Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue.

Many People think Donald Trump is a demogogue. Are they correct?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters
I sincerely give no fucks either way what Brandon said. Only politically obsessed goobers like you care about this for imaginary magaturd 'gotcha' points. Will it help the orange bag O' shit stay out of prison/ win an election? Doubtful.

Does it affect the economy? No.
Immigration? Nope.
States rights? No?

Then kindly go fuck yourself dipshit.
Of course it impacts all those things I’d the head federal law enforcement official is senile

That could be why we have a record number of people worse off since he took over, a crisis on the southern border, and global chaos
Of course it impacts all those things I’d the head federal law enforcement official is senile

That could be why we have a record number of people worse off since he took over, a crisis on the southern border, and global chaos
These are your toxic opinions. They have nothing to do with me.
That describes most politicians. Relying entirely on rational speech guarantees a loss.
There are degrees of demogohuery. My assessment there has never been a President more of a demogogue than Trump.
We have never had a President refuse to honor the will of the people from an election. Trump has tried to do everything to stay in power.

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