Manning says he wants to live as a woman


Should ofagma get jail for war crimes?
How will his fellow inmates treat someone who has compromised the safety of the military? Let's hope he gets whatever punishment he really deserves.
All day the headline media on several sites have constructed awkward headlines like this one on Reuters:

Bradley Manning says wants to live as woman named Chelsea

They leave out the pronoun.

Because they don't know what the PC IS in such a case. So they avoid committing to "he" or "she."

I'd say gender is something for other people's categorization of you: it's not for an individual to switch around at will. Sex is about sex organs, and since this character is biologically a male, that means we get to say "he."

As a woman I am rather insulted by the idea that since Bradley Manning is crazy and thinks he's "really" a woman in some sense that is not obvious, that means we all are supposed to consider him a woman.

I consider him a psychotic male.

This is going to make a great Lifetime For Women Television Movie someday!
I think this is the most I've seen novasteve post in a thread, for him this latest development involving switching genders and gays is like when the kids first saw that big candy room in Willy Wonka.

Go novasteve! I think tissues are on sale at Walgreens right now.
Note to confused individuals. If you are unsure of who or what you are, please don't join our military.
Please don't force the military which is there to defend our country, to have to deal with your confusion and your personal issues.
They are not there to provide you with your own bathroom, your own baracks and showers, your own special treatment. They are there to prepare for war when necessary, not there to help you find yourself, or pay for your sex change surgeries.
This idea some perverted men have that a woman is nothing but a man with some bits chopped off --- what an insult to women!

You have to have functional OTHER parts to be a woman, besides the dangly bits that they want to cut off; and it's a question of how one is BORN.

Men don't get to turn into women because they wish they were one; we're who we are, men are what they are.

I think a lot of these so-called transgenders, not that I believe you can trans a gender, are just passive male homosexuals who think their lives would be simpler if they were women in the first place, instead of having to act like women in the homosexual positions.

But that doesn't make them women!!

They don't turn into women because they take female hormones, either. Diabetics take a lot of swine insulin; but it doesn't turn them into pigs!!

These are self-multilating psychotics, not women. It seems to me the PC burden goes entirely the other way: it's very rude to women to call these perverts women!
This shit gets more hilarious every day.

They should bunk him with a guy named Spike. And let him have his wig. He'll need it.
He's sentenced to prison and thinks he can dictate the terms of his incarceration.

He wouldn't get that on a carnival cruise.

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