Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
No, you didn't. You saw a side-show designed to separate you from your money and to solidify tRump's hold over your party.

If any of that were actually evidence they would have presented it in court instead of on tv.

Wake up.

What the stupid person you're replying to doesn't understand is that the only place that it really does matter is in a court of law.

That's the only place that can actually do anything about it.

Saying something on TV isn't going to change anything legally nor is it going to make trump the president in January. It's very easy to lie on TV. There are no consequences. There are a lot of consequences to lying to a judge in a court of law.

The only thing that anyone should pay attention is what is presented in court and how the courts rule.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.
... Unfortunately the country isn't very bright and are easily suckered!...

True of you folks. The rest of the country knows that Dems rigged both the 2016 and the 2020 primaries to prevent a Bernie Sanders victory, and while they failed to rig the 2016 general election, they manage to pull off rigging the 2020 elections, which got them nothing more than badly deteriorated, badly China compromised, lame duck who will keep the seat warm until the GOP retakes the House in 2022 and the presidency in 2024.

Biden vs Nemesis.
To win, the Democrats knowingly drafted the 77-year old Biden (who has since turned 78) to put a familiar veneer on radical agendas that had frightened primary voters. At times, Democrats seemed fated to be directly tied to the statue toppling, protesting, rioting and violence that plagued American cities for much of the summer.
Given the Democrats’ Faustian bargain with their leftmost faction, destructive rumors about Biden’s faculties or his family’s financial escapades will more likely come from his own party’s left wing, eager for a Harris presidency, rather than from the Republican opposition.
It will be the Hard Left that quickly sees Biden as an imposter.
Biden will enter office with an ethical cloud hanging over his head — one that could have been vetted and adjudicated rather than blacked out for most of 2020. His son, brother and perhaps family associates may talk if faced with FBI and IRS probes, if not a special counsel investigation.
No one is going to walk the plank for Old Lame Duck Joe
It will not help Biden that to defeat Trump, many of our institutions were deformed. Special counsels usually never receive a blank check — 22 months and $32 million — to assemble a team of partisans to investigate a new president on mostly hearsay evidence and an opposition-concocted dossier.
Never forget
But that precedent ended with the ill-conceived Robert Muller investigation. By spring, Biden could have done to him what was done to Trump — and what Biden himself so frequently cheered on.
The “shock” that Democrats will feign when 2021 onward turns into a funhouse mirror version of the last four years will be astonishing to watch. Democrats are now reaping the whirlwind of their 2016 election ‘Resistance.’ “Democrats who are dismayed that many Americans aren’t meekly accepting the legitimacy of the Biden presidency are in the process of learning a lesson taught a very long time ago. You reap what you sow.”




Why is that the GOP can't convince anyone besides their politicians and base that there was rampant fraud. When do we get to see the evidence that will convince a judge, the Attorney General, or the cyber security folk? The Right is playing telephone with itself.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

View attachment 430193

The delusion is real! :mad:

Do you still believe the Steele Dossier?

You can overlook it if you like! Hillary didn't illicit that document BTW! She just had it finished and paid for the finished product! It was probably another Repulbican that initially requested dirt on Trump! All the $#!t in that report is more than likely true! Ignoring, saying "all of it is fake" is BS! Anytime Trump says something is fake, he's been NAILED! Go follow your "yellow/urine boy!" :stir:
I have no respect for ANY Republican at this point and anything they have to say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt since it's been proved lying comes quite easily to them...
Thankfully, you're wrong. Every Monday the wife and I walk with another couple. We're Dems, they're true-blue GOP, they're devout Christians, we are not. The wives talk about family, us guy talk anything else (except sports). He has somewhat different values than I do but he would not knowingly lie. He has been lied to and I've taken him to task for not doing his homework better, but he has a life and can't spend every waking moment fact checking news. There are news sources and people he trusts and they have often betrayed him but he doesn't see me as the evil, leftist enemy and he is someone I'd trust with my life money.

I wish you luck! I've unfortunately seen too much injustice in my 63+ yrs to overlook indescretions, mistakes, or unawares being used as an excuse in politics that affect so many! We're tripping over information; most decide to just "wave it off!" That's them, I unfortunately internalize and hang open-mouthed as half this fk'n country is siding with a psychopath! Proud Boys burned another Black church over the weekend! Am I supposed to not make note that the Klansman-in-Chief has nothing to say about it? Those are his foot-soldiers!

