Manhattan DA Don't Prosecute Trump You'll Be Helping Him If You Do!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Former President Trump has indicated that he believes he will be charged with a crime by the Manhattan DA over his payoff during the 2016 campaign to porn-star Stormy Daniels so she would not go public about an extramarital sexual liaison she had with Mr. Trump. If this happens this would be a terrible move by the Manhattan DA as would be the Atlanta DA bringing charges against former-President Trump over improprieties in the Georgia election; they are weak cases and President Trump faces much stronger prosecutions in the areas of violations of rules safeguarding the security of classified documents and interference with the Congressional electoral college vote count for the 2016 election. Prosecutors are not supposed to be simpletons and just charge people with crimes if their behavior technically violates the law, prosecutors are supposed to do what is best from a public policy consideration standpoint. Charging Trump in these smaller cases will make Trump stronger he could very possibly beat these cases in a courtroom plus the merits of the cases are so attenuated they look like political prosecutions better public policy considerations call for letting the Jan 6th prosecution go forward where Trump damaged our country's two-hundred and fifty year reputation of having a peaceful transition of power for the Presidency and for letting the prosecution go forward where Trump thought he was above the law where he could withhold classified documents and use them for whatever selfish desires he chose in the future.

The Stormy Daniel's case is a weak case in bringing Trump to account for his behavior where he acts as if he is above the law that he is not obligated like everyone else to obey the law. First, in the case the state has to prove Trump was responsible for fraudulent bookkeeping in the case where the hush money payment was recorded as a lawyer expense which is only a misdemeanor crime and to turn that crime into a felony the state has to prove that in doing the acts Trump was circumventing campaign finance laws. Both are hard burdens media reports are that Trump's lawyer in the matter was Michael Cohen who was given over four hundred thousand dollars in the matter and only $130,000 went to Ms. Daniels. Plus, it is not clear that payments for nondisclosure agreements by political candidates during elections are campaign contributions. Frankly, I personally think it should not and that it is terrible public policy to consider it such. Public policy should try to encourage the best people to run for political office; many people in their life have made mistakes especially of a sexual liaison nature if the system does not give such people the power, which paying for nondisclosure agreements does, to block such information from public disclosure these people won't run for political and the country will be a lesser one for that loss! Further, there is a concept of privacy which I believe is triggered here, one's sexual behavior is one's private business when one person engages in sex with another person in a private manner people should have the right within the bounds of law to maintain that as a private matter. Criminalizing efforts by a person to keep matters private which are private seems to me to be a violation of a person's right of privacy!

The Georgia case of Trump trying to unlawfully overturn the 2020 Georgia Presidential elections is a weak case yes the video of Trumps call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to go find 11780 votes is incriminating and shocking but not enough for a criminal conviction. It is just an isolated, single occasion, where he crossed the line; a RICO case by the state would indicate desperation on the state's part they don't have enough to charge him directly so they are going to taint him with the misbehavior of a cadre of Trump's allies Trump will end up looking like he is a victim of political persecutions. Trying Trump for lobbying Georgia to have their legislature brought back into session and vote to overturn the 2020 Presidential election is morally reprehensible but it is not criminal, the election wouldn't be overturned unless over fifty percent of the state legislature voted to overturn that requirement would be a purifying act for Trump here!

