Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

It is the owner of the company that was accused of corruption in 2012, not good old Joe's remaining son.
So why was Dirty Joe Biden using US foreign aid as a lever to have this prosecutor canned?
Could it be he didn't want his son's income stream to dry up?

In a perfect nation Biden should have been tossed from office for using public money (Ukraine's aid) to
enrich himself and his worthless son. But of course in an Obama world that would never happen.

All three, the EU, the IMF and the Obama administration had a combined 20 billion in loan guarantees on the table to go to the newly free Ukraine. They all let Joe speak for them all in the effort to clean out the Russians.

The corruption they wanted investigated did not involve Hunter Biden.

Conflation is the spinmasters best tool.
This is a great article that pretty well summarizes the stupidity a person would have to have to think that Biden actually got more legitimate votes than Trump.

This doesn't even address the tremendous evidence for blatant fraud.

What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won

We must accept a perfect storm of implausible anomalies and brazen irregularities.

In the end, to accept Joe Biden as our legitimate Chief Executive, we must believe the voters hammered the Democrats in congressional, state, and local elections, yet decided to elect the “leader” of their party president. We must believe that he dramatically underperformed among minority voters, yet received 10 million more votes than Barack Obama. We must believe that virtually all of the reliable election bellwethers were wrong. We must believe that all of the elections in the swing states were conducted honestly and that the Venezuelan software used to tabulate the votes was secure. All of this beggars belief. Joe Biden may be inaugurated in January, but he certainly wasn’t elected president.
All three, the EU, the IMF and the Obama administration had a combined 20 billion in loan guarantees on the table to go to the newly free Ukraine. They all let Joe speak for them all in the effort to clean out the Russians.
This is pure bullshit. You can't come close to authenticating this claim. Not close.

Was Biden given the green light to simply shut everything down if the Ukrainian prosecutor breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer wasn't immediately fired?

The corruption they wanted investigated did not involve Hunter Biden.

Conflation is the spinmasters best tool.
And yet what Hunter Biden and his daddy were involved in was pure corruption. Burinsma giving a crack addicted whore monger a well paying position, not work but a position, in Ukraine's largest energy company
purely for the political access it gave to Burisma.
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It is the owner of the company that was accused of corruption in 2012, not good old Joe's remaining son.
So why was Dirty Joe Biden using US foreign aid as a lever to have this prosecutor canned?
Could it be he didn't want his son's income stream to dry up?

In a perfect nation Biden should have been tossed from office for using public money (Ukraine's aid) to
enrich himself and his worthless son. But of course in an Obama world that would never happen.

All three, the EU, the IMF and the Obama administration had a combined 20 billion in loan guarantees on the table to go to the newly free Ukraine. They all let Joe speak for them all in the effort to clean out the Russians.

The corruption they wanted investigated did not involve Hunter Biden.

Conflation is the spinmasters best tool.

There is no conflation. It isn't coincidental that Hunter was hired by Burisma. Don't be a fool.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

View attachment 430193

The delusion is real! :mad:

Do you still believe the Steele Dossier?
This is pure bullshit. You can't come close to authenticating this claim. Not close.

Hailing the U.S. partnership with Italy and all of Europe as a “cornerstone of our security," President Barack Obama hailed the transatlantic unity on the issue of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and welcomed an assistance package for Ukraine, just approved International Monetary Fund.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during a visit to Rome, Obama called the IMF decision to extend Ukraine up to $18 billion in loans a “big step forward.” The U.S. Congress on Thursday approved another $1 billion
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.


Are we becoming like Mexico used to be?

Until recently, the political party PRI always won every rigged presidential election in Mexico. Because it was able to give something to every segment of society, the people passively accepted the fraud.

But when it could no longer deliver economic benefits, the Mexican people finally demanded honest elections. From what I have read, Mexican presidential elections are now remarkably clean (maybe cleaner than ours?).

Before the clean-up, there was a joke among Mexicans, who would facetiously say: "Today there's an election for president. I am soooooo excited! I wonder who is going to win?!"

Is it possible that very soon Americans will be making this joke?
The DHS said that these elections were as safe and secure as an election can be. If you have evidence that it wasn`t why are you keeping it from Trump? Mexico, your ass.
Trump won---------we saw it.............and I don't think this is over.........
Hailing the U.S. partnership with Italy and all of Europe as a “cornerstone of our security," President Barack Obama hailed the transatlantic unity on the issue of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and welcomed an assistance package for Ukraine, just approved International Monetary Fund.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during a visit to Rome, Obama called the IMF decision to extend Ukraine up to $18 billion in loans a “big step forward.” The U.S. Congress on Thursday approved another $1 billion
So Joe Biden threatened to halt $18 billion dollars of IMF money to Ukraine, all on his own volition,
all because Ukraine would not fire a prosecutor Biden did not approve of due to attempts to
deal with Burisma?

