Many "lost" voters have found their candidate in Trump

I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?

All I need to do is go over all the threads you've ever started to know you are right wing bat shit crazy.

If you aren't voting Democratic then you are against the middle class. YOU are the reason the middle class is struggling. Not making as much as we used to. Mission accomplished for the GOP. The rich are making more than ever. Mission accomplished. Corporations are paying no taxes. Mission accomplished. Corporations won't stop employing illegal immigrants. Trump can build a wall it won't stop illegal employers. Mission accomplished.

Did you like the Supreme Court picks of Trump? Then you are a Republican. You're just can't admit it because they suck and so you want to pretend to be an independent or moderate or libertarian.

Trust us, you're a Republican. You don't even know it.
Democrat policies destroy the middle class. Higher taxes, irrelevant regulations all kinds of shit. dem policies could be summed up by saying, "fuck decent income and small businesses"

We paid high taxes in the 1980's, 1990's and the middle class boomed. Corporations didn't like paying taxes or high wages and look what we have today.

As union membership went from 35% of our workforce to about 10% wages have taken a dive for workers. Now go ahead and blame "liberals"

Irrelevant regulations? Which ones? Most regulations are there for a reason. OMG you are repeating the GOP talking point on regulations. Most of those regulations protect workers or the environment. And when Bush removed regulations it caused a great recession. Obama put those regulations back and the economy did just fine. He got us out of the great recession.

And today I hear small business' still complaining that they are struggling. I guess Republicans didn't really remove any regulations that impacted small business in a meaningful way. Do you know what they complain about? Not enough customers and too high of rent. Why don't they have more customers? Because the middle class doesn't have enough disposable income.

Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer.

Not only do you not have enough money in your pockets, too many Americans aren't saving anything for retirement.

Keep blaming Democrats as your personal finances suck balls. Meanwhile, us Republicans are doing great. I mean real republicans like me who save 25% of our salaries and will retire early. The Haves.
I am against regulations because 90 percent of them are unconstitutional.
Lol higher taxes make the middle class boom? The whole economy boomed in the 90s thanks to the tech boom. BTW, reagan lowered taxes in the 80s. Liar.
Why do you think rent is so high, dumbass? Property taxes, regulations and bullshit protections cause insurance to go up.. i could go on. Your talking points are a mix between karl marx and andrew cuomo.
You are retarded. You complain about lack of disposable income then talk about h8gh taxes make the middle class boom :rofl:
Get the fuck outta here

If we weren't paying high taxes in the 80's why did Bush lower taxes in the 2000's?

Why is the rent so high in all these strip malls? They charge what the market will bare. I see a lot of vacant spots in a lot of strip malls. If the economy is so great how come no one is starting new business'? And how come these landlords don't lower the rent if no one is buying at the current rates?

My buddy owns a small business. Says he pays all his bills with what he makes in 3 weeks and he gets to keep the last week for himself. Or in a 5 week month he keeps 2 weeks to himself.

I have an idea. Why don't we make every month 5 weeks? LOL.
Because clinton raised them in the 90s.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?
He called me a radical rightwinger and a republican. Not sure what im supposed to reread

I don't think he believes you when you say " I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year."
Sure did. Jim webb and phil bredesen. Awesome people.

If you are not really upset at Trump's court appointments then you are a republican. Fuck Jim Webb. Phil who?
Ahh not extreme enough for you to like huh? He doesnt count :lol:
Phil bredesen. Old TN governor ran for senate seat.
Neil gorsuch is a non partisan constitutionalist. People like him are SUPPOSED to be on the supreme court. Not political activists.
You are a pathetic partisan hack. Intellectually repugnant.

Actually, I don't hate Gorsucks YET.

He is a right wing idealog who legislates from the bench. He just legislates the way you like that's all.

Has he sided with people once or does he always side with corporations like the other right wingers on the bench?

Liberal judges tend to side with people over corporations. I know you don't like that because as far as you are concerned corporations are gods. They are who you worship.

I love atheist conservatives. You got half right at least.
When has he legislated from the bench? Lets get into details, not leftist parroting.
I dont trust corporations and i despise mega corporations. Monopolies hurt end users.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

Look at what? A sitting President, especially one which lost the popular vote in the General, has to win over voters who didn't vote for him in the last election, and expand his base.

Trump has driven away voters who voter for him in the last election, including mid-Western soy bean farmers, production workers, and middle class taxpayers who are saying "Tax cut, what tax cut?". Trump has had 4 years to "Drain the swamp" and has so far corrupted more previously respected public servants and anyone in recent memory.

If you are a member of the President's staff, you have to lie for the President, deceive the American public and back up the Presidents' lies, and violate your oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land, on a daily basis. We recently had reports that the President offered a pardon if people from Homeland Security violated the restraining order which prevents him from separating families.