Trump is a scourge on our nation he did a hundred times better job at stewarding our nation's economy than the current President but some Democrats and many Republicans could do such a better job than Joseph Biden. President Trump has one alarming character trait that should terrify everyone so that with their whole heart they don't want Donald J. Trump to be President again. This trait is that he routinely puts his own interests over the American people's interests, it is not in a rare circumstances where an issue has two legitimate sides to it and the politician chooses the side which best serves his or her interests. No, Trump's default, his normal state it to make his decisions related to the country by doing what is in his best interests, the country's interests takes a lower priority consideration. One could write a book on the examples but here is a list of major ones. Trump's signature legislation the 2017 Tax Reform Bill, Republicans before Trump came on the scene wanted to do Deficit neutral tax reform but such a bill wouldn't have been big enough to meet Trump's self interested standards so he forced the bill through which would increase the national debt by two trillion dollars over ten years but most critically it made it crystal clear to Democrats that Republicans were not trustworthy partners in reducing the deficit, all the sacrifice during the President Obama years was a waste, it showed that given the chance Republicans would throw budget deficit control in the trash to advance their agenda to lower taxes for the wealthy and big business and Democrats would be left as suckers; now America is left with an unrecoverable national debt trajectory that will one day cause economic catastrophe that will forever cause a significant loss of prosperity in America. Trump is fifty percent culpable in the unspeakable shame on America for abandoning the Afghanistan people and putting them back into a Middle Ages existence. Trump during most of his Presidency was not taking responsible actions to exit the Afghanistan war when it came time for his reelection and it appeared he would have a tough reelection fight he began covering his weaknesses one being that he did not keep his campaign promise to get America out of the Afghanistan war so he rushed to cut a deal with the Taliban agreed to a too speedy time table, didn't negotiate in conjunction with our ally the Afghanistan government, agreed to a cease fire which allowed the Taliban to rebuild in strength and agreed to release 5000 Taliban fighters held by the allies when there was no peace agreement with the Taliban in place or on the table! Trump divided our nation as President on the Covid Pandemic matter to score political points with the extremist part of his base and thereby shirking his responsibility to be a responsible leader. President Trump should have verbally and by example advocated for the use of masks the virus was primarily spread through respiratory particles and masks reduced the effectiveness of such spread. Similarly, he should have advocated people get the vaccine I am not saying mandate because some albeit a very small number of people faced harm from the vaccine especially those at risk of a certain heart condition. These issues polarized our nation much more than the merits of the issues warranted and it was largely due to Trump's atrocious leadership on these issues and this acted like kerosene on the fire of division in our nation where people don't try to get along, don't try to appropriately consider the other sides point of view and don't try to make responsible compromises!

Donald J. Trump is the worst politician from a character standpoint and the worst citizen in terms of caring about civic duty in our nation's history and that is by a million fold. He should never ever become President of the United States of America again he is an incredibly dangerous person there is no limit on the badness he will commit if he somehow believes it is in his best interest to take the respective action! Donald Trump deserves to have his political career permanently ended in stronger terms than words can describe! The Manhattan DA and the Atlanta DA should not give him any political life by prosecuting him on cases where there is legitimate widespread public disagreement whether he deserves to be prosecuted over the matters!
Former President Trump has indicated that he believes he will be charged with a crime by the Manhattan DA over his payoff during the 2016 campaign to porn-star Stormy Daniels so she would not go public about an extramarital sexual liaison she had with Mr. Trump. If this happens this would be a terrible move by the Manhattan DA as would be the Atlanta DA bringing charges against former-President Trump over improprieties in the Georgia election; they are weak cases and President Trump faces much stronger prosecutions in the areas of violations of rules safeguarding the security of classified documents and interference with the Congressional electoral college vote count for the 2016 election. Prosecutors are not supposed to be simpletons and just charge people with crimes if their behavior technically violates the law, prosecutors are supposed to do what is best from a public policy consideration standpoint. Charging Trump in these smaller cases will make Trump stronger he could very possibly beat these cases in a courtroom plus the merits of the cases are so attenuated they look like political prosecutions better public policy considerations call for letting the Jan 6th prosecution go forward where Trump damaged our country's two-hundred and fifty year reputation of having a peaceful transition of power for the Presidency and for letting the prosecution go forward where Trump thought he was above the law where he could withhold classified documents and use them for whatever selfish desires he chose in the future.

The Stormy Daniel's case is a weak case in bringing Trump to account for his behavior where he acts as if he is above the law that he is not obligated like everyone else to obey the law. First, in the case the state has to prove Trump was responsible for fraudulent bookkeeping in the case where the hush money payment was recorded as a lawyer expense which is only a misdemeanor crime and to turn that crime into a felony the state has to prove that in doing the acts Trump was circumventing campaign finance laws. Both are hard burdens media reports are that Trump's lawyer in the matter was Michael Cohen who was given over four hundred thousand dollars in the matter and only $130,000 went to Ms. Daniels. Plus, it is not clear that payments for nondisclosure agreements by political candidates during elections are campaign contributions. Frankly, I personally think it should not and that it is terrible public policy to consider it such. Public policy should try to encourage the best people to run for political office; many people in their life have made mistakes especially of a sexual liaison nature if the system does not give such people the power, which paying for nondisclosure agreements does, to block such information from public disclosure these people won't run for political and the country will be a lesser one for that loss! Further, there is a concept of privacy which I believe is triggered here, one's sexual behavior is one's private business when one person engages in sex with another person in a private manner people should have the right within the bounds of law to maintain that as a private matter. Criminalizing efforts by a person to keep matters private which are private seems to me to be a violation of a person's right of privacy!

