Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.

According to the USA the Ukrainian prosecutors was not protecting the original founder of Burisma for pre-revolution allegations of crimes and corruption which preceded the split with Russia and Hunter Biden's employment.
According to the "USA"? Care to be more specific?
And which "prosecutors" (plural) are you referring to?

Corrupt Joe Biden only threatened one specific
prosecutor, and that prosecutor was going after a Burisma official.
And that threatened Hunter Biden's employer.

Was your post made while on crack?

Good old Joe was tasked withgoing after corruption in the Ukraine. He was talking about one instance in that clip the spinmasters told you to whine about.

Mykola Zlochevsky, is the Russian aliened owner and founder of Bursima, well until 2014, who Shokin was, allegedly, not investigating. An interesting fact often overlooked is they were investigation him for crimes committed before 2014 and not related to Bidens son at all.

It's not the same as strong arming a country into attacking a domestic political adversary
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
I expect no less of you.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

That's what Republicans have always been into; pulling accusations out of their arses and just running with it! It's too disgusting for words that they've been getting away with it for years! They b!tch about packing of the courts when McConnell set records pushing thru some of the most shady cast of characters onto the Fed benches! One was so incompetent, McConnell couldnt pass him thru for Trump; some blogger who'd never tried a case, but up for Federal judgeship! Don't even get me started on stealing of 2 SC seats! I'm gonna start playing their game! If Republicans want to paint all Dems with the same brush of being "baby-killers" who eat fetal tissue to stay young, and ingest baby's blood! Yep, we're all Gawdless SOB's that can't be saved! The same can be turned around by calling all Republicans bigoted, racist, mysogynist, sociopathic liars & hypocrites who talk a good game about truth, facts, and the rule of law, but have deminished themselves trying to save this vile creature who's running their party! Even the "Religious Right" can't take a bow for how they've overlooked the disgusting behavior of Trump! They went after Clinton for lying about a "hummer," but Trump can raw-dog two porn stars, pay them off with campaign funds, and it's not a problem for those people! Pathetic, but what else can be expected from Troglodytes trying to disenfranchise millions of Black voters? The disgust I have for them all can't be measured! McConnell has set us back 50 yrs! :confused:
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Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.

Yes, but if one gets all one's news from sources which carefully cherrypick what people are allowed to know, then one sees none of that information and happily swallows the lie that the election was perfectly pure.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.

you dont know what you saw...
because you were god smacked and lost your senses and logic as a result...
you will be fine once joe takes the office and things get back to normal...

You don't know what we saw, either . . . because you weren't allowed to see any of it by your overlords who decided you didn't need to see it.
You were played by Trump and his tards .. you confused and in disbelief go ask trump why he lied to y’all . Hell of a leader ...right off the edge he lead you !!! I’d pissed at the republicans dog and pony show !

Yeah, you're a great argument in favor of the "brilliance" of your position . . . in third grade, maybe.
No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.

According to the USA the Ukrainian prosecutors was not protecting the original founder of Burisma for pre-revolution allegations of crimes and corruption which preceded the split with Russia and Hunter Biden's employment.
According to the "USA"? Care to be more specific?
And which "prosecutors" (plural) are you referring to?

Corrupt Joe Biden only threatened one specific
prosecutor, and that prosecutor was going after a Burisma official.
And that threatened Hunter Biden's employer.

Was your post made while on crack?

Good old Joe was tasked withgoing after corruption in the Ukraine. He was talking about one instance in that clip the spinmasters told you to whine about.

Mykola Zlochevsky, is the Russian aliened owner and founder of Bursima, well until 2014, who Shokin was, allegedly, not investigating. An interesting fact often overlooked is they were investigation him for crimes committed before 2014 and not related to Bidens son at all.

It's not the same as strong arming a country into attacking a domestic political adversary
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
I expect no less of you.

It is the owner of the company that was accused of corruption in 2012, not good old Joe's remaining son.
Trump's cult is deep, consider that over seventy million, so called freedom loving Americans, voted for an autocrat. That is the simple reason republicans follow along, their allegiance is to their cushy job and not America.

'Why so many people want to believe the election was stolen'

Only a leftist would be stupid enough to look to another leftist for information on what the right thinks and believes.

Can we get an article on "Why are so many leftists such narcissistic morons"?
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.
It is the owner of the company that was accused of corruption in 2012, not good old Joe's remaining son.
So why was Dirty Joe Biden using US foreign aid as a lever to have this prosecutor canned?
Could it be he didn't want his son's income stream to dry up?

In a perfect nation Biden should have been tossed from office for using public money (Ukraine's aid) to
enrich himself and his worthless son. But of course in an Obama world that would never happen.
OUR CORRUPT INSTITUTIONS: Mollie Hemingway: When People Claim The Election Was Rigged, They Include Big Tech And Big Fake News Media.

When major revelations about Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, began to surface implicating the former vice president in corrupt and potentially criminal overseas business activity, the stories were suppressed online by Silicon Valley tech giants and delegitimized by legacy Fake News media.

“When the New York Post broke the story about these emails,” Hemingway said, referencing the paper’s reporting from an abandoned Delaware laptop expanding the web of Biden’s scandals, “even though they were verified and people who were recipients of these emails verified they were real, the media suppressed that story.”​

In October, the New York Post published a series of exposes revealing that Joe Biden stood to rake in millions from Chinese communist leaders, lied repeatedly when denying conversations about his son’s business, and leveraged his high-powered position to benefit the family. A Biden family business partner-turned whistleblower even came forward to corroborate details of the New York Post’s reporting.

The Post’s journalism that made Democrats look bad got the nation’s oldest paper locked out of its Twitter account for two weeks after the platform blocked users from sharing its blockbuster reporting.

This was done to rig the election.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Dude, don't go over the deep end because rightwing a-holes are such sore losers they have to poison the water as they leave! Sen. Johnson truly embarrassed himself yesterday in hearings about Russian collusion, calling another Senator a liar, when a sociopathetic liar has been running them for years! Sick AF! I have no respect for ANY Republican at this point and anything they have to say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt since it's been proved lying comes quite easily to them; even if they have to pull info out of their arses! Unfortunately the country isn't very bright and are easily suckered! Don't be rattled by these jerks "on the right!" We have to stay the course and back Biden to the hilt so he can get things back on track with more rational thought being taken into consideration! I'm pretty sure he won't try using "herd immunity" to get us thru something as horrific as this CV-19 situation! Who backs someone who tried utilizing that on us where we've already amassed over 300 K deaths? :rolleyes:
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
If Republican -appointed law judges say "there is no 'there' there", then that's the end of it.

You were outfought. You were outclassed. You underperformed. You executed poorly. You're pi$$ed... and your frantically scrambling for excuses.

Try looking in the mirror.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

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The delusion is real! :mad:

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