Mandatory AR-15 Ownership

I am glad I was able to educate you a slight bit tonight. Even made you go back and fix two grammar mistakes.

I will call that progress.

I did not have the strength to address the "I got...", maybe another day.
Umm ok lol what ever makes you feel good substance doesn’t lol

You thing that saying you "got to many" is substance? That does not even address the topic at all. Since you "got to many" then you would not need to purchase one under the new law.

Fuck, you are just flat out stupid. There is no other word that comes close.
So angry! Lol

Not at all, just stating the facts. No emotion needed.
Well I still have two many lol
I think it's a ploy to get people used to and dependent on guns in that state, just as people are in Texas. The problem with gun rights now is that not very many people carry and use weapons regularly, so they are easier to imagine taking away from the public. This regulation, while it does echo Israel, Switzerland, etc., would correct that and increase serious resistance to gun grabs.

I am glad I was able to educate you a slight bit tonight. Even made you go back and fix two grammar mistakes.

I will call that progress.

I did not have the strength to address the "I got...", maybe another day.
Umm ok lol what ever makes you feel good substance doesn’t lol

You thing that saying you "got to many" is substance? That does not even address the topic at all. Since you "got to many" then you would not need to purchase one under the new law.

Fuck, you are just flat out stupid. There is no other word that comes close.

You thing that saying you

A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

I think it was Kenesaw Georgia that mandated self defense firearm ownership.. Safest place in Georgia to live.. But as a STATE LAW -- it sucks...

Just stop the govt from destroying systems that work fine for 97% of the people in order to fix the 3% problem.. That's just insane...
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

So...these are the same people that whined about being forced to buy health insurance, but now are going to force citizens to buy a gun.

These are the grown ups in the room?

I see most of those people being perfectly consistent here... You sure you're actually READING this thread??
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

Actually fellow libertarian -- what I'd LIKE to see is mandating registered Repubs to own a gun, attend bi-weekly bible classes and buy NASCAR season tickets and registered Dems to turn in their SUVs, run their homes completely on solar, buy life subscriptions to the WashPo and become vegans....

Then we can count the bodies and the casualties as registration for BOTH parties goes to zero...

A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

I think it's a terrible move.

Way beyond stupid.

A person has just as much right to not own a weapon as they do to own one. No one should be forced to own a weapon.

Who is going to pay for all these weapons? They aren't cheap. What if someone can't afford to buy one?

If I lived in Missouri, I would either move out of the state or violate the law.
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A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

Nothing but a retarded political stunt so a few polititions can get on TV. Don't they have better shit to do ?

Are you new to politics in this country?

A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Sounds like a Colt Manufacturing fan or stock holder is making a last ditch effort too late. Funny, Missouri seamed like a normal state to me. It will never pass, no matter who's nutty idea it is.
Right now as I understand it, Colt is only selling AR's to the military and have stopped their civilian sales.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
The Government can not force you to buy things, of course the people who are going to bitch the most about this are the same ones who believe mandatory Obama Care was perfectly Constitutional.
I think it's a ploy to get people used to and dependent on guns in that state, just as people are in Texas. The problem with gun rights now is that not very many people carry and use weapons regularly, so they are easier to imagine taking away from the public. This regulation, while it does echo Israel, Switzerland, etc., would correct that and increase serious resistance to gun grabs.

Hardly anyone in those two countries you mention carry weapons as civilians. The gun regulations there are stifling compared to the US. I don't know what talking head you listen to but you really need to change that channel.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Sounds like a Colt Manufacturing fan or stock holder is making a last ditch effort too late. Funny, Missouri seamed like a normal state to me. It will never pass, no matter who's nutty idea it is.
Right now as I understand it, Colt is only selling AR's to the military and have stopped their civilian sales.

They stopped manufacturing the Colt Model 750. But you can still buy the Colt LE6920.
not sure why we need to buy it ourselves,,if its required they should provide it to us,
which of course I am in favor of,,

but wont my mini-14 be just as good??

Bill says AR-15
The AR stands for armalite. Suppose I own a Colt

Then you own an AR. The Company Part Number is AR-15 but it's sold as something else. And it doesn't matter if it's an AR-15 or M-16 or M-4. All of them are from the AR family. Armalite sold the design to Colt in 1959 after the US Army declined to accept it. Armalite does make an AR-15 clone. Theirs is identical and is called a M-15 which is a semi-auto rifle.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Sounds like a Colt Manufacturing fan or stock holder is making a last ditch effort too late. Funny, Missouri seamed like a normal state to me. It will never pass, no matter who's nutty idea it is.
Right now as I understand it, Colt is only selling AR's to the military and have stopped their civilian sales.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
I have sometimes pointed out that the Second Militia Act of 1792 required every adult male to own a musket.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

You read it incorrectly. It doesn't say that they would be required to own one.
Uh, yes it does.

"This bill requires every Missouri resident 18 years of age or older, but under 35 years of age, who is legally permitted to own an AR-15 type rifle to obtain or possess such a weapon."

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