The Georgia case of Trump trying to unlawfully overturn the 2020 Georgia Presidential elections is a weak case yes the video of Trumps call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to go find 11780 votes is incriminating and shocking but not enough for a criminal conviction. It is just an isolated, single occasion, where he crossed the line; a RICO case by the state would indicate desperation on the state's part they don't have enough to charge him directly so they are going to taint him with the misbehavior of a cadre of Trump's allies Trump will end up looking like he is a victim of political persecutions. Trying Trump for lobbying Georgia to have their legislature brought back into session and vote to overturn the 2020 Presidential election is morally reprehensible but it is not criminal, the election wouldn't be overturned unless over fifty percent of the state legislature voted to overturn that requirement would be a purifying act for Trump here!

Trump is a scourge on our nation he did a hundred times better job at stewarding our nation's economy than the current President but some Democrats and many Republicans could do such a better job than Joseph Biden. President Trump has one alarming character trait that should terrify everyone so that with their whole heart they don't want Donald J. Trump to be President again. This trait is that he routinely puts his own interests over the American people's interests, it is not in a rare circumstances where an issue has two legitimate sides to it and the politician chooses the side which best serves his or her interests. No, Trump's default, his normal state it to make his decisions related to the country by doing what is in his best interests, the country's interests takes a lower priority consideration. One could write a book on the examples but here is a list of major ones. Trump's signature legislation the 2017 Tax Reform Bill, Republicans before Trump came on the scene wanted to do Deficit neutral tax reform but such a bill wouldn't have been big enough to meet Trump's self interested standards so he forced the bill through which would increase the national debt by two trillion dollars over ten years but most critically it made it crystal clear to Democrats that Republicans were not trustworthy partners in reducing the deficit, all the sacrifice during the President Obama years was a waste, it showed that given the chance Republicans would throw budget deficit control in the trash to advance their agenda to lower taxes for the wealthy and big business and Democrats would be left as suckers; now America is left with an unrecoverable national debt trajectory that will one day cause economic catastrophe that will forever cause a significant loss of prosperity in America. Trump is fifty percent culpable in the unspeakable shame on America for abandoning the Afghanistan people and putting them back into a Middle Ages existence. Trump during most of his Presidency was not taking responsible actions to exit the Afghanistan war when it came time for his reelection and it appeared he would have a tough reelection fight he began covering his weaknesses one being that he did not keep his campaign promise to get America out of the Afghanistan war so he rushed to cut a deal with the Taliban agreed to a too speedy time table, didn't negotiate in conjunction with our ally the Afghanistan government, agreed to a cease fire which allowed the Taliban to rebuild in strength and agreed to release 5000 Taliban fighters held by the allies when there was no peace agreement with the Taliban in place or on the table! Trump divided our nation as President on the Covid Pandemic matter to score political points with the extremist part of his base and thereby shirking his responsibility to be a responsible leader. President Trump should have verbally and by example advocated for the use of masks the virus was primarily spread through respiratory particles and masks reduced the effectiveness of such spread. Similarly, he should have advocated people get the vaccine I am not saying mandate because some albeit a very small number of people faced harm from the vaccine especially those at risk of a certain heart condition. These issues polarized our nation much more than the merits of the issues warranted and it was largely due to Trump's atrocious leadership on these issues and this acted like kerosene on the fire of division in our nation where people don't try to get along, don't try to appropriately consider the other sides point of view and don't try to make responsible compromises!

Donald J. Trump is the worst politician from a character standpoint and the worst citizen in terms of caring about civic duty in our nation's history and that is by a million fold. He should never ever become President of the United States of America again he is an incredibly dangerous person there is no limit on the badness he will commit if he somehow believes it is in his best interest to take the respective action! Donald Trump deserves to have his political career permanently ended in stronger terms than words can describe! The Manhattan DA and the Atlanta DA should not give him any political life by prosecuting him on cases where there is legitimate widespread public disagreement whether he deserves to be prosecuted over the matters!
Lost in all of this is the fact that Stormy Daniels has admitted to prostitution--why has she not been charged as well?
Lost in all of this is the fact that Stormy Daniels has admitted to prostitution--why has she not been charged as well?
Did Donald pay for the sex too? That's prostitution.
Let's see donald admit to that.^^^^^

Hush money is not prostitution.
Did Donald pay for the sex too? That's prostitution.
Let's see donald admit to that.^^^^^

Hush money is not prostitution.
No one has ever charged that.... so where did you get it from?...
What are they hushing her for, Winnie. SMFH. Your stupidity knows no bounds.
They had causal sex, mutual. No prostitution.