Undermining the rule of law at every turn. Suggesting that Russia, if you're listening, if you could find Hillary's emails, isn't illegal, but it ought to be. Asking Jim Comey for a loyalty oath, violates the Oath Comey swore to uphold the Constitution. Apparently William Barr had no trouble swearing his allegiance to Trump. So much for his being the "peoples' lawyer". Just another member of the Trump Swamp All-Star Chorus.
All I need to do is go over all the threads you've ever started to know you are right wing bat shit crazy.

If you aren't voting Democratic then you are against the middle class. YOU are the reason the middle class is struggling. Not making as much as we used to. Mission accomplished for the GOP. The rich are making more than ever. Mission accomplished. Corporations are paying no taxes. Mission accomplished. Corporations won't stop employing illegal immigrants. Trump can build a wall it won't stop illegal employers. Mission accomplished.

Did you like the Supreme Court picks of Trump? Then you are a Republican. You're just can't admit it because they suck and so you want to pretend to be an independent or moderate or libertarian.

Trust us, you're a Republican. You don't even know it.
Democrat policies destroy the middle class. Higher taxes, irrelevant regulations all kinds of shit. dem policies could be summed up by saying, "fuck decent income and small businesses"

We paid high taxes in the 1980's, 1990's and the middle class boomed. Corporations didn't like paying taxes or high wages and look what we have today.

As union membership went from 35% of our workforce to about 10% wages have taken a dive for workers. Now go ahead and blame "liberals"

Irrelevant regulations? Which ones? Most regulations are there for a reason. OMG you are repeating the GOP talking point on regulations. Most of those regulations protect workers or the environment. And when Bush removed regulations it caused a great recession. Obama put those regulations back and the economy did just fine. He got us out of the great recession.

And today I hear small business' still complaining that they are struggling. I guess Republicans didn't really remove any regulations that impacted small business in a meaningful way. Do you know what they complain about? Not enough customers and too high of rent. Why don't they have more customers? Because the middle class doesn't have enough disposable income.

Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer.

Not only do you not have enough money in your pockets, too many Americans aren't saving anything for retirement.

Keep blaming Democrats as your personal finances suck balls. Meanwhile, us Republicans are doing great. I mean real republicans like me who save 25% of our salaries and will retire early. The Haves.
I am against regulations because 90 percent of them are unconstitutional.
Lol higher taxes make the middle class boom? The whole economy boomed in the 90s thanks to the tech boom. BTW, reagan lowered taxes in the 80s. Liar.
Why do you think rent is so high, dumbass? Property taxes, regulations and bullshit protections cause insurance to go up.. i could go on. Your talking points are a mix between karl marx and andrew cuomo.
You are retarded. You complain about lack of disposable income then talk about h8gh taxes make the middle class boom :rofl:
Get the fuck outta here
You sound just like a Libertarian.

Yes you could go on with your right wing talking points. Most middle class small business' just need more customers. You want their costs to go down? What costs? For one you want to get rid of the minimum wage so small business owners can take advantage of workers even more than they do now.

Listen, I don't want to argue with a libertarian. Just a different spin on an old bad idea. Conservativism.
Fuck libertarians.
Federal minimum wage is unconstitutional. State minimum wage laws are ok though. I think they are stupid but at least they are legal.
job busters at that.
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?

All I need to do is go over all the threads you've ever started to know you are right wing bat shit crazy.

If you aren't voting Democratic then you are against the middle class. YOU are the reason the middle class is struggling. Not making as much as we used to. Mission accomplished for the GOP. The rich are making more than ever. Mission accomplished. Corporations are paying no taxes. Mission accomplished. Corporations won't stop employing illegal immigrants. Trump can build a wall it won't stop illegal employers. Mission accomplished.

Did you like the Supreme Court picks of Trump? Then you are a Republican. You're just can't admit it because they suck and so you want to pretend to be an independent or moderate or libertarian.

Trust us, you're a Republican. You don't even know it.
Democrat policies destroy the middle class. Higher taxes, irrelevant regulations all kinds of shit. dem policies could be summed up by saying, "fuck decent income and small businesses"
they love killing jobs. just look at all the minimum wage job killings they've already triggered.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

Look at what? A sitting President, especially one which lost the popular vote in the General, has to win over voters who didn't vote for him in the last election, and expand his base.

Trump has driven away voters who voter for him in the last election, including mid-Western soy bean farmers, production workers, and middle class taxpayers who are saying "Tax cut, what tax cut?". Trump has had 4 years to "Drain the swamp" and has so far corrupted more previously respected public servants and anyone in recent memory.

If you are a member of the President's staff, you have to lie for the President, deceive the American public and back up the Presidents' lies, and violate your oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land, on a daily basis. We recently had reports that the President offered a pardon if people from Homeland Security violated the restraining order which prevents him from separating families.

