Mandate moved back, LOL

This law is so good they pushed it back again.

Wasn't this what the shutdown was about?

Pushing this disaster back until after the prick in the Oval Office is in retirement is really a testament to exactly how much good it will end up doing.

Indeed... The pub party throws Cruz under the bus who Obama has proven was ultimatley right

The new normal


The Pub Party threw Cruz under the bus because he's a douchebag and they all hate him.

Typical so typical as long as there is no opposition.

This is how it works,therte are checks installed for a purpose,but your kind refuse to except the fact that more reject this turd then embrace it.

And after for the people by the people.

Guy, you all ran the Weird Mormon Robot on the premise he would overturn ObamaCare.

And he lost.

That, along with the SCOTUS decision, was the end of the conversation as far as I was concerned.

But it not so get over it.

Once again,a typical response,my way or the highway,doesn't work that way.

And who is you all?? you are a typical tool,making huge assumptions,with not much to go on.

Actually, it pretty much is.

As horrible a candidate as Romney was, no one in the GOP clown car looks any better for 2016.

There just aren't enough angry old White Chumps you can fool into voting against their own economic interests by saying "Jesus" really sincerely anymore.
This law is so good they pushed it back again.

Wasn't this what the shutdown was about?

Pushing this disaster back until after the prick in the Oval Office is in retirement is really a testament to exactly how much good it will end up doing.

Indeed... The pub party throws Cruz under the bus who Obama has proven was ultimatley right

The new normal


The Pub Party threw Cruz under the bus because he's a douchebag and they all hate him.

And that's why I continue to boycott the Republican party after firing them when the whore Sen Snow sold us down the river

The only solution I've seen from the left in these debates is the Single Payer system............

That is why they wrote this BS law...........They want to cause damage.............So they will then come in and say the ONLY SOLUTION is the SINGLE PAYER OPTION..................

That is their ultimate goal..............and why this current law was never their real intent.

Guy, the reason why we got this law was because the private system wasn't working.

And, yes, a Public Option or a Medicare buy in would have taken care of the uninsured/high risk pool while leaving private insurance for the low risk pool, but you guys didn't want that, either.

Again, I got screwed by this law...........and you don't care......Millions are getting the screw and you don't care............BY THIS LAW....................

You are AMERICA'S PROBLEM JOE...................

Why do people like you believe it's okay not to obey the Constitution JOE................

Why do you ignore the damage done by the ACA JOE...................

Because you are a Tool............And your side is continuing us down the path of Unsustainable Debt Joe...........Over 400 BILLION a year on the interest on the debt...........and you add more debt by delaying provisions in the law that were damaging businesses.....................Until after the elections.............

Since this law is going to damage them, WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION..............Delay doesn't fix a dang thing..........

Again, JOE, what is your solution when your side has basically admitted it is needed due to the damage it is causing......................

First, whenever I hear some half-ass business tell me that ObamaCare is responsible for their business woes, the first image I get is this..


First and foremost, the amount of businesses actually effected is pretty minimal, just like the number of people who "lost" their coverage was minimal when marginal plans were cancelled.

91% of businesses with 50-199 employees ALREADY offer health coverage. 99% of business with 200+ employees offer health coverage.

There were a LOT of solutions. We could have gone to a SINGLE PAYER system.

We could have established a PUBLIC OPTION for individuals and small businesses, with means tested payments.

We could have established a MEDICARE BUY IN for people 55 and older, who represent most of the expendatures by health plans.

And all of these things were rejected by Republicans because big insurance didn't want them.

Now, I always find it amazes that the party that turned Clinton's surpluses into Bush's Debts is Suddenly worried about "Debt". Forget that Obama has cut the deficit in half by ending Bush's wars and repealling Bush's tax cuts. They are really, really worried about the debt... unless it involves making the 1% who control 43% of the wealth pay their fair share.


Here's the thing. Every last one of those countries that has SINGLE PAYER spends about half what we do on health care. While we spend 14% of our GDP on health care, Japan spends 8%.

Oh, the Japanese Health Care system is FAR superior to ours, and Japanese people live longer.


I had a low deduct with Blue Cross Blue Shield...........the rates sky rocketed as a result of the law.............

The answer under the Exchange was a high deduct and virtually cost the same...........

So much for I had a crappy insurance plan before the ACA, as they offer me a HIGH DEDUCT plan to replace mine for almost the same new price.........

I've posted the CBO data on projections in the classes outside of poverty ranges.........They trended at over 40% increases due to the law......In my case it went up over 60%..............

This has been gone over time and time again on these boards.............

And all the libs like Joe can do is make EXCUSES........Are talking out of their butts..........which is why the ass is a fitting symbol for the Dem party.

Again, I got screwed by this law...........and you don't care......Millions are getting the screw and you don't care............BY THIS LAW....................