Do you see how absurd you sound?
Hailing the U.S. partnership with Italy and all of Europe as a “cornerstone of our security," President Barack Obama hailed the transatlantic unity on the issue of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and welcomed an assistance package for Ukraine, just approved International Monetary Fund.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during a visit to Rome, Obama called the IMF decision to extend Ukraine up to $18 billion in loans a “big step forward.” The U.S. Congress on Thursday approved another $1 billion
So Joe Biden threatened to halt $18 billion dollars of IMF money to Ukraine, all on his own volition,
all because Ukraine would not fire a prosecutor Biden did not approve of due to attempts to
deal with Burisma?

Do you see how absurd you sound?

In reality both the EU and the IMF told the Ukrainians they would follow the US's lead on the conditions for the loans guarantees. They all wanted the prosecutor out.
In reality both the EU and the IMF told the Ukrainians they would follow the US's lead on the conditions for the loans guarantees. They all wanted the prosecutor out.
So the EU, IMF and the US all were for pulling back ALL of the loans based on the tantrum Corrupt Joe Biden
threw because this one prosecutor threatened Burisma, and the flow of money to the Bidens from Burisma?

Somehow I doubt you can substantiate any of that and it's clear you are talking out of your ass, no offense.
In reality both the EU and the IMF told the Ukrainians they would follow the US's lead on the conditions for the loans guarantees. They all wanted the prosecutor out.
So the EU, IMF and the US all were for pulling back ALL of the loans based on the tantrum Corrupt Joe Biden
threw because this one prosecutor threatened Burisma, and the flow of money to the Bidens from Burisma?

Somehow I doubt you can substantiate any of that and it's clear you are talking out of your ass, no offense.

My sympathies for your cognitive dissonance condition.
My sympathies for your cognitive dissonance condition.
You could have just admitted your bullshit laced story falls apart when examined even in the most casual way.
But even that small level of honesty and decency seems far above your ability to attain.

I feel sorry for you, even as repugnant as you are.
My sympathies for your cognitive dissonance condition.
You could have just admitted your bullshit laced story falls apart when examined even in the most casual way.
But even that small level of honesty and decency seems far above your ability to attain.

I feel sorry for you, even as repugnant as you are.

It appears I was mistaken. It's not Cognitive Dissonance but a willingness to spread farfetched lies to achieve your goals. No matter how devious the lies, no matter how perverted the lies, all that matters is the goal for you isn't it?
It appears I was mistaken. It's not Cognitive Dissonance but a willingness to spread farfetched lies to achieve your goals. No matter how devious the lies, no matter how perverted the lies, all that matters is the goal for you isn't it?
If you hate the lies you pretend I spread then call for an independent inquiry into the 2020 election that will surely smash those lies forevermore.

We all know your answer to that already though, don't we? You are dismissed, fool.
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Well hey, here's a crazy idea.

We have two years before the next elections. Maybe the two parties can communicate, collaborate, and agree on voting systems, procedures and contingencies across the country so that they both have skin in the game and are confident that the elections will be safe and fair. That way, we can keep the conspiracy theories and bitching to a minimum.

Minor problem: That would require both parties to work together like reasonable, intelligent, mature adults.

America doesn't do that any more, does it?
Are you assuming that both parties but especially the dems are motivated by anything other than their own corruption and greed at this point.

Its not a matter of being mature adults much less reasonable and intelligent...its about the payoffs now.

The system can not survive the corruption and like Rome we have allowed corruption to destroy us.
I have no respect for ANY Republican at this point and anything they have to say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt since it's been proved lying comes quite easily to them...
Thankfully, you're wrong. Every Monday the wife and I walk with another couple. We're Dems, they're true-blue GOP, they're devout Christians, we are not. The wives talk about family, us guy talk anything else (except sports). He has somewhat different values than I do but he would not knowingly lie. He has been lied to and I've taken him to task for not doing his homework better, but he has a life and can't spend every waking moment fact checking news. There are news sources and people he trusts and they have often betrayed him but he doesn't see me as the evil, leftist enemy and he is someone I'd trust with my life money.
It appears I was mistaken. It's not Cognitive Dissonance but a willingness to spread farfetched lies to achieve your goals. No matter how devious the lies, no matter how perverted the lies, all that matters is the goal for you isn't it?
If you hate the lies you pretend I spread then call for an independent inquiry into the 2020 election that will surely smash those lies forevermore.

We all know your answer to that already though, don't we? You are dismissed, fool.

I wouldn't say I hate the lies, some of them are funny as hell. Some are so preposterous that it was funny to think someone might actually believe them.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

View attachment 430193

You shouldn't be so quick or so proud to show off your ignorance. What Mueller said was there was evidence of obstruction of justice but the rules of the investigation precluded him from saying it outright. Just because the GOP ignored it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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