Undermining the rule of law at every turn. Suggesting that Russia, if you're listening, if you could find Hillary's emails, isn't illegal, but it ought to be. Asking Jim Comey for a loyalty oath, violates the Oath Comey swore to uphold the Constitution. Apparently William Barr had no trouble swearing his allegiance to Trump. So much for his being the "peoples' lawyer". Just another member of the Trump Swamp All-Star Chorus.
3 year old thread genius.
I bet you didnt even read it and went into hyper TDS mode instead.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
The substance of lies between the 2 isnt comparable. Yet.
Trump has a way to go on to catch up to that
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.

Trump lies about a lot more than the weather. He lied about the tax cuts, promising working Americans thousands of dollars in tax cuts. Instead, these people are having to pay thousands of dollars in taxes, instead of receiving a refund. The $200 a month they received in withholding reductions, have translated into tax liabilities in excess of $5000 to the IRS - far more than their withholding was reduced. Middle class taxes have gone up to pay for reductions in corporate taxes.

Speaking of which, corporations are asking for billions of dollars in tax breaks on infrastructure costs for their businesses and plants on the grounds that they're creating jobs, but why should the working people of New York be required to fund the roads, subways and infrastructure projects required to house a campus of 50,000 people, and the infrastructure required to provide access, housing, and service industries to that many NEW workers in that area.

Trump promised he'd put an end to illegal immigration, but the only thing he's put an end to is prosecuting employers who hire illegal immigrants. Of course he'd have to file charges against his own company since stories come out daily about how the Trump Corporation knowlingly hired illegal workers, and how they abused them for unpaid overtime, lack of benefits, and generally paid them less than American workers who are protected by minimum wage and employment law. The Obama administration was going after these rich criminals and Republicans don't like it when the people who benefit most from illegal immigration are punished for both encouraging illegal immigration, and profitting from the abuse of vulnerable people. This is the ultimate abuse of power.

Trump lied about his campaign's ties to Russia, about his willingness and enthusiasm for the assistance he received from the Russian government. He's now busy lying about the level of that well-coordinated assistance. It wasn't a "couple of ads on FaceBook", it was a multi-million program using polling data on Republican voters which Paul Manifort handed over to Konstantin Killimnik, and which Russia used to directly contact over 29 million American households, which is more than 1/3 of the American electorate.

Trump lied about the Caravans. They aren't George Soros funded invasions of terrorists and gang members coming in hoardes to vote for Democrats. They're middle class families running from the narco terrorist invasion of gang members from the United States who have overrun and destroyed the fragile democracies where these people lived. Many of the refugees which the Trump Administration has turned away, have returned home and being killed.

Trump's lies about the Caravans and his white nationalist rhetoric have lead to two synagogues being attacked by white supremacists, and a third potential attacker was arrested by the FBI, not long before the New Zealand attack. His threats to build the wall and close the border are driving the surge of people currently crossing the border. They fear he will close the border, and they've seen how his efforts to slow the numbers of people cross at ports of entry are creating hardships and driving the increase in illegal crossings.

Trump's policies have created a humanitarian crisis at the southern border, and he has now rewarded those for-profit prison companies who "donated to the inauguration fund" with some $200 million in taxpayers' money which would be better spent on education, infrastructure, and healthcare for the American people. This is $200 million that Trump is giving to his rich guy friends to lock up families in prison camps along the southern border. People who would not even be at the southern border except for Trump ranting about building a wall and closing the border.

Then there's Trump's lies about health care. Better, cheaper, healthcare for all was the promise - on Day 1 of his Administration. We still haven't even seen Trump's plan. He says he'll unveil it AFTER the election. That's the bullshit line he used before the 2016 election, and like his tax returns, we still haven't seen it.

I watched the Barr hearings today. Barr doesn't even need to bother to show tomorrow, although I will definitely watch and see if he dares show his face on Capital Hill again. Barr disgraced himself, admitting he lied to Congress not once, but twice, when he said that Mueller had no problem with his conclusions, despite what his letter said. Yeah Right!!!

But best of all was his hemming, hawing and the total stuttering meltdown Barr had when asked if Donald Trump have ever ordered him to prosecute someone. William Barr is not the attorney for the American people or the Constitution of the United States. William Barr is Donald Trump's Attorney General. He's the guy that even makes someone as low-down, racist, and ass-kissing as Jeff Sessions look like a decent human being in comparison. William Barr cleared Donald Trump without reading the Mueller Report, without reading the evidence, and as a strictly political move, and then he tried to cover it for it by saying that it was "his report" to do with what he chose.

Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.

Trump lies about a lot more than the weather. He lied about the tax cuts, promising working Americans thousands of dollars in tax cuts. Instead, these people are having to pay thousands of dollars in taxes, instead of receiving a refund. The $200 a month they received in withholding reductions, have translated into tax liabilities in excess of $5000 to the IRS - far more than their withholding was reduced. Middle class taxes have gone up to pay for reductions in corporate taxes.

Speaking of which, corporations are asking for billions of dollars in tax breaks on infrastructure costs for their businesses and plants on the grounds that they're creating jobs, but why should the working people of New York be required to fund the roads, subways and infrastructure projects required to house a campus of 50,000 people, and the infrastructure required to provide access, housing, and service industries to that many NEW workers in that area.