I've never had a problem with cops; been treated well and respectfully at all times, but how do people ignore death after death over simple traffic offenses? We see videos of Black men being choked out with people watching! They not only don't GAF, the cops are made to be the victim of a video and the liberal MSM! Why can't any of these people say "we fk'd up?" Anyone who can ignore these sort of stories can't be part of my circle! I make people responsible for what's going around us! How many people have to die before we say "enough?"

I technically trust the gov't, but I know it's wretched history of Tuskeegee, the systematic genicide of Native Americans, and a host of other attrocities if looking for a lesson! Trump of course has blown up any integrity we may have had; many just allowing lawlessness at the top! FNC is sewing the seeds of "whatever" with their repeated and unwarranted attacks on Hunter Biden! This is the same network that thought the Trump kids should be allowed carte blanche because daddy's president! I'm just done with the hypocrisy because it's only gotten worse over the years with Republicans thinking they should be allowed to do anything they damn well please and Dems can do nothing right! If we get painted by that same brush, it only makes me turn it back on them and say "ALL REPUBLICANS are ....!" It isn't fair, but playing nice has only gotten us where we are now! If you think we're in good shape, my rant won't change your mind! I will terminate anyone in my circle that can defend ANYTHING Republicans do these days including trying to disenfranchise millions of Black votes! They're a destructive force that truly showed their arses during Obama's tenure! They could barely stomach mentioning the man! If they want to say they aren't bigots and racists, send me your email and I'll send you pictures and articles of the Republican Leaders showing they're as common as trash on the Appalachian Trail! I have little reason to take any Rep. seriously again!:mad:
I wish you luck! I've unfortunately seen too much injustice in my 63+ yrs to overlook indescretions, mistakes, or unawares being used as an excuse in politics that affect so many! We're tripping over information; most decide to just "wave it off!" That's them, I unfortunately internalize and hang open-mouthed as half this fk'n country is siding with a psychopath! Proud Boys burned another Black church over the weekend! Am I supposed to not make note that the Klansman-in-Chief has nothing to say about it? Those are his foot-soldiers!

What Black churches (multiple) have the Proud Boys burned?

I missed that story. I knew that they are alleged to have ripped down a political banner from a church (I think in Washington DC?) but that isn't a "church burning" or even close.

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have many undercover operatives in groups deemed to be extremist, and have for many decades. Its virtually impossible for such an outfit to carry out such an arson, as the police are right there the whole time.
I mean they don't believe in climate science of basic virology either.

So why would anyone care about their opinion?
If any of that were actually evidence they would have presented it in court instead of on tv.
Well said.
What the stupid person you're replying to doesn't understand is that the only place that it really does matter is in a court of law.
>>> the words “insane” and “insane person” shall include every idiot, insane person, and person non compos mentis;
>>> the words “person” and “whoever” include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals;<<<
I have no respect for ANY Republican at this point and anything they have to say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt since it's been proved lying comes quite easily to them...
Thankfully, you're wrong. Every Monday the wife and I walk with another couple. We're Dems, they're true-blue GOP, they're devout Christians, we are not. The wives talk about family, us guy talk anything else (except sports). He has somewhat different values than I do but he would not knowingly lie. He has been lied to and I've taken him to task for not doing his homework better, but he has a life and can't spend every waking moment fact checking news. There are news sources and people he trusts and they have often betrayed him but he doesn't see me as the evil, leftist enemy and he is someone I'd trust with my life money.

I wish you luck! I've unfortunately seen too much injustice in my 63+ yrs to overlook indescretions, mistakes, or unawares being used as an excuse in politics that affect so many! We're tripping over information; most decide to just "wave it off!" That's them, I unfortunately internalize and hang open-mouthed as half this fk'n country is siding with a psychopath! Proud Boys burned another Black church over the weekend! Am I supposed to not make note that the Klansman-in-Chief has nothing to say about it? Those are his foot-soldiers!

I've never had a problem with cops; been treated well and respectfully at all times, but how do people ignore death after death over simple traffic offenses? We see videos of Black men being choked out with people watching! They not only don't GAF, the cops are made to be the victim of a video and the liberal MSM! Why can't any of these people say "we fk'd up?" Anyone who can ignore these sort of stories can't be part of my circle! I make people responsible for what's going around us! How many people have to die before we say "enough?"