You are AMERICA'S PROBLEM JOE...................

Why do people like you believe it's okay not to obey the Constitution JOE................

Why do you ignore the damage done by the ACA JOE...................

Because you are a Tool............And your side is continuing us down the path of Unsustainable Debt Joe...........Over 400 BILLION a year on the interest on the debt...........and you add more debt by delaying provisions in the law that were damaging businesses.....................Until after the elections.............

Since this law is going to damage them, WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION..............Delay doesn't fix a dang thing..........

Again, JOE, what is your solution when your side has basically admitted it is needed due to the damage it is causing......................

First, whenever I hear some half-ass business tell me that ObamaCare is responsible for their business woes, the first image I get is this..


First and foremost, the amount of businesses actually effected is pretty minimal, just like the number of people who "lost" their coverage was minimal when marginal plans were cancelled.

91% of businesses with 50-199 employees ALREADY offer health coverage. 99% of business with 200+ employees offer health coverage.

There were a LOT of solutions. We could have gone to a SINGLE PAYER system.

We could have established a PUBLIC OPTION for individuals and small businesses, with means tested payments.

We could have established a MEDICARE BUY IN for people 55 and older, who represent most of the expendatures by health plans.

And all of these things were rejected by Republicans because big insurance didn't want them.

Now, I always find it amazes that the party that turned Clinton's surpluses into Bush's Debts is Suddenly worried about "Debt". Forget that Obama has cut the deficit in half by ending Bush's wars and repealling Bush's tax cuts. They are really, really worried about the debt... unless it involves making the 1% who control 43% of the wealth pay their fair share.


Here's the thing. Every last one of those countries that has SINGLE PAYER spends about half what we do on health care. While we spend 14% of our GDP on health care, Japan spends 8%.

Oh, the Japanese Health Care system is FAR superior to ours, and Japanese people live longer.


I had a low deduct with Blue Cross Blue Shield...........the rates sky rocketed as a result of the law.............

The answer under the Exchange was a high deduct and virtually cost the same...........

So much for I had a crappy insurance plan before the ACA, as they offer me a HIGH DEDUCT plan to replace mine for almost the same new price.........

I've posted the CBO data on projections in the classes outside of poverty ranges.........They trended at over 40% increases due to the law......In my case it went up over 60%..............

This has been gone over time and time again on these boards.............

And all the libs like Joe can do is make EXCUSES........Are talking out of their butts..........which is why the ass is a fitting symbol for the Dem party.

Indeed- I have also chronicled the increased cost of my health plan too. My insurance increased by$168/month and what I got for it was higher co-pay, hospital stay (first 5 days), prescriptions etc.. Every aspect of my plan saw an increase in cost with no return in service.

I hope the losers who don't pay taxes enjoy the benefits of my labor

The politicians never cared about anything other than a vote.
They will kick this can down the road as long as they are able ... Kind of like our national debt and the continued raising of the debt ceiling.


I had a low deduct with Blue Cross Blue Shield...........the rates sky rocketed as a result of the law.............

The answer under the Exchange was a high deduct and virtually cost the same...........

So much for I had a crappy insurance plan before the ACA, as they offer me a HIGH DEDUCT plan to replace mine for almost the same new price.........

I've posted the CBO data on projections in the classes outside of poverty ranges.........They trended at over 40% increases due to the law......In my case it went up over 60%..............

This has been gone over time and time again on these boards.............

And all the libs like Joe can do is make EXCUSES........Are talking out of their butts..........which is why the ass is a fitting symbol for the Dem party.

Sounds like your problem is with Blue Cross, not with the ACA.

Crain's Chicago Business : Subscription Center

The CEO of the parent of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Illinois received a 24 percent pay increase in 2012, to $16 million, even as the company's net income declined, according to a filing with state insurance regulators.

Patricia Hemingway Hall's 2012 base salary was just $1.1 million, but the nurse-turned-executive garnered a $14.9 million bonus. The CEO of Chicago-based Health Care Service Corp. received $12.9 million in 2011.

Her 2012 compensation is about 70 percent of the $23 million that the company has agreed to pay to acquire Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Montana.

Nawwww. it's all ObamaCare's fault.

Indeed- I have also chronicled the increased cost of my health plan too. My insurance increased by$168/month and what I got for it was higher co-pay, hospital stay (first 5 days), prescriptions etc.. Every aspect of my plan saw an increase in cost with no return in service.

I hope the losers who don't pay taxes enjoy the benefits of my labor


I'm sure they will.

Because heaven forbid you have to pay for a day in the hospital if it means a poor child might get chemotherapy.

Got to have our priorities here.

Again, I got screwed by this law...........and you don't care......Millions are getting the screw and you don't care............BY THIS LAW....................