Trump promised he'd put an end to illegal immigration, but the only thing he's put an end to is prosecuting employers who hire illegal immigrants. Of course he'd have to file charges against his own company since stories come out daily about how the Trump Corporation knowlingly hired illegal workers, and how they abused them for unpaid overtime, lack of benefits, and generally paid them less than American workers who are protected by minimum wage and employment law. The Obama administration was going after these rich criminals and Republicans don't like it when the people who benefit most from illegal immigration are punished for both encouraging illegal immigration, and profitting from the abuse of vulnerable people. This is the ultimate abuse of power.

Trump lied about his campaign's ties to Russia, about his willingness and enthusiasm for the assistance he received from the Russian government. He's now busy lying about the level of that well-coordinated assistance. It wasn't a "couple of ads on FaceBook", it was a multi-million program using polling data on Republican voters which Paul Manifort handed over to Konstantin Killimnik, and which Russia used to directly contact over 29 million American households, which is more than 1/3 of the American electorate.

Trump lied about the Caravans. They aren't George Soros funded invasions of terrorists and gang members coming in hoardes to vote for Democrats. They're middle class families running from the narco terrorist invasion of gang members from the United States who have overrun and destroyed the fragile democracies where these people lived. Many of the refugees which the Trump Administration has turned away, have returned home and being killed.

Trump's lies about the Caravans and his white nationalist rhetoric have lead to two synagogues being attacked by white supremacists, and a third potential attacker was arrested by the FBI, not long before the New Zealand attack. His threats to build the wall and close the border are driving the surge of people currently crossing the border. They fear he will close the border, and they've seen how his efforts to slow the numbers of people cross at ports of entry are creating hardships and driving the increase in illegal crossings.

Trump's policies have created a humanitarian crisis at the southern border, and he has now rewarded those for-profit prison companies who "donated to the inauguration fund" with some $200 million in taxpayers' money which would be better spent on education, infrastructure, and healthcare for the American people. This is $200 million that Trump is giving to his rich guy friends to lock up families in prison camps along the southern border. People who would not even be at the southern border except for Trump ranting about building a wall and closing the border.

Then there's Trump's lies about health care. Better, cheaper, healthcare for all was the promise - on Day 1 of his Administration. We still haven't even seen Trump's plan. He says he'll unveil it AFTER the election. That's the bullshit line he used before the 2016 election, and like his tax returns, we still haven't seen it.

I watched the Barr hearings today. Barr doesn't even need to bother to show tomorrow, although I will definitely watch and see if he dares show his face on Capital Hill again. Barr disgraced himself, admitting he lied to Congress not once, but twice, when he said that Mueller had no problem with his conclusions, despite what his letter said. Yeah Right!!!

But best of all was his hemming, hawing and the total stuttering meltdown Barr had when asked if Donald Trump have ever ordered him to prosecute someone. William Barr is not the attorney for the American people or the Constitution of the United States. William Barr is Donald Trump's Attorney General. He's the guy that even makes someone as low-down, racist, and ass-kissing as Jeff Sessions look like a decent human being in comparison. William Barr cleared Donald Trump without reading the Mueller Report, without reading the evidence, and as a strictly political move, and then he tried to cover it for it by saying that it was "his report" to do with what he chose.


Link to support any of that bat shit crazy stuff.

This is a rhetorical challenge, as we both know you can't.

Meanwhile in the real world, the economy is up, deportations are up, and no one cares about your race baiting.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.

Trump lies about a lot more than the weather. He lied about the tax cuts, promising working Americans thousands of dollars in tax cuts. Instead, these people are having to pay thousands of dollars in taxes, instead of receiving a refund. The $200 a month they received in withholding reductions, have translated into tax liabilities in excess of $5000 to the IRS - far more than their withholding was reduced. Middle class taxes have gone up to pay for reductions in corporate taxes.

Speaking of which, corporations are asking for billions of dollars in tax breaks on infrastructure costs for their businesses and plants on the grounds that they're creating jobs, but why should the working people of New York be required to fund the roads, subways and infrastructure projects required to house a campus of 50,000 people, and the infrastructure required to provide access, housing, and service industries to that many NEW workers in that area.

Trump promised he'd put an end to illegal immigration, but the only thing he's put an end to is prosecuting employers who hire illegal immigrants. Of course he'd have to file charges against his own company since stories come out daily about how the Trump Corporation knowlingly hired illegal workers, and how they abused them for unpaid overtime, lack of benefits, and generally paid them less than American workers who are protected by minimum wage and employment law. The Obama administration was going after these rich criminals and Republicans don't like it when the people who benefit most from illegal immigration are punished for both encouraging illegal immigration, and profitting from the abuse of vulnerable people. This is the ultimate abuse of power.