Unless Donald Paid for the sex, are you suggesting that Donald PAID for the sex in addition to the hush money.

You opened the conversation about prostitution.
Who look stupid now? Concerned American

No one has ever charged that.... so where did you get it from?...
Post #4. Below.

Lost in all of this is the fact that Stormy Daniels has admitted to prostitution--why has she not been charged as well?
Have any of you listened to Bragg speak?... he is as dumb as a bag full of rocks....
There's a lot of simian in that incoherent puddle of piss and shit. I've heard 40,000 reasons why he has NO standing to go after Trump, but the gravitational pull of georgie soreass must be too strong to resist.

He's probably been promised a tire swing in the front yard.
They had causal sex, mutual. No prostitution.

Unless Donald Paid for the sex, are you suggesting that Donald PAID for the sex in addition to the hush money.

You opened the conversation about prostitution.
Who look stupid now? Concerned American

Post #4. Below.

Nice to see that you have no evidence to share with us.

Nice to see that you have no evidence to share with us.

What evidence would you like?
I never said I had any evidence.
Just responding to Concerned American claim of prostitution.

He wanted to know why stormy hasn't been arrested for prostitution?
Well, if he wants that, then he must admit that trump paid for BOTH
sex and hush money.

You can't have stormy arrested for prostitution without trump paying for the sex.

I know...I Know......trump now claims they never even had sex.
LIE...Witch Hunt.
What evidence would you like?
I never said I had any evidence.
Just responding to Concerned American claim of prostitution.

He wanted to know why stormy hasn't been arrested for prostitution?
Well, if he wants that, then he must admit that trump paid for BOTH
sex and hush money.

You can't have stormy arrested for prostitution without trump paying for the sex.

I know...I Know......trump now claims they never even had sex.
LIE...Witch Hunt.

You did write this... didn't you?

They had causal sex, mutual. No prostitution.

Unless Donald Paid for the sex, are you suggesting that Donald PAID for the sex in addition to the hush money.

No evidence either way thus this is a dead issue.

Did stormy claim she was a prostitute with Trump.........

You did write this... didn't you?

No evidence either way thus this is a dead issue.

Did stormy claim she was a prostitute with Trump.........

OMG dude.
Keep up.

I have no idea if trump:

1) actually had sex with SD.
2) paid for or casual if #1 actually happened.

I'm just responding to Concerned American wondering why SD hasn't been charged with prostitution.

The HUSH Money $$$$$ is a different story.
OMG dude.
Keep up.

I have no idea if trump:

1) actually had sex with SD.
2) paid for or casual if #1 actually happened.

I'm just responding to Concerned American wondering why SD hasn't been charged with prostitution.

The HUSH Money $$$$$ is a different story.

LOL, you forgot it was YOU who brought it up:

"Did Donald pay for the sex too? That's prostitution.
Let's see donald admit to that.^^^^^

Hush money is not prostitution."

red bolding mine
This is what you replied to:

Lost in all of this is the fact that Stormy Daniels has admitted to prostitution--why has she not been charged as well?

Nothing here about Daniels and Trump in the post.

Slow down and think things through.....
LOL, you forgot it was YOU who brought it up:

"Did Donald pay for the sex too? That's prostitution.
Let's see donald admit to that.^^^^^

Hush money is not prostitution."

red bolding mine
This is what you replied to:

Nothing here about Daniels and Trump in the post.

Slow down and think things through.....
Denial doesn't work.
Concerned American brought it up you tard.
Notice how Winco tries to muddy up the thread by injecting something no one else had posted then denied he was the source of it.


Meanwhile in the article is this:

"Michael Cohen, then a lawyer for Trump, paid Daniels $130,000 before the 2016 presidential election to remain silent about a sexual encounter she alleged she had had with the married Trump in 2006.

Trump has denied the encounter happened, and he did so again in his statement Monday. "As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to," he said."

A claim that was NEVER established to be true.


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