are buying that dressage horse with money you collected from Nataline Sarkisyan's father, and then denied her a liver transplant because it would "cost too much", to the point where she DIED, then you kind of are getting into where it's everyone else's business.

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Oh poor Joey......poor poor Joey quit crying and get over it.

If a company wants to raise rates in '15 they have to file with the DOI by May1, used to be it was the DOI's decision, now its DOI and HHS...they CANNOT simply just raise rates as they want to, ALL increases MUST be approved by your beloved Gov.

Companies cannot deny without good reason, they must follow the law to its nth degree.
IF a denial is made the insured has more recourse than the insurer does, as it should be.

You are just a silly, bitter old man.
Or that they might knock some chick up.

But it isn't the Maternity coverage that is the issue here. It doesn't really cost anything.

What is running up the costs are

There's no cap on treatment.

They can't discrminate based on pre-existing conditions.

In short, they can't cheat you once they have your money.

Cheat you? Haven't you ever read a health insurance policy?

No, but I've been cheated by an insurance company, which is pretty much the end of the discussion for me.

Well EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME! :eusa_eh:

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.
What evidence of thinking are you referring to on his part?

What's it your business what people buy, don't see you complaining about your wealthy elected idiots who had their wealth (LEFT to them by crooks in the family, take Kennedy Joe and cheating the system, or marrying into it like the gigolo John Kerry)

I would say if you are buying that dressage horse with money you collected from Nataline Sarkisyan's father, and then denied her a liver transplant because it would "cost too much", to the point where she DIED, then you kind of are getting into where it's everyone else's business.

touching dramatics ...but we have a liver donation problem, and you don't know if she was denied a liver by an insurance company...My very good friend died while waiting fo a get real and stop being so frikken dramatic with everything...lifes a bitch ain't it...waaaa
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Or....maybe the administration is responding to the needs of small business owners.

I wonder if any of the outraged among us have taken the time to consider that there is a good reason......not related to the political calendar.....for this action.

Absent such an effort, your statements ring hollow.

They don't give a shit about small business owners. Their only motivation is political.

Well frankly you deserve to be cheated you are an imbecile.

Nobody cheated you dipshit, you've told your bullshit sob story over and over and nobody cares or believes you.

Truth is you'll get fucked again, its karma...and you have a lot of bullshit to pay for.

I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.

Well, actually, it does.

Really kind of simple.

If you can get in to see a doctor, you are more likely to address problems before they become problems.

Why you Wingnuts refuse to see this amazes me.
I'm curious, do you actually have evidence that things are not as I presented them.

Please, share with the class.

Or is it "I don't want it to be true, because it makes my industry look like douchebags."

Every other country has single payer. They live longer, less of their babies die, they spend less, they have less bankruptcies.

Works for me.

Living longer and baby mortality has nothing to do with healthcare insurance no matter what YOU think.

Well, actually, it does.

Really kind of simple.

If you can get in to see a doctor, you are more likely to address problems before they become problems.

Why you Wingnuts refuse to see this amazes me.

I don't get the importance of living longer as a justification for socialism.

Living longer is overrated


What's it your business what people buy, don't see you complaining about your wealthy elected idiots who had their wealth (LEFT to them by crooks in the family, take Kennedy Joe and cheating the system, or marrying into it like the gigolo John Kerry)

I would say if you are buying that dressage horse with money you collected from Nataline Sarkisyan's father, and then denied her a liver transplant because it would "cost too much", to the point where she DIED, then you kind of are getting into where it's everyone else's business.

touching dramatics ...but we have a liver donation problem, and you don't know if she was denied a liver by an insurance company...My very good friend died while waiting fo a get real and stop being so frikken dramatic with everything...lifes a bitch ain't it...waaaa

I gave you a specific name.

And yes, she was denied a liver transplant because her insurance company, Cigna, refused to pay for one on the basis that she only had a 50% chance of living.

Her father took them to court, but the courts ruled that since the contract was between Cigna and his employer, Lexus (also known as "Douchemobiles") he didn't have standing to sue.

Finally, mass demonstrations happened outside of Cigna's office, and they finally signed off on a transplant, but by that time the girl was so far gone she died.

Oh, Wendell Potter, the Vice President for Publicity, was so disgusted by the episode he became an advocate for universal healthcare.

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