You are AMERICA'S PROBLEM JOE...................

Why do people like you believe it's okay not to obey the Constitution JOE................

Why do you ignore the damage done by the ACA JOE...................

Because you are a Tool............And your side is continuing us down the path of Unsustainable Debt Joe...........Over 400 BILLION a year on the interest on the debt...........and you add more debt by delaying provisions in the law that were damaging businesses.....................Until after the elections.............

Since this law is going to damage them, WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION..............Delay doesn't fix a dang thing..........

Again, JOE, what is your solution when your side has basically admitted it is needed due to the damage it is causing......................

First, whenever I hear some half-ass business tell me that ObamaCare is responsible for their business woes, the first image I get is this..


First and foremost, the amount of businesses actually effected is pretty minimal, just like the number of people who "lost" their coverage was minimal when marginal plans were cancelled.

91% of businesses with 50-199 employees ALREADY offer health coverage. 99% of business with 200+ employees offer health coverage.

There were a LOT of solutions. We could have gone to a SINGLE PAYER system.

We could have established a PUBLIC OPTION for individuals and small businesses, with means tested payments.

We could have established a MEDICARE BUY IN for people 55 and older, who represent most of the expendatures by health plans.

And all of these things were rejected by Republicans because big insurance didn't want them.

Now, I always find it amazes that the party that turned Clinton's surpluses into Bush's Debts is Suddenly worried about "Debt". Forget that Obama has cut the deficit in half by ending Bush's wars and repealling Bush's tax cuts. They are really, really worried about the debt... unless it involves making the 1% who control 43% of the wealth pay their fair share.


Here's the thing. Every last one of those countries that has SINGLE PAYER spends about half what we do on health care. While we spend 14% of our GDP on health care, Japan spends 8%.

Oh, the Japanese Health Care system is FAR superior to ours, and Japanese people live longer.

Dude, you have zero credibility left.
The politicians never cared about anything other than a vote.
They will kick this can down the road as long as they are able ... Kind of like our national debt and the continued raising of the debt ceiling.



I mean, we should have gotten single payer 20 years ago... that would have solved all our problems.

Why would the Progressive Liberals and Democrats be stupid enough to blow their wad on Single Payers now?
They can get at least another 40 years of traction in polls keeping idiots like you convinced they care about you ... And hanging Single Payer on stick in front of your nose.


Again, I got screwed by this law...........and you don't care......Millions are getting the screw and you don't care............BY THIS LAW....................

You are AMERICA'S PROBLEM JOE...................

Why do people like you believe it's okay not to obey the Constitution JOE................

Why do you ignore the damage done by the ACA JOE...................

Because you are a Tool............And your side is continuing us down the path of Unsustainable Debt Joe...........Over 400 BILLION a year on the interest on the debt...........and you add more debt by delaying provisions in the law that were damaging businesses.....................Until after the elections.............

Since this law is going to damage them, WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION..............Delay doesn't fix a dang thing..........

Again, JOE, what is your solution when your side has basically admitted it is needed due to the damage it is causing......................

First, whenever I hear some half-ass business tell me that ObamaCare is responsible for their business woes, the first image I get is this..


First and foremost, the amount of businesses actually effected is pretty minimal, just like the number of people who "lost" their coverage was minimal when marginal plans were cancelled.

91% of businesses with 50-199 employees ALREADY offer health coverage. 99% of business with 200+ employees offer health coverage.

There were a LOT of solutions. We could have gone to a SINGLE PAYER system.

We could have established a PUBLIC OPTION for individuals and small businesses, with means tested payments.

We could have established a MEDICARE BUY IN for people 55 and older, who represent most of the expendatures by health plans.

And all of these things were rejected by Republicans because big insurance didn't want them.

Now, I always find it amazes that the party that turned Clinton's surpluses into Bush's Debts is Suddenly worried about "Debt". Forget that Obama has cut the deficit in half by ending Bush's wars and repealling Bush's tax cuts. They are really, really worried about the debt... unless it involves making the 1% who control 43% of the wealth pay their fair share.


Here's the thing. Every last one of those countries that has SINGLE PAYER spends about half what we do on health care. While we spend 14% of our GDP on health care, Japan spends 8%.

Oh, the Japanese Health Care system is FAR superior to ours, and Japanese people live longer.

Dude, you have zero credibility left.

Joe has never had any real credibility............most of the Libs except the hard core boot lickers have left the building on these discussions.........Because they would rather discuss a subject where the facts don't destroy them.
The politicians never cared about anything other than a vote.
They will kick this can down the road as long as they are able ... Kind of like our national debt and the continued raising of the debt ceiling.



I mean, we should have gotten single payer 20 years ago... that would have solved all our problems.

