Many "lost" voters have found their candidate in Trump

If we were to follow American Political History Trump would have been out one to three months after he announced. This election is unlike anything a lot of us have ever seen in our lives. The establishment has been thrown out on its ass by the American people and American's (mostly conservatives/Republicans and yes plenty of Dems) have opened their eyes to the FACT that their elected officials are fucking useless and do not serve them.

This is a whole new deal here Paint and you can throw anything you think you know about politics out. It's over. The lies and deception that Americans have had to endure for years has finally come to a head. It's over......
Ah, the But This Time It Will Be Different fallacy. Got it.

Pipe Dreams, enjoy them (while they last)...
No, IT'S ALREADY DIFFERENT...don't you see that? Are you oblivious to whats going on? Yeah you can sling insults at him or me or whoever but that doesn't change what is. American's are over the bullshit...period. This is a good thing Paint. Embrace it. This country hasn't been "for", "by" and "of" for a long fucking time. You know why? Because of the useless fucks in Washington (Republican's/Democrats)
I'll make it easy on you. Name the last person elected President who hadn't previously held elected office say, being a governor? Go...

You want "change", the Powers That Be, do not. They are the ones who actually matter in this case.
Again Paint you're living in the past. Past history does not, nor will it ever, reflect on whats going on today in Politics. History is being rewritten as we speak. Again, flow charts and past history have ZERO bearing on what is happening and what will happen. For if it had, the rise of Trump would have NEVER happened. You don't seem to be able to comprehend that.

I know you dislike him a lot, but don't let that emotion get in the way of common sense. Like it or not, there's a Political revolution going on in this country. When establishment candidates are polling in the single digits and on life support thats nothing to glance over. It's a real and palpable revolution thats going on. Keep in mind when I use the word Revolution I'm not talking about people rioting in the streets and protesting everywhere. I'm talking about a movement of Americans that are finally holding their elected officials accountable and putting their votes some where else (in this case Trump and Sanders)

Think about that. A socialist old man on the verge of death is neck and neck with an establishment Democrat :lol: :lol: You don't find that odd?
There is nothing odd in this election cycle and I do hate Trump, and those who like him, but that changes nothing. Unlike you I'm not doing the math on faith or living in hope.
but you believe others are. And dis them when they say they're not. hmmmmm you'e still a self righteous fk, with no power ball money, and yet you predict. funny dude bubba joe paintmaster.
Yes they do, it's called negative advertising and the primary intent of negative ads is to discourage "the other sides" voters from showing up at the polls (i.e SUPPRESS VOTES); and the Democrats do it just as much as the Republicans do.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Democrats with halos and Republicans with pitchforks and horns is a fantasy, both gangs of thugs are equally evil.
That is not voter suppression, that is American politics.
ROFLMAO! okay if you say so Mr. Cognitive Dissonance.
I do...

"Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising the right to vote."
voter suppression - Google Search
LOL, Thank you for supporting my argument and refuting your own. :)
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
Sorry, I must have given you too much credit..
These are the people that haven't been voting in years. Which would mean, they haven't been contributing to the fucked up plutocracy we are evolving into.

Actually, they have been participating, through their apathy. Apathy of the American voter is the leading cause. Which supports my point. People are stupid. Apathy mixed with the hope for improvement or change is an expression of stupidity.
Well, that settles it! Lets none of us vote since THAT is how we will solve this! :lol:

That's the exact opposite of what I just said.

By "giving up" those apathetic voters helped create the plutocracy you've mentioned. The fewer people who vote, the easier it is for candidates to win off of wealth alone.
That is not voter suppression, that is American politics.
ROFLMAO! okay if you say so Mr. Cognitive Dissonance.
I do...

"Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising the right to vote."
voter suppression - Google Search
LOL, Thank you for supporting my argument and refuting your own. :)
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
I'll help you out one more time. Voter suppression is not I hate these guys so I don't want to vote, it's saying things like if you vote they will check for warrants and arrest you, or calling in a bomb threat do so people can't vote, or telling them to vote at the wrong location or on the wrong day. It's not making an ugly election, it's trying to keep people from being able to vote, period.
ROFLMAO! okay if you say so Mr. Cognitive Dissonance.
I do...

"Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising the right to vote."
voter suppression - Google Search
LOL, Thank you for supporting my argument and refuting your own. :)
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
I'll help you out one more time. Voter suppression is not I hate these guys so I don't want to vote, it's saying things like if you vote they will check for warrants and arrest you, or calling in a bomb threat do so people can't vote, or telling them to vote at the wrong location or on the wrong day. It's not making an ugly election, it's trying to keep people from being able to vote, period.
in your world, not mine.

suppression is suppression, it is one where a vote doesn't count. my world.
I do...

"Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising the right to vote."
voter suppression - Google Search
LOL, Thank you for supporting my argument and refuting your own. :)
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
I'll help you out one more time. Voter suppression is not I hate these guys so I don't want to vote, it's saying things like if you vote they will check for warrants and arrest you, or calling in a bomb threat do so people can't vote, or telling them to vote at the wrong location or on the wrong day. It's not making an ugly election, it's trying to keep people from being able to vote, period.
in your world, not mine.

suppression is suppression, it is one where a vote doesn't count. my world.
Voter suppression is a crime, a form of fraud. It's meaning it not optional so therefore, yours is wrong.
LOL, Thank you for supporting my argument and refuting your own. :)
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
I'll help you out one more time. Voter suppression is not I hate these guys so I don't want to vote, it's saying things like if you vote they will check for warrants and arrest you, or calling in a bomb threat do so people can't vote, or telling them to vote at the wrong location or on the wrong day. It's not making an ugly election, it's trying to keep people from being able to vote, period.
in your world, not mine.

suppression is suppression, it is one where a vote doesn't count. my world.
Voter suppression is a crime, a form of fraud. It's meaning it not optional so therefore, yours is wrong.
yeppers, so where are the arrests?
Notice the Right To Vote part.
do they have IDs? Prove their citizens?
I'll help you out one more time. Voter suppression is not I hate these guys so I don't want to vote, it's saying things like if you vote they will check for warrants and arrest you, or calling in a bomb threat do so people can't vote, or telling them to vote at the wrong location or on the wrong day. It's not making an ugly election, it's trying to keep people from being able to vote, period.
in your world, not mine.

suppression is suppression, it is one where a vote doesn't count. my world.
Voter suppression is a crime, a form of fraud. It's meaning it not optional so therefore, yours is wrong.
yeppers, so where are the arrests?
Like so: Carl Gibson of Concord Indicted on Voter Suppression Charges | News Releases | NH Department of Justice
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
TNHarley is one of those right wing nuts who tries to suggest he's not a Republican. Oh sorry, a libertarian. Same fucking thing. Just a slightly different nut but still a nut.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I cross over every election except the last when Ds when mentally ill.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.

And I have never voted for a democrat. But some people do register as one and sometimes vote for the other.

My understanding is that it used to be more common, before the Dems went bat shit crazy.

A lot of the rust belt people that voted for Trump, are generations old blue dog democrats, that are certainly in play. If you dems can hide your contempt for them, for a day or two before the actual voting takes place.

The choice is yours.
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?
Did he say something correct?
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?
Senator, not governor
But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate.

Rule of or by the masses has always turned out so well in the past....
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?
Did he say something correct?
that dude never does. I'm still going huh on your post. are you quoting him? sorry, it doesn't stand up to a logic test. perhaps reread it.

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