Trump lied about his campaign's ties to Russia, about his willingness and enthusiasm for the assistance he received from the Russian government. He's now busy lying about the level of that well-coordinated assistance. It wasn't a "couple of ads on FaceBook", it was a multi-million program using polling data on Republican voters which Paul Manifort handed over to Konstantin Killimnik, and which Russia used to directly contact over 29 million American households, which is more than 1/3 of the American electorate.

Trump lied about the Caravans. They aren't George Soros funded invasions of terrorists and gang members coming in hoardes to vote for Democrats. They're middle class families running from the narco terrorist invasion of gang members from the United States who have overrun and destroyed the fragile democracies where these people lived. Many of the refugees which the Trump Administration has turned away, have returned home and being killed.

Trump's lies about the Caravans and his white nationalist rhetoric have lead to two synagogues being attacked by white supremacists, and a third potential attacker was arrested by the FBI, not long before the New Zealand attack. His threats to build the wall and close the border are driving the surge of people currently crossing the border. They fear he will close the border, and they've seen how his efforts to slow the numbers of people cross at ports of entry are creating hardships and driving the increase in illegal crossings.

Trump's policies have created a humanitarian crisis at the southern border, and he has now rewarded those for-profit prison companies who "donated to the inauguration fund" with some $200 million in taxpayers' money which would be better spent on education, infrastructure, and healthcare for the American people. This is $200 million that Trump is giving to his rich guy friends to lock up families in prison camps along the southern border. People who would not even be at the southern border except for Trump ranting about building a wall and closing the border.

Then there's Trump's lies about health care. Better, cheaper, healthcare for all was the promise - on Day 1 of his Administration. We still haven't even seen Trump's plan. He says he'll unveil it AFTER the election. That's the bullshit line he used before the 2016 election, and like his tax returns, we still haven't seen it.

I watched the Barr hearings today. Barr doesn't even need to bother to show tomorrow, although I will definitely watch and see if he dares show his face on Capital Hill again. Barr disgraced himself, admitting he lied to Congress not once, but twice, when he said that Mueller had no problem with his conclusions, despite what his letter said. Yeah Right!!!

But best of all was his hemming, hawing and the total stuttering meltdown Barr had when asked if Donald Trump have ever ordered him to prosecute someone. William Barr is not the attorney for the American people or the Constitution of the United States. William Barr is Donald Trump's Attorney General. He's the guy that even makes someone as low-down, racist, and ass-kissing as Jeff Sessions look like a decent human being in comparison. William Barr cleared Donald Trump without reading the Mueller Report, without reading the evidence, and as a strictly political move, and then he tried to cover it for it by saying that it was "his report" to do with what he chose.


Link to support any of that bat shit crazy stuff.

This is a rhetorical challenge, as we both know you can't.

Meanwhile in the real world, the economy is up, deportations are up, and no one cares about your race baiting.

Whose economy is up? The economy for the 80% of American workers who don't own stocks, or the 50% of families who cannot withstand a $500 financial emergency? How "up" are their wages? How much access to quality health care do these people have? These are the people who put Trump into office. They voted for "Hope and Change" with Obama, and nothing changed. They voted for "drain the swamp" with Trump, and billionaires got a tax cut.

Trump can't run on his record, because it's shit on a shingle. Tax cuts which benefit the wealthy, and a crime bill which benefits criminals. What about the working men and women of America who have been ignored since Reagan was elected? The guys in Pennsylvannia and Indiana, whose jobs Trump promised to protect/bring back? You think they'll be voting for Trump, again? How about the soy bean farmers who trusted Trump on tariff's and lost their entire year's crop in this spring?

How about all of those young voters who watched Trump reneg on his promises to the shooting victims and stand with the NRA on background checks and bans on semi-automatic weapon? And don't forget the women. The Republican soccer moms who saw their health care cut, their reproductive health care threatened by the religious whims of their employers, and who the people Trump nominates and associates himself with general treat women with a total lack of respect, dignity, or consideration.

8 million more female voters than male voters in America and the women are not fans of Donald Trump. Not in the slightest.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.

Trump lies about a lot more than the weather. He lied about the tax cuts, promising working Americans thousands of dollars in tax cuts. Instead, these people are having to pay thousands of dollars in taxes, instead of receiving a refund. The $200 a month they received in withholding reductions, have translated into tax liabilities in excess of $5000 to the IRS - far more than their withholding was reduced. Middle class taxes have gone up to pay for reductions in corporate taxes.

Speaking of which, corporations are asking for billions of dollars in tax breaks on infrastructure costs for their businesses and plants on the grounds that they're creating jobs, but why should the working people of New York be required to fund the roads, subways and infrastructure projects required to house a campus of 50,000 people, and the infrastructure required to provide access, housing, and service industries to that many NEW workers in that area.

Trump promised he'd put an end to illegal immigration, but the only thing he's put an end to is prosecuting employers who hire illegal immigrants. Of course he'd have to file charges against his own company since stories come out daily about how the Trump Corporation knowlingly hired illegal workers, and how they abused them for unpaid overtime, lack of benefits, and generally paid them less than American workers who are protected by minimum wage and employment law. The Obama administration was going after these rich criminals and Republicans don't like it when the people who benefit most from illegal immigration are punished for both encouraging illegal immigration, and profitting from the abuse of vulnerable people. This is the ultimate abuse of power.