I technically trust the gov't, but I know it's wretched history of Tuskeegee, the systematic genicide of Native Americans, and a host of other attrocities if looking for a lesson! Trump of course has blown up any integrity we may have had; many just allowing lawlessness at the top! FNC is sewing the seeds of "whatever" with their repeated and unwarranted attacks on Hunter Biden! This is the same network that thought the Trump kids should be allowed carte blanche because daddy's president! I'm just done with the hypocrisy because it's only gotten worse over the years with Republicans thinking they should be allowed to do anything they damn well please and Dems can do nothing right! If we get painted by that same brush, it only makes me turn it back on them and say "ALL REPUBLICANS are ....!" It isn't fair, but playing nice has only gotten us where we are now! If you think we're in good shape, my rant won't change your mind! I will terminate anyone in my circle that can defend ANYTHING Republicans do these days including trying to disenfranchise millions of Black votes! They're a destructive force that truly showed their arses during Obama's tenure! They could barely stomach mentioning the man! If they want to say they aren't bigots and racists, send me your email and I'll send you pictures and articles of the Republican Leaders showing they're as common as trash on the Appalachian Trail! I have little reason to take any Rep. seriously again!:mad:
While I agree with most of what you wrote it saddens me that you don't articulate a path forward though I'm not sure what that path should be.

Your writing brings to my mind the George W. Bush adage: Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples - while judging ourselves by our best intentions.
If Republican -appointed law judges say "there is no 'there' there", then that's the end of it.

You were outfought. You were outclassed. You underperformed. You executed poorly. You're pi$$ed... and your frantically scrambling for excuses.

Try looking in the mirror.
Nice bully logic you use to excuse the theft of the presidency.
"Hey, you shouldn't have put your face in the way of my fists. It's your own fault
your teeth got knocked out of your mouth".
More asshole-ary from the dregs of the left. You guys are the worst America has to offer.
Bullies to the end as they destroy our system of orderly transfer of political power.
I have no respect for ANY Republican at this point and anything they have to say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt since it's been proved lying comes quite easily to them...
Thankfully, you're wrong. Every Monday the wife and I walk with another couple. We're Dems, they're true-blue GOP, they're devout Christians, we are not. The wives talk about family, us guy talk anything else (except sports). He has somewhat different values than I do but he would not knowingly lie. He has been lied to and I've taken him to task for not doing his homework better, but he has a life and can't spend every waking moment fact checking news. There are news sources and people he trusts and they have often betrayed him but he doesn't see me as the evil, leftist enemy and he is someone I'd trust with my life money.

I wish you luck! I've unfortunately seen too much injustice in my 63+ yrs to overlook indescretions, mistakes, or unawares being used as an excuse in politics that affect so many! We're tripping over information; most decide to just "wave it off!" That's them, I unfortunately internalize and hang open-mouthed as half this fk'n country is siding with a psychopath! Proud Boys burned another Black church over the weekend! Am I supposed to not make note that the Klansman-in-Chief has nothing to say about it? Those are his foot-soldiers!

I've never had a problem with cops; been treated well and respectfully at all times, but how do people ignore death after death over simple traffic offenses? We see videos of Black men being choked out with people watching! They not only don't GAF, the cops are made to be the victim of a video and the liberal MSM! Why can't any of these people say "we fk'd up?" Anyone who can ignore these sort of stories can't be part of my circle! I make people responsible for what's going around us! How many people have to die before we say "enough?"

I technically trust the gov't, but I know it's wretched history of Tuskeegee, the systematic genicide of Native Americans, and a host of other attrocities if looking for a lesson! Trump of course has blown up any integrity we may have had; many just allowing lawlessness at the top! FNC is sewing the seeds of "whatever" with their repeated and unwarranted attacks on Hunter Biden! This is the same network that thought the Trump kids should be allowed carte blanche because daddy's president! I'm just done with the hypocrisy because it's only gotten worse over the years with Republicans thinking they should be allowed to do anything they damn well please and Dems can do nothing right! If we get painted by that same brush, it only makes me turn it back on them and say "ALL REPUBLICANS are ....!" It isn't fair, but playing nice has only gotten us where we are now! If you think we're in good shape, my rant won't change your mind! I will terminate anyone in my circle that can defend ANYTHING Republicans do these days including trying to disenfranchise millions of Black votes! They're a destructive force that truly showed their arses during Obama's tenure! They could barely stomach mentioning the man! If they want to say they aren't bigots and racists, send me your email and I'll send you pictures and articles of the Republican Leaders showing they're as common as trash on the Appalachian Trail! I have little reason to take any Rep. seriously again!:mad:
While I agree with most of what you wrote it saddens me that you don't articulate a path forward though I'm not sure what that path should be.

Your writing brings to my mind the George W. Bush adage: Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples - while judging ourselves by our best intentions.