Why would the Progressive Liberals and Democrats be stupid enough to blow their wad on Single Payers now?
They can get at least another 40 years of traction in polls keeping idiots like you convinced they care about you ... And hanging Single Payer on stick in front of your nose.


Actually, it's more along the lines of what Big Insurance would allow.

The thing was, they killed HillaryCare back in the 1990's with the Harry And Louise Commecials scaring everyone into thinking they'd lose their insurance.

And then they preceded to make insurance a lot more sucky for everyone. I remember when people thought HMO's sucked in the 1990's, and now people say they WISH they still had HMO's. Seriously, our human resource lady once said she was glad her husband had an HMO for her pregnancy instead of our crappy PPO plan.

Big Insurance knows that what they are doing won't go on forever. So they went along with ObamaCare, and then proceeded to sabotage it at every turn.

We'll probably get to single payer within a decade, and be better off for it.

Dude, you have zero credibility left.

No, guy, the guy who lacks credibility is the one who sucks up a big fat Government Pension Check while doing a government job and renting to poor people with Section 8 vouchers because people with real jobs wouldn't want to live in your roach-infested properties.

But he'll whine all day about the Government.

Joe has never had any real credibility............most of the Libs except the hard core boot lickers have left the building on these discussions.........Because they would rather discuss a subject where the facts don't destroy them.

Most of the libs don't bother arguing with you guys because you are so full of hate and racism that you bend over happily and let big insurance sodomize you like Ned Beatty in Deliverence.


Let's go back to your point that Blue Cross has jacked up your insurance 60%.

Note- BLUE CROSS. Not Obama, Blue Cross. So why are you blaming Obama?

One of two possibilities. Blue Cross sold you a policy that was worthless, because they had planned to call any serious illness you had a "pre-existing condition" or otherwise cap you out at some arbitrary number.


They just saw an excuse to jack up your rates and blame Obama.

But it would NEVER OCCUR to you to blame the insurance company.

Joe has never had any real credibility............most of the Libs except the hard core boot lickers have left the building on these discussions.........Because they would rather discuss a subject where the facts don't destroy them.

Most of the libs don't bother arguing with you guys because you are so full of hate and racism that you bend over happily and let big insurance sodomize you like Ned Beatty in Deliverence.


Let's go back to your point that Blue Cross has jacked up your insurance 60%.

Note- BLUE CROSS. Not Obama, Blue Cross. So why are you blaming Obama?

One of two possibilities. Blue Cross sold you a policy that was worthless, because they had planned to call any serious illness you had a "pre-existing condition" or otherwise cap you out at some arbitrary number.


They just saw an excuse to jack up your rates and blame Obama.

But it would NEVER OCCUR to you to blame the insurance company.


Rate increases due to the law.................

Unless you are a moron......

Hmmmmmmmmm............that might be the reason you can't see it.

Joe has never had any real credibility............most of the Libs except the hard core boot lickers have left the building on these discussions.........Because they would rather discuss a subject where the facts don't destroy them.

Most of the libs don't bother arguing with you guys because you are so full of hate and racism that you bend over happily and let big insurance sodomize you like Ned Beatty in Deliverence.


Let's go back to your point that Blue Cross has jacked up your insurance 60%.

Note- BLUE CROSS. Not Obama, Blue Cross. So why are you blaming Obama?

One of two possibilities. Blue Cross sold you a policy that was worthless, because they had planned to call any serious illness you had a "pre-existing condition" or otherwise cap you out at some arbitrary number.


They just saw an excuse to jack up your rates and blame Obama.

But it would NEVER OCCUR to you to blame the insurance company.


Rate increases due to the law.................

Unless you are a moron......

Hmmmmmmmmm............that might be the reason you can't see it.

Yeah, I would want something more than magical thinking.

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?


They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product?
Most of the libs don't bother arguing with you guys because you are so full of hate and racism that you bend over happily and let big insurance sodomize you like Ned Beatty in Deliverence.


Let's go back to your point that Blue Cross has jacked up your insurance 60%.

Note- BLUE CROSS. Not Obama, Blue Cross. So why are you blaming Obama?

One of two possibilities. Blue Cross sold you a policy that was worthless, because they had planned to call any serious illness you had a "pre-existing condition" or otherwise cap you out at some arbitrary number.


They just saw an excuse to jack up your rates and blame Obama.

But it would NEVER OCCUR to you to blame the insurance company.


Rate increases due to the law.................

Unless you are a moron......

Hmmmmmmmmm............that might be the reason you can't see it.

Yeah, I would want something more than magical thinking.

WHY would the price go up because of the law?

Could it be that the policy didn't comply?


They were just using it as an excuse to soak you figuring you'd be too lazy to shop around for another product?

Joe, always keep in mind who and what you are arguing with...

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