Trump lied about his campaign's ties to Russia, about his willingness and enthusiasm for the assistance he received from the Russian government. He's now busy lying about the level of that well-coordinated assistance. It wasn't a "couple of ads on FaceBook", it was a multi-million program using polling data on Republican voters which Paul Manifort handed over to Konstantin Killimnik, and which Russia used to directly contact over 29 million American households, which is more than 1/3 of the American electorate.

Trump lied about the Caravans. They aren't George Soros funded invasions of terrorists and gang members coming in hoardes to vote for Democrats. They're middle class families running from the narco terrorist invasion of gang members from the United States who have overrun and destroyed the fragile democracies where these people lived. Many of the refugees which the Trump Administration has turned away, have returned home and being killed.

Trump's lies about the Caravans and his white nationalist rhetoric have lead to two synagogues being attacked by white supremacists, and a third potential attacker was arrested by the FBI, not long before the New Zealand attack. His threats to build the wall and close the border are driving the surge of people currently crossing the border. They fear he will close the border, and they've seen how his efforts to slow the numbers of people cross at ports of entry are creating hardships and driving the increase in illegal crossings.

Trump's policies have created a humanitarian crisis at the southern border, and he has now rewarded those for-profit prison companies who "donated to the inauguration fund" with some $200 million in taxpayers' money which would be better spent on education, infrastructure, and healthcare for the American people. This is $200 million that Trump is giving to his rich guy friends to lock up families in prison camps along the southern border. People who would not even be at the southern border except for Trump ranting about building a wall and closing the border.

Then there's Trump's lies about health care. Better, cheaper, healthcare for all was the promise - on Day 1 of his Administration. We still haven't even seen Trump's plan. He says he'll unveil it AFTER the election. That's the bullshit line he used before the 2016 election, and like his tax returns, we still haven't seen it.

I watched the Barr hearings today. Barr doesn't even need to bother to show tomorrow, although I will definitely watch and see if he dares show his face on Capital Hill again. Barr disgraced himself, admitting he lied to Congress not once, but twice, when he said that Mueller had no problem with his conclusions, despite what his letter said. Yeah Right!!!

But best of all was his hemming, hawing and the total stuttering meltdown Barr had when asked if Donald Trump have ever ordered him to prosecute someone. William Barr is not the attorney for the American people or the Constitution of the United States. William Barr is Donald Trump's Attorney General. He's the guy that even makes someone as low-down, racist, and ass-kissing as Jeff Sessions look like a decent human being in comparison. William Barr cleared Donald Trump without reading the Mueller Report, without reading the evidence, and as a strictly political move, and then he tried to cover it for it by saying that it was "his report" to do with what he chose.


Link to support any of that bat shit crazy stuff.

This is a rhetorical challenge, as we both know you can't.

Meanwhile in the real world, the economy is up, deportations are up, and no one cares about your race baiting.

Whose economy is up? The economy for the 80% of American workers who don't own stocks, or the 50% of families who cannot withstand a $500 financial emergency? How "up" are their wages? How much access to quality health care do these people have? These are the people who put Trump into office. They voted for "Hope and Change" with Obama, and nothing changed. They voted for "drain the swamp" with Trump, and billionaires got a tax cut.

Trump can't run on his record, because it's shit on a shingle. Tax cuts which benefit the wealthy, and a crime bill which benefits criminals. What about the working men and women of America who have been ignored since Reagan was elected? The guys in Pennsylvannia and Indiana, whose jobs Trump promised to protect/bring back? You think they'll be voting for Trump, again? How about the soy bean farmers who trusted Trump on tariff's and lost their entire year's crop in this spring?

How about all of those young voters who watched Trump reneg on his promises to the shooting victims and stand with the NRA on background checks and bans on semi-automatic weapon? And don't forget the women. The Republican soccer moms who saw their health care cut, their reproductive health care threatened by the religious whims of their employers, and who the people Trump nominates and associates himself with general treat women with a total lack of respect, dignity, or consideration.

8 million more female voters than male voters in America and the women are not fans of Donald Trump. Not in the slightest.

1. Manufacturing jobs are doing well, and could very well be doing even better by the election.

2. With good jobs, come good benefits.

3. Your assumption that women are pro-abortion is flawed.

4. Your lies about Trump treating women badly, is losing credibility as more and more of your lies are exposed. See Russia.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
Trump is pathological liar who lies whenever it suits his needs; Obama lied for the same reason all politicians lie, namely to serve the interests of economic parasites like Donald.

Which is why I never voted for either opportunist.


Opinion | Trump’s Lies vs. Obama’s

"After we published a list of President Trump’s lies this summer, we heard a common response from his supporters. They said, in effect: Yes, but if you made a similar list for previous presidents, it would be just as bad.