It saddens me as well! It's unfortunate that I hit my limit with the "hatin'" of right-wingers years ago! "W" and his stooges went on a Jihad against Gay Marriage, actually aligning themselves with Black churches and they won in '04! It worked, but overplaying their hand, gay marriage is the law of the land! Making out all Dems are Gawdless, liberal baby killers who use stem cells to stay young along with baby's blood is just one of many talking points repeated over and over! No matter how conservative the Dem, some might even say Sen. Manchin's too progressive! They don't look at facts or history; just pull the same BS out of their arses!

There's nowhere to go if one side cares more about their party than the country! I can say that since Trump has dropped the ball on Intel security again! Russians caught hacking again recently, but Trump's been too busy on his knees rolling Putin's balls around his mouth, he hasn't had time to plug the holes or even care to! Putin's his bud and he swore he has nothing to do with such goings on! It would be nice to discuss a host of issues, but I wouldn't waste my time with Republicans who's reputation of "fiscal resposibilty" blew up years ago with our debt growing exponentially while they're in charge! They vilify Dems for malfeasence when the debt actually went down under Clinton and Obama! We actually had a surplus before "W" gave it away! Under the leadership of McConnell, the Nat'l Debt has exploded and our "credit rating" was repeatedly threated during Obama's tenure just to try and hurt him when all it did was injure us! I just have nothing good to say about anyone with an "R" behind their names after all they've put this country thru! Calling anyone a LIAR by a party of sociopathic liars is a joke! Facts are no longer facts, and accusations are enough to warrant investigation as they're after Hunter Biden! WHY? How does this benefit our country at this time! The disappointment and disgust can't be measure! I'm so fk'n DONE! :mad:
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If Republican -appointed law judges say "there is no 'there' there", then that's the end of it.

You were outfought. You were outclassed. You underperformed. You executed poorly. You're pi$$ed... and your frantically scrambling for excuses.

Try looking in the mirror.
Nice bully logic you use to excuse the theft of the presidency.
"Hey, you shouldn't have put your face in the way of my fists. It's your own fault
your teeth got knocked out of your mouth".
More asshole-ary from the dregs of the left. You guys are the worst America has to offer.
Bullies to the end as they destroy our system of orderly transfer of political power.
There has been no 'theft of the presidency'... your Orange Baboon-God lost it fair-and-square... Bigly !!! :cool:
Last edited:
If Republican -appointed law judges say "there is no 'there' there", then that's the end of it.

You were outfought. You were outclassed. You underperformed. You executed poorly. You're pi$$ed... and your frantically scrambling for excuses.

Try looking in the mirror.
Nice bully logic you use to excuse the theft of the presidency.
"Hey, you shouldn't have put your face in the way of my fists. It's your own fault
your teeth got knocked out of your mouth".
More asshole-ary from the dregs of the left. You guys are the worst America has to offer.
Bullies to the end as they destroy our system of orderly transfer of political power.
There has been no 'theft of the presidency'... your Orange Baboon-God lost it fair-and-square... Bigly !!! :cool:
I think not.
Rand Paul: There's A Great Deal Of Voter Fraud And It's Not The First Time

Doubling-down on his comments yesterday that "the fraud happened"...
It’s sort of Obama, Rahm Emanuel’s playbook. They took the crisis of COVID and then they changed election law … not by changing law at the state legislature, they had secretaries of state and or governors simply by fiat change the law to say ‘oh you can keep counting votes’ when the law didn't say that. So, this election really was stolen in a way and it was stolen because people changed the law …"
Vile Scum Thieves
“The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen...And the only way it’ll be fixed is by, in the future, reinforcing the laws.”
Rand Paul: “The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen.”
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) December 16, 2020
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul appeared on Fox News, noting that "there's a great deal of voter fraud, and it's not the first time..."

KILMEADE: “You think the election was stolen, you tweeted out?”

PAUL: “Absolutely. I think there’s a great deal of fraud and it’s not the first time. I mean, you know the famous story of LBJ, he’s got scotch in one hand, illegal votes in a shoe box in the other and he turns them at midnight and they say, ‘Uh oh, your opponent turned his in 2 hours later and won the election.’ He said, ‘Arg, never again,’ he says. So he comes back 2 years later, and he says we are not turning our illegal votes in until my opponent has turned in all of his illegal votes. It’s been going on. The only way you fix it is the courts will not hear you after the election. That’s what we are fighting now. It’s the way it’s always been. You got to go back and you got to police the election, you got to elect the secretary of state who won’t lie, cheat, steal and change the election law.

KILMEADE: “Got it.”

PAUL: “And so these are things that you have to do and you have to purge the polls, you got to prevent illegal aliens from voting, et cetera.”

KILMEADE: “They didn’t do that. Senator Rand Paul, thank you so much.”

PAUL: “Thank you.”

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