"We’ve set out to make that list.

"Here, you will find our attempt at a comprehensive catalog of the falsehoods that Barack Obama told while he was president. (We also discuss George W. Bush below, although the lack of real-time fact-checking during his presidency made a comprehensive list impossible.)"

Infographic: How Trump's Lies Compare With Obama's
I don't think he believes you when you say " I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year."
Sure did. Jim webb and phil bredesen. Awesome people.

If you are not really upset at Trump's court appointments then you are a republican. Fuck Jim Webb. Phil who?
Ahh not extreme enough for you to like huh? He doesnt count :lol:
Phil bredesen. Old TN governor ran for senate seat.
Neil gorsuch is a non partisan constitutionalist. People like him are SUPPOSED to be on the supreme court. Not political activists.
You are a pathetic partisan hack. Intellectually repugnant.

Actually, I don't hate Gorsucks YET.

He is a right wing idealog who legislates from the bench. He just legislates the way you like that's all.

Has he sided with people once or does he always side with corporations like the other right wingers on the bench?

Liberal judges tend to side with people over corporations. I know you don't like that because as far as you are concerned corporations are gods. They are who you worship.

I love atheist conservatives. You got half right at least.
When has he legislated from the bench? Lets get into details, not leftist parroting.
I dont trust corporations and i despise mega corporations. Monopolies hurt end users.

I remember making lots of money in the 90's and paying lots of taxes but also saving lots of money. Don't mind the taxes so much when I'm making a lot of money.

I probably pay a lot in taxes now. I don't really pay attention. My bank account just keeps growing.

So I never understand the rich who complain about the taxes or the poor people like you who complain for them. Waaah. Boo fucking wooo. Winners don't complain that much.

That's why I think it's weird that the winners in this country got the losers complaining so much for them.

And then not complaining when the tax burden gets shifted onto you.

Ultimately democratic or republican governors are raising taxes to make up for all the tax breaks given on the federal level. That means your taxes will have to go up to fix things like infrastructure.

I hope now the rich finally are paying their fair share? Or do we need to lower their taxes even more. Please tell me what is the right amount the rich should be paying.

This is what Republicans are doing to the middle class Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

He certainly is lost. He apparently has lost his mind.

You have people who have been lifelong Republicans voting Democrat for the first time in 2018. Democrats picked up suburban seats in blue and red states.

Those are independents.

Yes, a lot of people who traditionally vote Democrat fell for Trump's lies. I remember seeing him campaigning and knowing he was lying. It all sounded real good though but it's not as effective when you know the guy is lying.

Not really. They are Republican leaning voters who have been driven out by Trump. They still retaining their Republican registration in hopes the party will come back from the right wing abyss it is tottering on.
I don't think he believes you when you say " I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year."
Sure did. Jim webb and phil bredesen. Awesome people.

If you are not really upset at Trump's court appointments then you are a republican. Fuck Jim Webb. Phil who?
Ahh not extreme enough for you to like huh? He doesnt count :lol:
Phil bredesen. Old TN governor ran for senate seat.
Neil gorsuch is a non partisan constitutionalist. People like him are SUPPOSED to be on the supreme court. Not political activists.
You are a pathetic partisan hack. Intellectually repugnant.

Actually, I don't hate Gorsucks YET.

He is a right wing idealog who legislates from the bench. He just legislates the way you like that's all.

Has he sided with people once or does he always side with corporations like the other right wingers on the bench?

Liberal judges tend to side with people over corporations. I know you don't like that because as far as you are concerned corporations are gods. They are who you worship.

I love atheist conservatives. You got half right at least.
When has he legislated from the bench? Lets get into details, not leftist parroting.
I dont trust corporations and i despise mega corporations. Monopolies hurt end users.

Today’s Supreme Court is the most conservative, and the most politicized since before the New Deal. Antonin Scalia was more instrumental than anyone else for politicizing the Court by his comments on and off the bench.

Scalia, and his conservative colleagues who have survived him, have been ever quick to curb the power of Democratic presidents and to augment the power of Republican presidents.

The most blatant abuse of Court power came with the 2000 election when the Court closed the Florida recount and named George W. Bush president, claiming they were setting no precedent and taking this extraordinary step for the sake of convenience, to end uncertainty over the presidency. Scalia made no substantive argument, but simply said, “Get over it!” The conservative court thus chose the President who then appointed two more conservative justices. Then, Republicans denied Obama his constitutional right to appoint Merrick Garland, and Trump put Neil Gorsuch on the Court in Garland’s place. In the most important power of the president to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, McConnell limited Obama’s presidential term to three years and awarded Trump to a five-year term.

Our current paralysis of polarization owes much to the legacy of Antonin Scalia and his conservative colleagues on the Supreme Court, who blame liberals for legislating from the bench, but have been quite as activist as liberal judges in doing just that. Overturning the voting rights act, overturning urban gun restrictions, throwing out campaign finance laws, and overturning anti-trust legislation, all amount precisely to legislating from the bench.

They cater to the needs of financial elites and they favor capital over labor every time.
How come TNHarley is denying being a Republican? Aren't you a Republican if you voted for Trump?

The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?

All I need to do is go over all the threads you've ever started to know you are right wing bat shit crazy.

If you aren't voting Democratic then you are against the middle class. YOU are the reason the middle class is struggling. Not making as much as we used to. Mission accomplished for the GOP. The rich are making more than ever. Mission accomplished. Corporations are paying no taxes. Mission accomplished. Corporations won't stop employing illegal immigrants. Trump can build a wall it won't stop illegal employers. Mission accomplished.

Did you like the Supreme Court picks of Trump? Then you are a Republican. You're just can't admit it because they suck and so you want to pretend to be an independent or moderate or libertarian.

Trust us, you're a Republican. You don't even know it.
Democrat policies destroy the middle class. Higher taxes, irrelevant regulations all kinds of shit. dem policies could be summed up by saying, "fuck decent income and small businesses"

As usual you are wrong. Reasonable regulations are not wrong. That is why I agreed with some of Obama's regulations and disagreed with others. We do not need dirty water, air nor should we be causing the extinction of various species just to save a few bucks.
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The practice of crossing party lines for a specific candidate is only a few days less old than the concept of political parties themselves.
When's the last time you crossed over? Me the closest I ever came to liking a Republican was Reagan. I have never voted for a Republican.

I love it when Libertarians try to say they aren't Republicans. So cute. They don't realize the libertarian party was invented so disappointed Republicans wouldn't vote for the other side.

One simply has to look at Mr. Hartley's threads he's started since joining USMB to know he's a fucking Republican, whether he knows it or not himself. In fact he's a radical right winger.

Libertarian, tea bagger, rino, Trump Republican, Bush Republican, Ron Paul Republican, really no difference to me. You all suck balls.
I voted for a democrat in 2016. i voted for a democrat governor last year.
I hate republicans. They are too totalitarian for my blood
Democrats are just worse.
Have you ever noticed you are wrong on just about everything you post?

All I need to do is go over all the threads you've ever started to know you are right wing bat shit crazy.

If you aren't voting Democratic then you are against the middle class. YOU are the reason the middle class is struggling. Not making as much as we used to. Mission accomplished for the GOP. The rich are making more than ever. Mission accomplished. Corporations are paying no taxes. Mission accomplished. Corporations won't stop employing illegal immigrants. Trump can build a wall it won't stop illegal employers. Mission accomplished.

Did you like the Supreme Court picks of Trump? Then you are a Republican. You're just can't admit it because they suck and so you want to pretend to be an independent or moderate or libertarian.

Trust us, you're a Republican. You don't even know it.
Democrat policies destroy the middle class. Higher taxes, irrelevant regulations all kinds of shit. dem policies could be summed up by saying, "fuck decent income and small businesses"

As usual y6ou are wrong. Reasonable regulations are not wrong. That is why I agreed with some of Obama's regulations and disagreed with others. We do not need dirty water, air nor should we be causing the extinction of various species just to save a few bucks.

Notice they always attack generic "regulations" but never talk specifics? Probably because if we new the facts we wouldn't want those regulations removed.

The rich and corporations want those regulations moved. They make more money when those Regulations are removed.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.
In the nearly three-and-one-half years since your OP, Trump has broken all records when it comes to lying to Americans.

"ON JANUARY 20, 2017,
Donald Trump uttered his first falsehood as president of the United States.

"It came early in his inaugural address. 'Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth,' he said. 'Politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed.'

"By the time Trump finished speaking, he’d said seven more things that didn’t stack up.

"Later in the day, he told employees at the CIA that 'even the media' admitted his inaugural crowd had been 'massive,' stretching 'all the way back down to the Washington Monument.' Very clearly, this was not true, either."

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

How many of those who believed Trump's lies in January of 2016 still believe he is different from other politicians?

Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
Excellent. You dweebs are still chasing after snowflakes. Show me your chart on Obama.

Donald lies about the weather. Obama lied to people about their healthcare.
Trump is pathological liar who lies whenever it suits his needs; Obama lied for the same reason all politicians lie, namely to serve the interests of economic parasites like Donald.

Which is why I never voted for either opportunist.


Opinion | Trump’s Lies vs. Obama’s

"After we published a list of President Trump’s lies this summer, we heard a common response from his supporters. They said, in effect: Yes, but if you made a similar list for previous presidents, it would be just as bad.

"We’ve set out to make that list.

"Here, you will find our attempt at a comprehensive catalog of the falsehoods that Barack Obama told while he was president. (We also discuss George W. Bush below, although the lack of real-time fact-checking during his presidency made a comprehensive list impossible.)"

Infographic: How Trump's Lies Compare With Obama's

O lied repeatedly about policy, ocare, etc. The fact is, hillary lost the election.

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